Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn about how to connect to the Source Solution Miracles that manifest Miracle-Based Comfort, a comfort that eases the deepest levels of pain and establishes a profound sense of well-being.
Miracle-Based Comfort is the Integrated Comfort that is the foundation for Perfect Health. Unlike the practice of clinging to Comfort Fragments, which might be a bag of potato chips or a TV show or a shopping spree, Integrated Comfort gives your Suit – body//mind – what it needs to feel secure enough to experience true happiness. From the experience of true happiness comes the miracle of Perfect Health.
In this Next Step Communications from the Source video, you will have the opportunity to go on a Guided Adventure into The World of Miracle-Based Comfort. Through Source Drawings you will be able to see the Spiritual Level of Reality as the Source sees it and experience the miracles that make Miracle-Based Comfort possible for you and for all others.
In this Next Step Broadcast, you will have the opportunity to see The Integrated Comfort Code in action as Heaven Agents on the Earth and from outside the Earth Plane embark on a Guided Adventure that demonstrates both how The Integrated Comfort Code works for personal and social transformation and the power of the Miracle-Based Adventure Process.
The Adventure began when I activated the Code for the Adventure which connected with The Integrated Comfort Code that was already at work in the lives of the Heaven Agents in this Broadcast. This Code then generated the flow of the Adventure which included their discoveries along their individual Adventure Paths and the information that I provided that enables you to understand the power and scope of Miracle-Based Adventure Technology.
This Broadcast provides you with important training in how to understand how The Comfort Campaign is being implemented on the Earth and in the Creation as a whole and how Miracle-Based Adventures will enable you to enjoy the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life.
The Comfort Campaign enlisted the support of Heaven Agents from The Universal Miracle-Based Community to supply the Material Energy for a Global Miracle-Based Adventure that will establish a Love-Based Community on the Earth. Since a Love-Based Community is the foundation for the experience of Integrated Comfort for individuals and for the Community, it is an important Next Step in The Comfort Campaign.
In this Guided Adventure you can learn from watching the Heaven Agents build a Prototype for moving to a transcendent level beyond conflict and competition. This Prototype made it possible for others in the Global Community to reach this transcendent level as well.
As you attune to the power of this Adventure you will gain important training in how to work with a Miracle-Based Adventure and how to join in this gifted Global Miracle-Based Adventure to establish a Love-Based Community on the Earth.
When the Source created the Manifest World, it was to provide the Spiritual Intelligences that required manifest forms in order to experience happiness, an opportunity to experience True Happiness. The Source itself exists in a state of Total Happiness without having a form but all other beings require a manifest form in order to experience happiness.
Because the forms would need to progress through a series of stages from experiencing Comfort to experiencing Pure Pleasure to experiencing True Happiness, the Source created the Spiritual Genetic Code that would make this natural evolution possible for all beings. In this way, life in a manifest form could be an experience of Heaven – the Source Term for True Happiness.
The Path to True Happiness was a Path that was to begin with establishing the conditions for Integrated Comfort which solaced the spiritual energy body and the physical body. At the highest level of Integrated Comfort the being would experience Absolute Comfort which is an experience of transcending the fear of discomfort and distress and the pursuit of comfort for its own sake.
When Absolute Comfort is experienced it is because the being has entered into The Love Connection with the Source and is suffused with Love Connection Energies that create the experience of Absolute Comfort. A being in a state of Absolute Comfort is not seeking the comforts of the world in order to find comfort because they are already experiencing the highest level of Integrated Comfort. From this vantage point, the experiences of comfort at the spiritual and physical levels become a form of delight rather than a necessity to which they cling out of fear of experiencing discomfort.
Once Absolute Comfort has been achieved, the being is able to enjoy the experience of being in a form because the being has transcended fear, greed, and attachment and is able to allow the Source to send through the form the energies of Life that result in the ability to experience Pure Pleasure. Pure Pleasure is a Source Term for all experiences of pleasure. Pure Pleasure can be experienced in a soul-to-soul communication between one being and another, in the kindness of one being for another, in a moment of perceiving Source-Created beauty expressed through a being or a sunset, in physical moments of tenderness and love, and the like.
Since life was intended to be a Miracle-Based Adventure that was to enable the form/Suit to move from one delightful experience of Pure Pleasure to another, the Suits were Source-Created to experience a wide range of Pure Pleasure at both the spiritual and physical levels. Each being was to learn how to awaken to and work with all of their own unique abilities to both experience Pure Pleasure and to build in the world the aspects of Heaven that provide the Community with the kinds of Pure Pleasure Experiences that they were uniquely created to manifest for the sake of the Community. In this way, they could contribute to the Pure Pleasure of living in a Love-Based Community that celebrates the unique gifts given by each member of the Community.
Once the Suit has mastered the art and science of awakening and celebrating all of its Miracle-Based Abilities to experience Pure Pleasure and to create the conditions in which it can manifest in its personal life and in the Community, it is able to open to The True Happiness Current. Once this Spiritual Current is running through it, it will rise vibrationally into a Spiritual Space which is its perfect Spiritual Ecosphere where it can live in an environment that is most conducive to its experience of True Happiness.
This is an environment that is coursing with the energies that enhance the experience of the celebration of life and of The Love Connection with the Giver of Life – the Source.
This perfect Source-Created Design for a Life that is Heaven was aborted when beings began, at the beginning of the Creation, to pursue their own idea of happiness, seeking to exploit their Suits, the environment, and others in their life for whatever comfort and pleasure they could get from them. This has led to The World of Suffering we live in today and to the loss of the experience of Life as Heaven.
The collective suffering of beings who have been devolving for billions of lifetimes into darker and more dire states of distress and more desperate attempts to experience comfort, pleasure, and happiness has so de-stabilized life in the Creation that it has resulted in the collapse of major components of the Spiritual System of Life. In the next 40 years, this way of life will result in Spiritual Bankruptcy that will end life for those who are continuing to live in this way that squanders scarce Spiritual Resources and causes crippling levels of spiritual and physical degeneration.
The ultimate Way Out is to exit from the Spiritual Space in which all of the suffering is occurring into The Miracle Reality where Life as Heaven can be manifested. In this Spiritual Space it is possible to experience Integrated Comfort, Pure Pleasure, and True Happiness.
I speak of this Way Out of Suffering and the Way In to the Heaven of True Happiness in the article on The Universal Miracle-Based Life Project which you can read at:
The Source has also initiated The Comfort Campaign to enable all beings, even those who are not yet ready to embrace the opportunity to enter into The Miracle Reality, with a way to begin transitioning out of distress into Integrated Comfort.
I outline the essential elements of The Comfort Campaign in the article that follows.
The Source has initiated The Comfort Campaign to provide all beings throughout the Creation with Source Support to transition out of distress into Absolute Comfort.
This transition occurs when individuals learn how to create the conditions in their Suits and in their personal lives that are conducive to the experience of Integrated Comfort. It also occurs when Communities work together to create the social conditions that support the experience of Integrated Comfort for individuals and for the Community as a whole.
All of the work that you do to help yourself and others to transition, is work in support of The Work of the Source on The Comfort Campaign.
The Comfort Campaign provides you with three ways to awaken to the miracle of Integrated Comfort.
If you need an experience of Integrated Comfort in order to understand the concept and commit to transitioning into Integrated Comfort, Individual Guided Integrated Comfort Adventures are a good place to begin. They give you an experience of Integrated Comfort and enable your Suit to open the door to the possibiity of achieving Absolute Comfort.
If you are ready to take a Bigger First Step and commit to achieving Integrated Comfort in your life, entering into The Path to Integrated Comfort is a natural First Step. The Path takes you through a series of Miracle-Based Adventures that increase your level of Integrated Comfort until entry into The Miracle Reality is required to achieve the higher levels and attain the highest level, which is Absolute Comfort.
If you are prepared to take the Best First Step, it makes sense to start on The Path to Integrated Comfort in The Miracle Reality. which is the only Spiritual Space in which it is possible to achieve the higher levels of Integrated Comfort and attain the ultimate level – Absolute Comfort. When you begin your Path in the best Spiritual Environment where the support and protection is the greatest, you will achieve Absolute Comfort much more rapidly and will experience a far richer set of Miracle-Based Adventures along the way. The quality of the Miracle-Based Adventures that can be experienced in The Miracle Reality is far greater than what can be experienced in The World of Suffering which is what lies outside of the Spiritual Space of The Miracle Reality.
Miracle-Based Comfort is Integrated Comfort. It is Comfort that can only be achieved when both the Spiritual and the Physical Levels of the Suit – body/mind – are experiencing a deep and abiding sense of rest, regeneration, and well-being.
It takes Source Solution Miracles to create a lasting experience of Integrated Comfort. This experience occurs when the Source sends Comfort Energies to suffuse the Energy Field surrounding the Suit and then resets The Comfort Dial of the Suit for Rest and Regeneration. Until Comfort Energies reach this point of critical mass, The Comfort Dial of the Suit is set for Distress and Degeneration. From this negative dial setting comes the devolution of life from the fresh start of a new birth to the total debilitation of disease and death that terminates the life.
In the 14 Prototype Communities that I established in different parts of the Creation, Miracle-Based Comfort has been achieved by:
From their experience of Integrated Comfort has come their ability to achieve Perfect Health. Integrated Comfort is, in fact, the foundation of Perfect Health. Without rest and regeneration on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels, it is not possible to achieve Ultimate Spiritual Healing which culminates in the miracle of Perfect Health.
The miracle of Perfect Health has enabled them to be free of all diseases, accidents, and aging. They live in optimally functioning Suits until it is their time to transition into another lifetime. When they are ready to transition into their next life, they walk out of their Suits in a state of peace, clarity, and openness to the next phase of their continuing Adventure.
The experience of the Prototype Communities is far from what is being experienced by most beings throughout the Creation. Most beings do not enjoy even a Baseline of Integrated Comfort. They live in a constant state of distress at many levels most of which they try to suppress by pursuing Comfort Fragments that give them an experience of comfort that only masks their deeper sense of inner distress. Comfort Fragments exist in a sea of Distress Fragments that have never been dealt with and released. While they ameliorate the overall experience of distress, they do not establish an integrated experience of Comfort on both Spiritual and Physical Levels.
As beings experience accidents, disease, abuse, wars, betrayals, loss, fear, and traumatic deaths at the end of their lives, this sense of inner distress deepens. With every lifetime there is another layer of distress from these negative experiences that is added onto their Suits. This layer acts as a magnet attracting to them experiences of a like kind. This is the phenomenon of “Negative Karma”. Negative Karma is distress energy that is imprinted with the pattern of whatever caused the distress. These Karmic Imprints attract similar kinds of life circumstances that repeat the negative experience that led to the original Karmic Imprint.
For instance, people who have been severely injured often attract a similar kind of injury to themselves in subsequent lifetimes. I recently tracked the case of a woman who had suffered severe disfiguring burns to most of her body in two previous lifetimes and who was burned in a similar way in her current lifetime. The Karmic Imprint pre-disposed her to act in a way that precipitated the accidents that resulted in a repeat of the trauma.
When the Suit is carrying all of this distress from life to life and attracting the circumstances that re-enact the distress, it often becomes so afraid of pain that it tries to plunge headlong into the pursuit of pleasure while pleasure is to be had. The Culturally Conditioned aspect of the Suit is socialized to pursue pleasure highs through drugs, alcohol, smoking, overeating, and the like that sacrifice the safety and health of the Suit.
The Natural Suit, that knows that these behaviors are damaging to it, experiences a heightened level of distress when its basic survival needs are being compromised by the pursuit of these pleasure highs by the Culturally Conditioned Suit. This distress often drives the Culturally Conditioned Suit to try to drown out the Natural Suit's experience of distress by stepping up the rate of consumption of whatever substance is creating the pleasure high. Through self-medicating in this way, the Culturally Conditioned Suit creates a sense of comfort that enables it to feel in control because it can provide itself with something that it has defined as bringing it comfort.
This is also true of dangerous sports that generate a high level of excitement that can be used to drown out the experience of inner distress. For instance, a race car driver might set his sights on winning the next race without a thought to the deeper levels of stress and fear that his Natural Suit is experiencing in such life threatening events. In fact, it might be to suppress the deeper levels of distress in his Natural Suit that he races cars because in the height of the excitement he can more completely drown out the distress that his Natural Suit is feeling.
This is often believed to be the triumph of determination over fear when, in the eyes of the Source, it is an inability to respond with clarity, intelligence, and compassion to the needs of the Natural Suit for a life that is distress-free and provides a steady level of Integrated Comfort.
In a stable state of Integrated Comfort, pleasure highs of a natural sort can be experienced that far exceed any of the adrenline-charged highs of danger or the drugged-highs of substance abuse. So few people listen to their Natural Suit and to the guidance of the Source to achieve these Natural Pleasure Highs, that they have come to believe that they do not exist and that the man-made version of pleasure is all that life has to afford them.
Dangerous or damaging Pleasure High Comfort Fragments only create a more strident experience of distress in the Natural Suit that is aware that its health and safety are being compromised by the destructive behaviors and that its real distress is not being alleviated. The Natural Suit, that knows instinctively what leads to safety and Integrated Comfort, feels alone, unloved, and abandoned by the Culturally Conditioned Suit that is driving forward to seek Comfort Fragments instead of Integrated Comfort.
This is true even in the case of people who try to achieve comfort by choosing things that are more regenerative to their Suits such as a well organized vacation, a more relaxed lifestyle, and the purchase of well chosen material possessions that bring them a better quality of life. Although these forms of comfort do enable the body to rest and regenerate on a surface level, they don’t enable the Suit to escape from the fundamental spiritual sources of distress that are driving the process of ultimate degeneration.
In both the case of culturally acknowledged self-destructive behaviors and in well intentioned nurturing behaviors that fall short of the mark of establishing Integrated Comfort, the Natural Suit feels helpless in the face of the denial of the real dilemma that it is in and the acceptance of surface level comfort as the only level of comfort that is possible. It knows that if Integrated Comfort is not restored, then it is dying slowly and painfully each day that it fails to rest and regenerate.
The Natural Suit is like a wild animal that knows that it is dying and that the behaviors that are deemed good and comforting by the culture are destroying it at a basic level. This engenders a deep level of fear – a feeling of being entrapped in an unjust and senseless world from which there is no escape. This fear creates the most strident levels of distress which often can't be drown out by Comfort Fragments. This distress erupts in psychosomatic illnesses, diseases, and psychological disorders such as depression. Often the only comfort to someone who is chronically depressed is suicide which is believed to end the experience of the conflict between the inner logic of the Natural Suit that craves life and the culturally enforced logic of the Culturally Conditioned Suit that creates the conditions in which Integrated Comfort can not be experienced. The tragedy is that even death does not end this conflict. The conflict just continues on into future incarnations unless it is resolved.
When the Natural Suit experiences frustration and fear over its inability to achieve Integrated Comfort, this gives rise to a primal level of Rage that erupts up through to the Culturally Conditioned Suit that is experiencing frustration and fear over its inability to achieve all of the Comfort Fragments that it desires both because it wishes to experience pleasure but also because it is trying to cover over its experience of the distress and Rage of the Natural Suit that is in conflict with it over how it is handling the pursuit of comfort in general.
The volcanic Distress and Rage of the Suit at both levels has resulted in a world in which people lash out at one another whenever their Comfort Zones are threatened or attack in order to seize control of the comforts that others have which they would like for themselves. War, crime, child abuse, domestic violence, rape, racial discrimination, exploitation, and the like would not occur in a world in which everyone was experiencing Integrated Comfort and was working together cooperatively to create the social conditions in which Integrated Comfort could be experienced by all.
There is no way for people to achieve Peace on Earth
until all beings are experiencing Integrated Comfort.
Miracle-Based Comfort is Integrated Comfort – which is Comfort that assuages all distress on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. Those on The Path to Integrated Comfort are at peace within themselves as they re-educate the Culturally Conditioned Suit to be in harmony with the Natural Suit that knows the absolute importance of Integrated Comfort to survival and to the ability to experience Perfect Health and True Happiness.
Integrated Comfort is in sharp contrast to the pursuit of Comfort Fragments that only temporarily mask the ever increasing horde of Distress Fragments that build year to year as the Suit degenerates and the Natural Suit experiences fear and anger over being made to self-destruct by the Culturally Conditioned aspect of the Suit. Suits that are degenerating can justify doing harm to themselves and others in an attempt to escape from the horror of this degeneration. This justification gives rise to the Fragmented Consciousness that allows a person to seek a Comfort Fragment that can ultimately destroy their own life and is intended to destroy the lives of others. War is just one example of this.
Those working harmoniously with others to create the social conditions for Integrated Comfort know that it is not possible to will the distress of another and not experience distress yourself. The Anger Energies generated are very destructive to any inner experience of comfort. They also understand that the Distress Energies generated by others wash up on their shores and detract from their ability to experience Integrated Comfort. They realize that if they do not reach out to ameliorate the distress of others then they will not be able to experience Integrated Comfort in the context of this continuing distress. They, therefore, see an Integrated Picture of what it takes to create Integrated Comfort on every level and develop strategies for eliminating what creates distress within their own life and in their communities.
This is a much more advanced level of concern for the welfare of others than just providing the basics such as food and clothing to the poor. It requires thinking through what each life needs to achieve Integrated Comfort and working as a Community to create the conditions in which each life can achieve Comfort at this level. Only then does the Suit stop producing strident Distress Energies and begins to become a conduit for Source Love Energies that can only flow freely through the Suit when it is not clogged up with Distress Energies.
It takes miracles to manifest Integrated Comfort in a world which is geared toward the pursuit of Comfort Fragments. This is why Miracle-Based Comfort is needed to manifest the miracles that enable Integrated Comfort to become a reality on every level of experiencing.
At its highest level, Miracle-Based Comfort manifests Integrated Comfort taken to the level of Absolute Comfort. Absolute Comfort occurs when you are not experiencing the fear of distress and trying to maximize Integrated Comfort but have stepped into the miracle of The Love Connection with the Source and live in the Absolute Comfort of this Love Connection. Once this occurs, you transcend fear and the distress that it engenders and experience only the timeless, eternal Absolute Comfort of The Love Connection.
Once this is achieved then you live in The Heaven Experience which is an experience of ultimate happiness that is untouched by the transitions of birth and death and all of the vicissitudes of life in a world that is still rocked by the competition for short-lived Comfort Fragments.
Behind the miracle of Miracle-Based Comfort is the miracle of Source Solution Code.
Source Solution Code is Spiritual Genetic Code. It is the spiritual equivalent of biological genetic code. Just as a baby can’t be formed in the womb without the precision work of biological genetic code, so the miracle of Integrated Comfort can’t be manifested without the precision work of Spiritual Genetic Code.
Everything that manifests needs Spiritual Code to manifest. The miracle of Biological Code is built on the foundation of the Spiritual Code from which it itself is manifested. Without Spiritual Code there would not be a biological level of existence.
What this means is that your Suit needs Spiritual Code and Biological Code to manifest on both Spiritual and Physical Levels. If you lack the correct Spiritual Code, then your Suit will lack the Code it needs to function adequately.
When Suits Disconnected from the Source in the beginning of the Creation, they broke their connection to the influx of the Source-Created Spiritual Code that would have enabled them to have Integrated Comfort. In the place of this Code, they began to invent Pseudo Code. From this Pseudo Code has emerged The World of Suffering that we live in today where beings are frantically seeking Comfort Fragments rather than working efficiently with the Source to experience Integrated Comfort which, of necessity, requires Source-Created Code.
Suits are like computers that can only function according to the programming code that is onboard. Asking your Suit to give up its career of seeking Comfort Fragments that it has been pursuing for billions of lifetimes on the strength of a New Year’s Resolution, is like asking your computer to perform word processing without word processing code. If you want your Suit to be able to perform a new function, you need to provide it with Source-Created Code and then it can perform the function.
Source Solution Codes exist on several levels of a Source-Directed Campaign.
At the top level of a Campaign is The Campaign Code. This is a massive Code that is too large to be given to the Suit of a Manifest Being. I work with this Code and help individuals to learn to read this Code.
The level of Code that can be given to individual Suits is The Master Adventure Code for a particular Campaign. The Master Adventure Code enables the Suit to work effectively in the Source-Directed Campaign in support of the Campaign. Without this Code the Suit can’t participate in the full range of Miracle-Based Adventures that unfold to support the Campaign.
The Master Campaign Code generates the Spiritual Space for Miracle-Based Adventures that are Source-Created. Each of these Miracle-Based Adventures has Adventure Code. The Adventure Code creates the Spiritual Space for all of the episodes of the Adventure that play out on the Inner and Outer Planes.
Miracle-Based Adventures progress through engaging participants with Adventure Props which are Inner and/or Outer Plane objects, music, events, places, food, etc., that have been given Code to function as props in the Adventure. As participants interact with these Adventure Props, they are able to progress on the Path of the Adventure. Each prop used in a Miracle-Based Adventure runs off of the Code that enables it to have miraculous properties.
Now let’s take a look at these levels of Code in action in The Comfort Campaign.
The Comfort Code is the Spiritual Genetic Code that manifests, step by step, The Path to Integrated Comfort for individuals and for communities.
Those working with the Source can learn how to read The Comfort Code to find out what is their Next Step in achieving Integrated Comfort in their life and in their world.
I offer training in how to read The Comfort Code in Source Solution Code Webinars that provide you with individualized feedback as you practice learning how to read Source Solution Codes.
To find out when the next Source Solution Code Webinar is scheduled, you can go to:
The Comfort Code is too large of a Code for a Manifest Being to carry in their Suit. While it is possible to learn how to read The Comfort Code, what your Suit needs is The Master Adventure Code that is the level of Code that your Suit can receive. The Master Adventure Code for The Comfort Campaign is The Integrated Comfort Code which will enable your Suit to be able to embark on:
Integrated Comfort Code enables your Suit to turn to the Source for Miracle-Based Comfort rather than pursuing the Comfort Fragments that it has been pursuing in all of its previous lifetimes. Turning around the freight train of desire impelling the search for Comfort Fragments is not something that can be done without Integrated Comfort Code.
Since Suits are like computers that can only run off of the programming code that they have, unless they are given the correct code to operate in a Source-Guided Way, they will always default to the Pseudo Code they already have onboard. In the case of the search for comfort, this is the Pseudo Code to seek Comfort Fragments rather than Integrated Comfort. The attempt to wean oneself away from this pursuit will be futile unless the Suit has correct code.
With Integrated Comfort Code, your Suit will be able to follow the Path to Integrated Comfort because it will be able to recognize what matches up with the outcome of Integrated Comfort and what does not match up and will create distress instead. In this way the Culturally Conditioned aspect of your Suit is given the kind of Code Support that it needs to chart a course toward Integrated Comfort. It is, with the Code, in harmony with the Natural Suit that already is attuned to The Comfort Code that the Source maintains to guide all beings on their Path to Integrated Comfort.
For information on how to request The Integrated Comfort Code, you can go to Milestone #1 of The Path to Integrated Comfort.
The Path to Integrated Comfort is traveled through a sequence of well organized and well staged Miracle-Based Adventures that your Suit needs to participate in to achieve a lasting state of Integrated Comfort. The Integrated Comfort Code is the driving force behind these Miracle-Based Adventures although each Adventure has its own Source-Created Code.
These Miracle-Based Adventures provide the Natural and Culturally Conditioned parts of your Suit with what they require to release distress, eliminate the factors that lead to distress, and to cultivate the conditions that lead to the experience of ultimate levels of Integrated Comfort.
All of these complex and intricate processes that restore Comfort and regenerate the Suit once basic levels of Comfort have been restored, can only be accomplished through embarking on the well-timed sequence of Code-Driven, Miracle-Based Adventures. These Adventures unfold in the right time frame for your development toward ultimate Integrated Comfort much as the biological DNA triggers biological processes that result in a well formed baby that emerges in the correct time for birth to occur.
As I mentioned in the section on The Integrated Comfort Code, there are two types of Miracle-Based Adventures that The Master Adventure Code supports. These are:
Guided Miracle-Based Adventures can be created for individuals, couples, families, groups of friends, businesses. organizations, activists, local communities, the Global Community, and The Universal Community. There is no limit to the scope or power of a Miracle-Based Adventure.
Grounding the Code for Guided Miracle-Based Adventures requires Material Energy that can be provided by those who wish to go on the Adventure or who wish to gift to the Adventure to others who are in need of it. It is possible to gift a Miracle-Based Adventure to the Community through making a contribution to The World that Works Fund.
General contributions to The World that Works Fund also help trained Heaven Agents to go on Miracle-Based Adventures on behalf of the Community to catalyze the social changes needed to bring about Integrated Comfort in specific aspects of Community life. For instance Adventures to help abused children or victims of wars or those suffering from discrimination, can be embarked upon by Heaven Agents as well as gifted to those who are suffering. The combination of Heaven Agent Work and the work of the Miracle-Based Adventures enhances the power to bring about the evolution of consciousness that is the catalyst for social change.
Adventure Props are any Inner or Outer Plane object, event, place, music, beverage, food, etc. , that is needed as a prop in a Miracle-Based Adventure. An Adventure Prop is transformed into a Miracle Tool for the duration of the time of the Adventure.
There are two kinds of Adventure Props:
For example, a person in a Miracle-Based Adventure which requires a sudden infusion of Comfort Energies into the Energy Field of the Suit, might discover that their ordinary blanket has become temporarily transformed into a Comfort Blanket that is generating Comfort Energies around them. When they have received the requisite amount of Comfort Energies, the blanket will turn off, as it were, and become an ordinary blanket again. It turns off when the Code is withdrawn and it no longer has the Code to produce the miraculous effect of being a Comfort Energy Transmitter.
If the person were to exchange for a lifelong Comfort Blanket, then the Code would remain in the blanket and it would continue to produce Comfort Energies throughout their lifetime. The blanket would not return to being an ordinary blanket until they are no longer in contact with the blanket, in which case the Code would be removed by the Source. If they want to use a new blanket, the Code could be transferred to the new blanket.
When you exchange for a Miracle-Based Adventure, the amount of Material Energy needed for the Adventure Props for this Adventure is included in the Correct Exchange for the Adventure itself. For instance, in the case of a lifelong Comfort Blanket, the Correct Exchange is determined by the amount of Material Energy that will be required to ground a lifelong Miracle-Based Adventure that centers around the use of the Comfort Blanket.
To achieve Absolute Comfort you need to travel The Path to Integrated Comfort that enables you to reset The Comfort Dial to Rest and Regeneration and begin suffusing your Suit with Comfort Energies that enable it to heal and rejuvenate itself and release from the Distress Energies that have engendered Discomfort at deep levels of your consciousness.
Ideally this Path begins with an entry into The Miracle Reality where you are in the Spiritual Space where Integrated Comfort at the highest level can be achieved. You could, however, begin taking steps that eventually lead you into The Miracle Reality at a later point in your development. This will be a slower and more difficult path since you won't be in the optimal Miracle-Friendly Environment in which to experience Integrated Comfort, but it can be done in this order.
The Path to Integrated Comfort is traveled through a series of Miracle-Based Adventures.
There are Eight Milestones on this Path which are reached through working with the Miracle-Based Adventures that enable you to travel to a Milestone and then move onto the next Milestone until your journey is complete.
While the best way to travel this Path is to begin with Milestones #7 and #8, which are entry into The Miracle Reality and into the support of The Universal Miracle-Based Community, the Milestones outlined below provide an alternate way to begin which culminates in entry into The Miracle Reality and into the Community.
NOTE: The first 4 Milestones provide you with the kind of Source Support that builds on each successive step on your Path to Integrated Comfort. For instance, it is only when you have the Integrated Comfort Code that you will have the protection and support needed to work with The Comfort Blanket to have your Comfort Dial reset to Rest and Regeneration. And it is only when your Dial has been reset that you will be able to receive the Comfort Energy Infusions that flow through your Suit when you have Comfort Shoes that build the Comfort Channel for you. Prior to this you will not be ready to receive daily infusions of Comfort Energies. Your Suit will resist them if the Comfort Dial is set to Distress and Degeneration. And it is only when you have enough Comfort Energies in your auric field and in your Suit that it is safe to work with The Distress Releaser Ball which pumps out Distress Energies from your Suit and auric field. Otherwise this could be too stressful because you wouldn't have the buffer of the Comfort Energies to help you move out these negative energies.
Milestones #5 - #8 can be completed in any order. For instance, you could elect to do a Guided Integrated Comfort Adventure before you have completed the first 4 Milestones. It is best to do this kind of Adventure after completing Milestones #1 through #4 but it is possible to do a less powerful Guided Adventure prior to completing the first four Milestones. You could attend a Source Solution Code Webinar to learn how to read Code prior to doing other steps on the Path. You can enter into The Miracle Reality and work with The Universal Miracle-Based Community at any point in your work to achieve Integrated Comfort.
Outlined below are the links for the Eight Milestones on The Path to Integrated Comfort.
Milestone #1 – Receiving The Integrated Comfort Code and a Lifetime of Miracle-Based Adventures
Milestone #2 – Resetting The Comfort Dial to Rest and Rejuvenation
Milestone #3 – Entering into a Channel of Comfort Energies
Milestone #4 – Getting Equipped to Release Distress Energies
Milestone #5 – Embarking on Individual Guided Adventures that Accelerate Your Progress
Milestone #6 – Learning How to Read The Comfort Code
Milestone #7 – Entering into The Miracle Reality
Milestone #8 – Working with The Universal Miracle-Based Community to foster Integrated Comfort
To make it to the first Milestone on your Path to Integrated Comfort you need The Master Adventure Code for Miracle-Based Comfort. This is The Integrated Comfort Code. This Code enables your Suit to choose Miracle-Based Comfort rather than seeking Comfort Fragments that it can secure from material possessions, staged events, or from becoming attached to others.
This is achieved by requesting a Source Intervention that provides you with The Integrated Comfort Code which will supply you with a lifetime of basic Miracle-Based Adventures that enable you to progress on your Path to Integrated Comfort. It will also provide additional support when you embark on whatever Guided Integrated Comfort Adventures are on your Path. Once you arrive at the highest level of Integrated Comfort, which is Absolute Comfort, The Integrated Comfort Code will continue to generate Miracle-Based Adventures that enhance your experience of Absolute Comfort.
This Code and series of Miracle-Based Adventures enable you to move beyond doing harm to yourself and others in the pursuit of Comfort Fragments. It is the antidote to intended or unintentional abuse of your Suit and the Suits of others and to addictions, mild or severe, that arise out of attachment to Comfort Fragments.
The miracle of The Integrated Comfort Code requires, like other miracles, the right amount of Material Energy in order to ground at your level of materiality. The amount of Material Energy required for this Code to ground is US $550.
To request The Integrated Comfort Code, you can access the link provided below.
If you would like the Code and need a Payment Plan, a two month Payment Plan is possible without compromising the power needed to initiate this Code. This is with a payment of $275/month. When you initiate a Payment Plan your first monthly payment will be processed and an automatic recurring payment will be set up drawing from the same credit card that you have used for the first payment.
It is always best, however, to provide the full Correct Exchange for a miracle when you request it as this brings it through with Full Power. Payment Plans draw on the Material Energy in The World that Works Fund which has less vitality and, therefore, provides less power.
To reach Milestone #2 you will need The Comfort Blanket. This is a Miracle Tool that runs Adventure Code that brings in the Comfort Energies from the Source that dispel the Distress Energies in the Energy Field surrounding your Suit. Once the correct amount of Comfort Energies exist in your Energy Field, the Source can reset your Comfort Dial to Integrated Comfort. This will immediately enable your Suit to enter into a Rest and Regeneration Mode rather than remaining in the Distress and Degeneration Mode that results from its frenetic quest for Comfort Fragments.
Once The Comfort Dial is reset to Integrated Comfort, then you have achieved the Baseline of Integrated Comfort.
Once this Baseline of Integrated Comfort has been achieved, The Comfort Blanket continues to surround you with Comfort Energies to buffer you from the Distress Energies of the world. It also maintains the continuous flow of Comfort Energies into your Energy Field. This continual flow is what enables you to sustain a Baseline of Comfort.
NOTE: The Baseline Comfort Code transforms the blanket into a Comfort Blanket only for the person for whom the blanket has been created. Others using the blanket will experience only an ordinary blanket with some Heaven Energies surrounding it.
While establishing and maintaining the Baseline of Comfort is the primary purpose of The Comfort Blanket, those who wish to have a Full Power Comfort Blanket can provide additional Material Energy to get a Comfort Blanket that can create a Comfort Cocoon around them that heightens the experience of Integrated Comfort and provides them with greater protection and a greater experience of ease. The Natural Suit longs for a return to ultimate Comfort and responds with joy and appreciation to the Comfort Cocoon. The Culturally Conditioned aspect of the Suit is often won over from its desire to pursue Comfort Fragments by having an experience of the Comfort Cocoon which provides a much deeper experience of Comfort.
NOTE: The Comfort Cocoon Code is powerful enough to provide this experience for others who share the blanket with you. Often those who experience The Comfort Cocoon begin to open up to Miracle-Based Comfort spontaneously because they can feel it for themselves even if they don’t know that they are snuggling up in blanket that is running a Miracle-Based Adventure.
Baseline of Comfort Code
The amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground the Code and Miracle-Based Adventures to reach the Baseline of Comfort and to maintain it for a lifetime is US $595.
Comfort Cocoon Code
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Code and a lifetime of Comfort Cocoon Adventures, is additional US $605.
The Full Power Comfort Blanket with Baseline & Comfort Coccon Codes
The total amount of Material Energy needed to ground both the Baseline Comfort Code and The Comfort Cocoon Code is US $1200.
To request The Comfort Blanket with only the Baseline Code, you can access the link below.
To request The Full Power Comfort Blanket with Baseline Code and Comfort Cocoon Code, you can access the link below.
Once you have achieved Baseline Integrated Comfort and have had your Comfort Dial reset to Rest and Regeneration, you are ready to begin suffusing every aspect of your Suit with Comfort Energies. While The Comfort Blanket specializes in suffusing your Energy Field outside of your Suit with Comfort Energies, it does not suffuse your Suit with Comfort Energies.
What it takes to infuse your Suit with a steady stream of Comfort Energies so that it can attain a full state of Integrated Comfort, is another Miracle Tool. This Miracle Tool is Comfort Shoes. Comfort Shoes create a column of Comfort Energies that surrounds your body and goes with you wherever you go, providing your Suit with the steady supply of Comfort Energies that it needs to drive out the levels of Distress Energies in the Suit and replace then with the Comfort Energies that enable your Suit to begin to experience deepening levels of Integrated Comfort at mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.
When I create Comfort Shoes for you, I send the Code to one pair of your shoes and these shoes ground the Code. Once the Code is grounded, you don’t have to wear this particular pair of shoes to be in the Channel of Comfort Energies that they create. This channel, once created, will engulf your Suit and continue to surround you no matter what pair of shoes you are wearing or whether or not you are even wearing a pair of shoes.
Comfort Shoes like The Comfort Blanket can function at two levels of power:
The Comfort Shoes can transport you on the Inner Plane to Safe Zones, outside of the entrapping Negative Spiritual Structures that the Negativity – the criminal element that operates on the Inner Plane – has created to keep Suits from escaping from the distress that breaks them down for easy Harvesting. The Negativity doesn’t like Suits to achieve Integrated Comfort because then they become more Spiritually Integrated and are less likely to fall prey to their Harvesting Operation. The Negativity lives off of the Distress Energies that the Suit produces. These low vibrational Distress Energies are the only energies the Negativity can Harvest. When a Suit is suffused with Comfort Energies, these high vibrational, Integrated Energies make the Suit unavailable to any Harvesting Operation.
Since most Suits have been traveling from life to life in layers of encapsulating energies that slow them down vibrationally for Harvesting by the Negativity, Comfort Shoes are useful in breaking them out of these levels of spiritual imprisonment so they can finally live in a clear energy space that removes the intense levels of fear that the Natural Suit feels when it is caught in these concentric Energy Traps. This fear creates the Distress Energies that the Suit has to continually work to clear to avoid dropping vibrationally into deeper levels of entrapment.
Even those entering into The Miracle Reality may still be caught in these concentric Energy Traps even though they are safe from the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity that can't enter into The Miracle Reality. The ability of Full Power Comfort Shoes to break your Suit free from these and any other layers of entrapping energies, is a great help on your Path to Integrated Comfort.
Comfort Shoes can also transport you to places on the Inner Plane where you can go on Miracle-Based Adventures to create the conditions in which you can experience Integrated Comfort in your life and in your world. The ability to zip into any place no matter how distant on the Inner Plane so you are there in the right time to embark on a Miracle-Based Adventure is a great asset to you in doing your work as a Heaven Agent.
Not only are these Adventure important to building the conditions for Integrated Comfort but they enable you to have an opportunity to generate the Material Energy that grounds the miracles for your Miracle-Based Life. Without these opportunities to ground miracles through an Energy Exchange generated by your good work as a Heaven Agent, you would have to exchange financially for all of the miracles that make up a Miracle-Based Life. Since this is not feasible on a financial level, it is important to avail yourself of the opportunity to "become what is needed to support The Work of the Source" through participating in these Miracle-Based Adventures.
Since most of these Adventures occur through your Extended Range, which is generally outside of your conscious awareness, you don't have to be highly trained to do your part as long as you request to "become what is needed" and have the Comfort Shoes that carry you to the location for the Adventure. While trained Heaven Agent Work generates many times more Material Energy than untrained Heaven Agent Work, many Heaven Agents have been providing good Material Energy for their Miracle-Based Life through simply "becoming what is needed" while they endeavor to become more conscious of the work in their Extended Range and more capable of producing good Heaven Agent Work in their Conscious Range.
Basic Code for Comfort Shoes
Basic Code gives you a lifetime of The Comfort Channel which surrounds your Suit and supplies it with an ongoing stream of Comfort Energies.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of the Basic Code for Comfort Shoes is US $110.
Full Power Code for Comfort Shoes
Full Power Code gives you the Code for The Comfort Channel and for Transport to Inner Plane Safe Zones and to the location of Miracle-Based Adventures.
The Correct Exchange for Full Power Comfort Shoes is an additional $1,140 for a total of $1250.
To request Comfort Shoes with the Basic Code for The Comfort Channel you can access the link below.
To request Full Power Comfort Shoes, you can access the link provided below.
To reach Milestone #4, you embark on a series of Miracle-Based Adventures with The Distress Releaser. This is a foam Stress Relief Ball that has been given Code to activate the release of Distress Energies in your Suit whenever you squeeze it. As you squeeze the ball, energy for Miracle-Based Adventures is activated to help you release both trapped Distress Energies from this lifetime and from previous lifetimes. It also helps you to release the causal force for much of this distress which is Negative Karmic Imprints and built up Rage at the frustrations of life. As these energies clear, you make room for more Comfort Energies to come into your Suit and into your Energy Field.
Working with The Distress Releaser helps you to take an active part in reducing the deep levels of Spiritual Distress that your Suit is carrying and to accelerate your healing by making space for the Comfort Energies that enable you to experience Integrated Comfort.
The Distress Releaser, when used on a daily basis, has Basic Code to provide a moderate level of Distress Release Power. It is not intended to tackle very intense levels of distress that require a Guided Distress Releasing Adventure that can counter the distress with more powerful Code and the opportunity for coaching support on the Outer Plane.
I recommend that for a Full Power Distress Release you combine the use of The Distress Releaser with a Guided Distress Releasing Adventure which can learn about through accessing the link provided below.
Basic Code
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Basic Code for a lifetime of Miracle-Based Adventures with The Distress Releaser is US $560.
Full Power Code
Full Power Distress Release through Guided Distress Releasing Adventures require a Correct Exchange of US $260/Adventure.
The kind of Stress Relief Ball that can take this Code is a handheld foam ball, preferably one that is covered with fabric. I would recommend a Fabric Stress Relief Ball that you can obtain from or from other vendors on the internet. A red Fabric Stress Ball is preferable but blue is also acceptable. I would avoid other colors.
Once you have provided the Material Energy for the Basic Distress Releaser Code and have procured a fabric covered foam Stress Relief Ball, the Code will transform it into an Adventure Prop that can be used on all of your Distress Relief Miracle-Based Adventures.
When the Stress Relief Ball wears out, the Code will transfer automatically to another foam Stress Relief Ball.
If the ball is lost, the Code will be de-activated and will activate again when you have another Stress Relief Ball.
NOTE: The Code will not work for anyone other than the person for whom it is intended. This kind of Miracle Tool is not available to someone who has not already reached Milestone #4. It builds on the levels of Comfort that enable deep cleansing work of this sort to occur.
To request the Basic Code for a lifetime of Distress Releasing Adventures, you can access the link provided below.
To reach Milestone #5, you embark on Miracle-Based Adventures to read The Comfort Code to find out what Next Step you need to take to achieve Integrated Comfort in your life. It might be through an understanding of what you really need to experience deep Integrated Comfort or what you need to change that is causing you distress. As you work with the Adventures, your Culturally Conditioned Suit begins to learn about the needs of the Natural Suit and to find ways to adapt the culture to enable the Natural Suit to experience real Comfort.
Through reading The Comfort Code you can learn about what needs to happen for you to create the conditions for Integrated Comfort in your own personal life and in the Community. It is only when the Community is working cooperatively, as they did in the Prototype Communities, that social traditions that generate distress can be changed to social traditions that are conducive to the experience of Integrated Comfort.
Through reading The Comfort Code you will be able to know when you need to embark on a Guided Adventure to supplement the ongoing Miracle-Based Adventures generated by your Integrated Comfort Code.
Training in how to read The Comfort Code and other Source Solution Codes is offered in Source Solution Code Webinars.
To find out when the next Source Solution Code Webinar is scheduled, you can consult The Schedule of Upcoming Events at:
In this part of your Path to Integrated Comfort, you can bring into sharper focus what Guided Miracle-Based Adventures your Suit needs in order to progress optimally on The Path to Integrated Comfort. While ongoing Code generated Miracle-Based Comfort Adventures will eventually get you to Absolute Comfort, it is best to accelerate the process with strategically timed Guided Adventures that bring in more complex Code, more Power, and training to effect faster and more profound levels of change.
For a list of Guided Integrated Comfort Adventures, you can access the Directory provided below.
The Correct Exchange for individual Guided Adventures varies according to the type of Adventure and the way that it is Guided.
At-a-Distance Guided Adventures
The Adventures listed in the Directory are primarily At-a-Distance Guided Adventures that you can embark on whenever you are ready. The Guidance is provided through written instructions prior to the Adventure and through Inner Plane Coaching during the Adventure. Outer Plane Coaching Support can be requested both prior to the Adventure or after an Adventure episode in Adventures that are ongoing and span days or months. The Correct Exchange for these kind of Adventures is listed in the Directory.
In-Person Guided Adventures
Adventures that occur during the course of Individual or Group Coaching Session offer a different type of experience with training as the Adventure unfolds. Individual Coaching Sessions can occur by phone or Skype or in person in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center in Seattle, WA USA. Group Coaching Sessions can occur via webinar or in an Intensive in Seattle or Maui.
Details on Guided Adventures can be accessed in The Directory of Guided Integrated Comfort Adventure through the link provided below.
To reach Milestone #7, you need to prepare to enter into the Miracle Reality that the Source has created. This is the Spiritual Space where it is possible to achieve the full measure of Integrated Comfort. In the Miracle Reality, it is possible to live a Miracle-Based Life in the company of others such as yourself who realize that Comfort Fragments don’t add up to a real release from distress and the degeneration it causes.
The Miracle Reality is a Place of Comfort like none other. It is what your Natural Suit needs in order to relax and open to the joy of true Comfort.
The Master Manifestation that is Activated for you by the Source when you enter into The Miracle Reality enables you to have Direct Source Work backing up all of the Miracle-Based Comfort Adventures of your Path to Integrated Comfort. This is of immense help since every Adventure is not only a Source-Guided but a Source Supported Adventure. This is the most efficient way to progress on your Path to Integrated Comfort.
In the article for The Universal Miracle-Based Life Project, in Part One, I outline the steps that you need to take to prepare to enter into the Miracle Reality. You can access this article at:
To reach Milestone #8, you enter into The Universal Miracle-Based Community which gathers together only in The Miracle Reality. This Community is working to fully manifest a Miracle-Based Way of Life.
Participation in this Community effort to create the conditions for Integrated Comfort in the social life of the Community compliments your personal work to create the conditions for Integrated Comfort in your own personal life.
The Community comes together in Community Gatherings via webinar or Intensives in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center in Seattle or in Maui. Members of the Community that are not attending in person online or in one of these locations come in over the Inner Plane Soul Talk Network which enables them to communicate with me in the Universal Language of Soul Talk which I translate for the sake of those working with me in person.
Through the efforts of The Universal Miracle-Based Community it is possible to create the conditions in which all members of the Community can achieve the highest levels of Integrated Comfort in their personal lives and in their social lives in the Community.
The amount of Material Energy to ground the miracles needed for the Community Work in webinars is outlined in The Schedule of Upcoming Events which can be accessed at:
Personal and Group Intensives in Seattle
Information on Personal and Group Intensives in Seattle is based on an Assessment of what Next Step needs to be taken and the amount of Material Energy required to stage an on location Miracle-Based Adventure in the Center in Seattle which is itself a miracle replete with Miracle Tools in every Source Connection Station throughout the building.
To request an Assessment for a Personal or Group Miracle-Based Adventure in Seattle, you can fill out the form provided below:
Intensives in Maui, Hawaii
The Correct Exchange for Maui Intensives is announced when an Intensive is scheduled.
While it is possible to experience some Integrated Comfort by embarking on Individual Guided Adventures without entering into The Path to Integrated Comfort, these Adventures will not add up to a lasting experience of Integrated Comfort.
What it takes to achieve the highest level of Integrated Comfort – which is Absolute Comfort – is:
If you have any questions or concerns about entering The Path to Integrated Comfort, you are welcome to email me and I will respond by email. You can contact me by accessing the link provided below:
Guided Adventures are designed to help you build:
You can elect to embark on these Guided Adventures either in conjunction with your journey on your Path to Integrated Comfort or as Individual Miracle-Based Adventures.
It is important that Integrated Comfort Adventures that are not a part of The Path to Integrated Comfort not be treated as Comfort Fragments to which you become attached as to other forms of comforts. They are created by the Source to give you an understanding of Integrated Comfort so that you can awaken to the need to travel the road to Absolute Comfort which will enable you to be free of fear and distress on every level. Trying to add them to your collection of Comfort Fragments will defeat your ability to achieve full Integrated Comfort.
NOTE: While everyone embarking on The Path to Integrated Comfort needs to have The Integrated Comfort Code, those embarking on Individual Integrated Comfort Adventures who are not on the Path can rely on the Code for the particular Adventure that they elect to enter. While the lack of The Master Adventure Code – which is The Integrated Comfort Code – will limit the depth and power of the Adventure, the Individual Adventure Code will provide enough support to enable the Adventure to be beneficial.
These Adventures can also be gifted to others through a World that Works Fund Contribution. Since Adventures are Code-Driven, the Code can run the Adventure so that the recipient benefits from it even if they are unaware at a conscious level of the gift that has been given.
You can suggest a particular person or group of people to whom you would like the gift to be given. For instance, you can gift a Miracle-Based Adventure to a loved one, to a colleague, or to anyone chosen by the Source as being in particular need of this form of Source Support. You can also ask to gift an Adventure to a category of people such as abused children, victims of war, to those suffering from economic oppression, etc.
Often the best way to make a gift to The World that Works Fund is to leave it to the discretion of the Source to use the gift to help whomever is most in need of the help. Since the Source knows each individual and what they need, it is not difficult to administer Source Support to those who are in most urgent need of it.
Those who are offered the gift on the Inner Plane have to give their permission to the Source before the gift can be given. Generally the Soul will welcome a gift from the Source. The Natural Suit will also readily request and receive Source Support even if the Culturally Conditioned aspect of the Suit might not have a concept of the possibility of this kind of support.
What follows is an overview of The Directory of Guided Integrated Comfort Adventures. You can access the links provided to access the individual Guided Adventures.
The Directory of Guided Adventures gives you examples of the types of Integrated Comfort Adventures that are possible. I can create a wide range of Adventures and am open to suggestions if there is an Adventure that you would like to have which is not one of the Adventures described below.
Special Request Adventures can be for yourself or for someone you know. They can also be for the Community. Community Adventures can be gifted to an individual who is need in the Community even if you don't know who is most in need. The Source knows each being and will send the Adventure to the right person. They can also be for a group of people in the Community such as victims of war, crime, racial discrimination, economic oppression, domestic violence, child abuse, etc. They can also be Adventures for children or adults or the elderly.
The first step is to describe to me the outcome that you would like to create and then I will respond by email with an Assessment of what kind of Miracle-Based Adventure is possible and the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to ground the Code and the Adventures that are needed to achieve this outcome. If this is more than you can provide individually, as might be the case for a Community Adventure, I can list the Adventure as a newly created Guided Adventure and others in the Global Community can step forward to help fund it.
To request a Special Request Integrated Comfort Adventure you can fill out the form that can be accessed through the link provided below. Include as much detail as is needed regarding the outcome you are intending as well as information on the recipient – whether it is yourself or is to be gifted to a particular person, to anyone in need, or to a specific group of people.
Comfort Music Adventures enable you to quiet and calm the Spiritual Electrical Currents that run between your right and left polarities. When these currents are disrupted by distress, particularly by severe distress such as the distress experienced by abused children or those suffering from physical pain or the sudden loss of a loved one, the disruption can continue on throughout the remainder of their life. This disruption creates a kind of Spiritual Distress that is felt physiologically and emotionally. It is part of what makes Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome difficult to cure.
When you listen to Comfort Music and the Spiritual Electrical Currents begin to balance out between the right side of your body and the left side of your body, it has a profoundly calming effect on your central nervous system which keys off of the Spiritual Electrical System very directly.
While Comfort Energies also have a calming effect, the kind of intricate Pulse Therapy that comes through Comfort Music is what gently breaks up the pattern of the disrupted currents and re-establishes the natural flow of currents. The result is a resurgence of Life Energies into the Suit and a restoration of the Rhythm of Life that is essential to health on every level.
The Adventure Code that is given to you when you listen to Comfort Music helps you to relax and release the secondary rigidities of thought and emotion that have been linked to the pathways of the disrupted Spiritual Electrical Currents. In this way, you can unwind from the stresses that have created the disruption and move into the flow of a comforting, balanced way of life.
Comfort Music is helpful whether you are seeking to recover from a stressful day at work or from a major life trauma. The Code will recognize the state of the disruption that exists and will, over a period of times when you listen to Comfort Music, continue to correct disruptions until a normal and healthy flow of energy currents has been established.
With Comfort Music Adventures, it is possible for almost any kind of music to be given the Code to become Comfort Music. It is best to choose music that you find comforting that does not have lyrics. The storyline behind the lyrics can be distracting in the healing process. You want your mind to be free to associate to whatever the Adventure is giving you. The Adventure Code might activate old memories that are linked to the disrupted currents. You want to be neutral and receptive so that you can move with whatever thoughts or emotions are getting triggered by the Code to help you move beyond the disruption toward true balance and harmony.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Code that will transform music into Comfort Music is US $10/song. Once a particular song has been transformed by the Code into Comfort Music, it will continue to provide this kind of Adventure whenever you listen to it. It will also help other people and animals who listen to it.
To provide flexibility for your request for Comfort Music Adentures, you can enter the amount of the Correct Exchange in The Life that Works Form which I will provide below.
You can enter into the Comments Box, that you will encounter as you process your request, the number of Comfort Music Songs for which you are providing the Correct Exchange.
Comfort Music Adventures are very needed by distressed people in our Global Community. It is possible to gift Comfort Music Adventures to them and the Source will send the Code to whatever music they are listening to at the time.
So many people are unable to recover from traumatic events and live normal lives. The disruption in the Rhythm of Life that occurs when their polarities are no longer running balanced Spiritual Electrical Currents, is an important factor in their continuing distress.
Sending in Comfort Music to correct this fundamental level of the problem at a Spiritual Level will help to correct the distress that is manifesting at the Physical Level.
To contribute to Comfort Music Adventures for the Community, you can enter the amount of your contribution in The World that Works form that you will find below.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Millions of people and animals are suffering from the disruption in the Spiritual Electrical Currents that run between their right and left polarities. When these currents are disrupted, deepseated, long lasting trauma responses are activated which commonly generalize from one situation to another rendering the person incapable of experiencing anything other than a repetition of trauma responses in reaction to any life circumstance.
While Outer Plane Comfort Music can reach those who can listen to Outer Plane Music, many people who are being tortured in prisons, are trapped as sex slaves in the Global Sex Slave Industry, are suffering in refugee camps, or are in other kinds of entrapment and abuse, don't have access to relaxing music.
These people are at very high risk for not making it through the stages of The Transition which require that they power up to rise to each new level. When the Spiritual Electrical Currents are disrupted, this interferes with the way the Suit builds momentum to rise from one level of the Transition to another.
Animals who are being tormented in labs or in abusive households or in cruel animal harvesting industries, also need this help.
To meet the need for help for these victims of abuse, there is a need for an Inner Plane version of Comfort Music that can work through Inner Plane sound rather than Outer Plane music.
It is very important that Heaven Agents provide Material Energy
for Inner Plane Comfort Music for those who will not survive without this kind of emergency care.
The Correct Exchange to ground the miracle of Inner Plane Comfort Music for one being is US $12.
If you would like to contribute Inner Plane Comfort Music to someone you know, you can access the link provided below. It could be for a person in a hospital facility or nursing home or in hospice who would work best with Inner Plane Music rather than relying on Outer Plane Music. It could be for animals that you know who are in distress. It is appropriate for anyone you feel will not have frequent access to relaxing music.
When you request this miracle, it is best to provide information on the person or animal's name, gender, age, and any other information that you find relevant.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund for Inner Plane Comfort Music for those in need, you can fill out the form provided below. The Source knows who is in most urgent need of this help and will send this miracle to them.
Back to The Source Solution Hub
Comfort Energies can be infused rapidly into your Suit and your Auric Field when you embark on a Comfort Infusion Adventure.
Such Comfort Energy Infusions are often a first step for someone who is embarking on an exploration of Integrated Comfort. They can also be drawn upon by those on their Path to Integrated Comfort who are already getting infusions of Comfort Energies from The Comfort Blanket and from Comfort Shoes but who wish to have a more powerful surge of Comfort Energies rather than the metered flow of Comfort Energies that come through these other Miracle Tools. Rapid Infusions of Comfort Energies can be helpful in stressful times, in times of physical pain or deep loss such as the loss of a loved one, or at times when there is a desire to connect with greater levels of Integrated Comfort.
Comfort Energy Infusions can be requested for yourself, for a loved one, or for those who are most in need of them such as those who are suffering from war, crime, abuse, illness, and natural disasters.
Comfort Infusions can prevent a rapid acceleration of the Disease of Spiritual Fragmentation that occurs when there are high levels of stress and trauma and support the Spiritual Integration that is essential to Spiritual Health. Since Spiritual Integration is the key to health on every level and Spiritual Fragmentation is the open door to the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit, it is necessary for the Community to protect its members at all costs from the Fragmentation that can occur in overwhelming circumstances of deprivation, cruelty, and physical suffering.
Comfort Energies are, on a technical level, Love Connection Energies. These energies help the Suit to develop The Love Connection with the Source that opens the door to the Source Love that enables Spiritual Integration to occur and for the Suit to be Spiritually Integrated enough to love the Source, completing the exchange of The Love Connection.
When a Suit is suffused with Love Connection Energies that reach a certain point of critical mass, the Suit relaxes from its strident efforts to avoid distress and seek comfort for its own sake, and begins to merge into The Love Connection. It is at this point that the being and the Suit experience a state of Absolute Comfort that transcends any temporal Discomfort that might be experienced as the Suit transitions through life and death in its many incarnations.
Absolute Comfort is the experience of living beyond fear in the joy and safety of The Love Connection with the Source which provides an eternal experience of Integrated Comfort at the deepest level.
This journey to Absolute Comfort can begin by embarking on a Comfort Infusion Adventure.
An Adventure of this kind begins when you turn on music that has been transformed into an Adventure Prop. The music that I have chosen is a song by John Adorney who is a musician who maintains a very high level of spiritual energy in many of the songs which he composes and produces. This level of vibration is important to the experience of the higher levels of Integrated Comfort.
While this kind of New Age meditation music may not be your preferred musical genre, it is important to view it as sounds that the Source is working through to create a certain effect. If you view it as a form of Sound Therapy rather than a musical experience, then you will be better able to bypass any parts of your left brain that might not be receptive to a musical genre which is not one you generally choose.
Pick a place where you can be quiet and attentive and not disturbed by other activities, cell phones, or people interrupting your meditation. When you turn on the music, you can sit quietly in a meditative state and allow the Comfort Energies to come into your Suit and Auric Field. As they enter your Suit they reconnect you to the Source through The Love Connection, building some of the essential structures that you will need to experience The Love Connection on every level of your life.
The Infusion will last up to 30 minutes. You can keep the music going, on replay during this time and just relax and allow the Miracle-Based Adventure to play out on the Inner Plane as the Love Connection Energies do their work in your Suit to enable you to merge into the ultimate Comfort of The Love Connection.
While one Infusion will not take you the distance to Absolute Comfort, you can begin to understand something of the process that eases your distress at deeper levels and enables you to begin that journey.
Those who have already developed their Spiritual Senses may go on vivid Adventures on the Inner Plane in response to the images and dreamlike experiences that are sent to them by the Source. Those who have not yet developed their Spiritual Senses, may not be able to track what is happening through vivid images but may feel the relaxation or feel energy moving in their bodies.
Others who are very congested with Distress Energies, may feel a rush of Distress Energies releasing as room is made for the Comfort Energies that are coming in. It is important to remain neutral and not get into the content of the energies that are releasing. At the end of the Infusion, The Love Connections that have been made will bring greater stability and will have established oases of Integrated Comfort in the Suit that will build toward a greater feeling of Integrated Comfort in the time ahead.
The Correct Exchange for a Comfort Infusion Adventure is US $20.
To request a Comfort Infusion you can access the link below.
To procure the song by John Adorney, you can go to any online music store and search for the song “Entranced” from the album, The Other Shore. It is available on iTunes and may be available in other music stores. On iTunes it is US $.99 for the song.
Since Comfort Infusion Adventures are needed by individuals and groups who are in dire straits such as those being tortured in prisons, those who are traumatized by wars, plagues, and natural disasters, and those who are suffering from domestic violence, etc., a modified version of the Adventure has been created that can work in these circumstances. The Community version of this Adventure can be gifted to someone you know or to an individual or group of individuals who are in need.
The Adventure Code links to any music that might be available. If this is not available, it links to an object in the environment that transmits the Comfort Energies.
To contribute this Adventure to the Community, you can enter the amount of your contribution in The World that Works Fund through filling out the form below. You can supply additional information regarding what individual(s) or group you would like to send the Comfort Infusions to in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution. You can also leave it open for the Source to pick the people who are most in need of this support.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
A Comfort Cove Adventure can be experienced in your home at a time when you will not be interrupted for one hour. It is best to arrange to be in a place where you can lie down and to provide a blanket, a glass of water, and some meditative music that will become Adventure Props during the course of the Adventure.
The music will transmit Source Communications and energies that enhance The Comfort Cove experience. The music, however, is optional. Some people prefer quiet in order to more fully experience the Inner Plane adventures that begin to unfold during the Adventure.
In The Comfort Cove Adventure you are immersed in an Energy Medium of Comfort Energies that relax your spiritual body and mind which in turn helps your physical body and mind to relax.
The Adventure triggers an experience that is akin to a gentle and restorative massage, administered through precision energy work that is Code-Generated. Those who are spiritually attuned will be able to feel this at the physical level.
Following this massage, you can drink the glass of water which will have the Code to enable you to have the wisdom to seek Integrated Comfort in your life. You can wrap yourself up in your blanket which will have the Code to generate a Comfort Field around you that helps you to experience the safety and peace of Source-Created Comfort.
Throughout the Adventure you can ask to attune to Inner Source Guidance with regard to how to respond to the Adventure as it unfolds. If you are uncertain how to receive detailed Source Guidance, you can ask your Inner Intelligence, which is the part of you that knows how to work with the Source, to implement whatever Guidance is being sent to you by the Source.
The amount of Material Energy needed for the Code for a Comfort Cove Adventure is US $80.
To request a Comfort Cove Adventure, you can access the link provided below.
An adapted version of this Adventure is available to anyone in the Global Community. The Source chooses the correct time to activate the Adventure and transform whatever is available to act as the Adventure Props that are needed.
An Adventure of this kind can be of immense relief to someone who has not felt love and kindness at a physical level and who desperately needs to experience nurturing that results in a feeling of Integrated Comfort. Such experiences can enable a beleagured person to carry on in their life when they might have broken down under the continuing strain of their life circumstances. Often those who are caregivers need this kind of individual support to enable them to begin to regenerate themselves so they can carry on in their care of others.
To make it possible for others to benefit from a Comfort Cove Adventure, you can contribute to The World that Works Fund through the form provided below. You can provide any specific information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution. You can also leave it open for the Source to pick the people who are most in need of this support.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Comfort Food is food that transmits a very materialized level of Comfort Energies to your Suit. These Adventures transform your experience of eating by introducing the element of Integrated Comfort.
Many people eat foods that they associate with feelings of comfort. In fact, overeating of comfort foods is often a problem leading to obesity. What most people are yearning for is the feeling of comfort. Many people eat to distract themselves from the distress that they are feeling.
Once the food that you eat is given the Adventure Code to channel in Comfort Energies to you, you will find that you will feel comforted eating any kind of food, not just the comfort foods that you might have selected previously. This helps you to shift your diet toward what is most nourishing and achieve the feeling of being comforted by the food that you eat. This can help in dieting and in an overall sense of well-being.
The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the Code for everything that you eat to become Comfort Food is very large. I, therefore, recommend providing the Material Energy for select foods that you eat to become Comfort Foods. The Source will choose the foods that are best for you at a particular moment. These foods might even be your favorite comfort foods but you will find that you are receiving real comfort through eating them and this will satisfy the drive of your Suit to be comforted which will also help to cut back on any overeating if this is a problem.
The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the Code for select foods is US $80/month.
You can elect to exchange for one month or request Comfort Food over a period of months that can span periods of one year or more.
To facilitate flexibility in your choice of how many months you would like to have Comfort Food, you can enter the amount of your Correct Exchange in The Life that Works Fund and enter into the Comments Box, that you will encounter as you process your request, the number of months that you would like to have Comfort Food.
Since Comfort Food gives the Suit the most materialized level of Comfort Energies, it is very effective in helping the physical body to experience Integrated Comfort. Often this level of Comfort is needed before a person can begin to evolve spiritually if they are in a state of pain, anxiety, depression, or fear.
Giving the gift of a Comfort Food Adventure is an important way to nurture others, particularly those who are in very difficult circumstances. Not only does the food carry the Comfort Energies but the Miracle-Based Adventure Code helps the person to experience these energies and feel the love of the Source reaching out to them in their moment of distress.
To contribute to providing Comfort Food Adventures to the Community, you can enter your contribution in The World that Works form provided below.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Comfort Water helps your Suit sustain a feeling of Comfort even in difficult circumstances. The Adventure Code given to you for Comfort Water Adventures will help you to know when to drink your Comfort Water, perhaps in preparation for a stressful day at work or when some level of inner distress is surfacing and you need an extra dose of Comfort Water to help clear the distress and replace it with a very materialized level of Comfort Energies. The advantage of drinking in materialized Comfort Energies is that they reach your Suit at a level where your organic Suit can more readily resonate to these energies and feel comfort on a physical level.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Code for The Comfort Water Adventure is US $80/month. This will enable all of the water that you drink to become Comfort Water. The more water you drink, the more Comfort Energies you will be able to take into your Suit.
It is possible to request The Comfort Water Adventure for one month or for a number of months that span a year or more.
To facilitate flexibility in your choice of how many months you would like to have The Comfort Water Adventure, you can enter the amount of your Correct Exchange in The Life that Works Fund and enter into the Comments Box, that you will encounter as you process your request, the number of months that you are requesting.
By making it possible for others in the Community to receive rapid infusions of Comfort Energies through Comfort Water when it is most needed, you can provide a level of immediate Integrated Comfort when there is no other way to help these people. Comfort Water can prevent a being from Spiritually Fragmenting in conditions of extreme distress such as those experienced by people who are being tortured in prisons, enduring domestic violence, or caught in war zones where atrocities are taking them beyond their level of emotional endurance.
Until the Community reaches out to all who are in need, it won't be possible to heal those who are injured by the cruelty that perpetrates violence in the world. Stopping the cruely and healing the victims of it go hand in hand. Comfort Water Adventures not only give the victim an immediate dose of Comfort Energies but it gives them the support of a Miracle-Based Adventure that helps them to cope with their distress and retain a connection to the Source Love that is their lifeline.
To contribute to providing Comfort Water Adventures to the Community, you can enter your contribution in The World that Works form provided below.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
A Comfort Oasis is a Spiritual Space that manifests around you when you have requested a Comfort Oasis Adventure. It manifests as you listen to a particular song by John Adorney who is a composer and musician who produces the right frequency of music for high level Miracle-Based Adventures.
Once you are in the Comfort Oasis, Love Connection Energies generate the optimal Love Connection Energy Field around your Suit. This helps your Suit to experience what it is like to be in a highly charged Love Connection Field similar to the one you live in when you attain Absolute Comfort.
Through being in a Love Connection Field your Suit begins to relax and open to the experience of The Love Connection on a physical level. At first your physical body begins to experience deeper levels of The Love Connection and relaxes into this peaceful state of solace, restfulness, and safety. Then your emotions and thoughts begin to follow the lead of the physical body into a state of peacefulness and comfort. Finally your spiritual energy body begins to relax into The Love Connection.
A Comfort Oasis is an important form of Source Support because it is often the only way in which the physical body, mind, and emotions can enter into The Love Connection with the Source and move toward the experience of Absolute Comfort.
How to Experience a Comfort Oasis Adventure
The Adventure begins when you play the song, “The Gift” by John Adorney a couple of times to generate The Love Connection Field and begin the attunement of the physical level of your Suit to it.
Once the Field has been created, you can remain in it for an hour or more in a meditative state while it works on bringing your Suit on every level into harmony with The Love Connection.
With successive Comfort Oasis Adventures the experience of Comfort deepens and the Suit becomes more receptive to the miracle of Absolute Comfort.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Code for a 2+ hour Comfort Oasis Adventure is US $178.
You can request a Comfort Oasis Adventure through the link provided below.
To access the Adventure Prop of the John Adorney song, you can go to iTunes or any other music source on the internet and look for the song “The Gift” in the album entitled "Beckoning". In iTunes this song is US $.99.
This Adventure can be a lifesaver for those in dire straits who have come to the end of their ability to cope with the hardships of their lives. Immersion in a Field of Love Connection Energies can enable them to experience Integrated Comfort at a time when they might feel most forlorn. For those who are on the verge of committing to addictions and destructive practices to distract themselves from their inner pain, a Comfort Oasis experience can be the Turning Point that enables them to seek Integrated Comfort rather than the Comfort Fragments that destroy their health and destroy the lives of others.
Gifting this Adventure to the Community enables the Source to provide this kind of nurturing care to those most in need of it.
To make it possible for others to benefit from a Comfort Oasis Adventure, you can contribute to The World that Works Fund through the form provided below. You can provide any specific information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution. You can also leave it open for the Source to pick the people who are most in need of this support.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Distress Releasing Adventures work on your spiritual body to release the Distress Energies in it that prevent it from receiving the Comfort Energies that enable you to experience Integrated Comfort.
These Code-Activated Adventures release pockets of trapped energy and recirculate energies in your spiritual body. This raises your vibration and increases your ability to run the energies of life that form the receptive medium into which Comfort Energies can come.
When you think of all of the trauma that is recorded in your spiritual body that has traveled with you from life to life, it is no wonder that you lack a sense of spiritual comfort. Your spiritual body might still be in a state of shock and contraction from a violent death in a previous lifetime or harboring a volcano of rage or fear about a tragedy that occurred lifetimes ago. Until these energies can be released, the spiritual body can’t relax and unwind. This contracted and contorted energy state of the spiritual body transmits an imprint to the physical body. Trying to relax the physical body when the spiritual body is injured and contracted is futile because the physical body reflects the state of the spiritual body. The physical body may appear to be relaxed on the surface but at a deeper energetic level, it will mirror the distress of the spiritual body.
When going on a Distress Releasing Adventure it is best to retire to a secluded place where you will not be disturbed for several hours. If you have a blanket to wrap up in and a glass of water and some meditative music, this will help with the Adventure. These props will become Adventure Props as needed. The water will be transformed into Comfort Water which is the most powerful transmitter of Comfort Energies to the spiritual body. Drinking a glass of Comfort Water during the Adventure is a powerful way to assist in the work. The blanket will become a Stabilization Blanket that stabilizes your spiritual body as it releases old energies and receives new energies that are conducive to Integrated Comfort. The music will impart clarity of purpose to you so you can stick with the healing process even if you encounter some of the content of past distress as it is being released from your body.
It is important to choose music that does not contain lyrics that trigger certain thoughts and associations. In this way you will be better able to release energies that come from many different kinds of life experiences rather than opening only to the ones that are triggered by the storyline in the lyrics of the music. New Age meditative music works best. John Adorney's music is not the best for this kind of an Adventure. His music is best for Adventures that bring in Comfort Energies or build toward higher level experiences of Integrative Comfort.
It is important to remain calm and neutral and allow the trapped Distress Energy to release without getting into the content of whatever distress created this negative energy. Some freeform movement could help in parts of the releasing work and quiet moments may be needed for others. It is best to allow your body to move naturally as you feel guided to move it. In this way it will unkink itself and allow itself to release and expand and heal from whatever constrictions it has on the Inner and Outer Planes.
It is important not to enforce regimens believed to be efficacious for releasing energy or engage in any mantras or other spiritual practices you might have used previously. These Distress Releasing Adventures are Source-Guided and you need to attune to the Guidance of the Source on the Inner Plane rather than resorting to spiritual technologies that you might have used in the past.
If you are very spiritually aware during a Releasing Session, you may see images or feel physical sensations as the energy clears. If you have not yet developed your Spiritual Senses, you may not understand the work that has been done but should begin to notice changes in your overall sense of well-being in the days and weeks ahead. For someone combating serious depression and layers of anxiety, one Distress Releasing Session will not eradicate all of this build up of Distress Energies which generally links back to vats of Distress Energies from former lifetimes. Each successive Distress Releasing Adventure will, however, free your Suit from more and more Distress Energies until you begin to feel an increase in your overall sense of comfort and well-being.
The Code that is sent to you by the Source for each Distress Releasing Adventure targets a particular kind of Distress that is next to be cleared. This Code is capable of dissolving the Distress in your Suit or extracting it and dissolving it before it can create a toxic energy waste around you. The usual process of clearing toxic energies through the chakra system and spine out to a Reclycing Chakra that hovers 6 inches above your head is not used in this Adventure. Often deepseated Distress is too materialized to move through the Suit in this way and the Recylcing Chakra is not powerful enough to convert it back to neutral energy. What is needed is the power of the specific Code that is given you for the Distress Releasing Adventure.
If you are on The Path to Integrated Comfort and have already received The Distress Releaser Miracle Tool, you can utilize this during a Distress Releasing Adventure of this sort. The Distress Releaser is a foam Stress Relief Ball that is given the Code to enable you to release Distress Energy without creating a toxic brew within your Suit or outside of your Suit. The Miracle Tool is good for daily Distress Release of a basic sort but is not designed to tackle major Distress Release that requires a Guided Distress Releasing Adventure. During a Guided Distress Releasing Adventure, The Distress Releaser will intensify the power of the release and enable you to clear more Distress Energy in a single session.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Code for a 2+ hour Distress Releasing Adventure is US $260.
To request a Distress Releasing Adventure, you can access the link provided below.
The build up of Distress Energies is what catalyzes wars, domestic violence, attacks on minorities and children, and the like. Suits simply lack the ability to cope with Distress Energies effectively, particularly when Distress Energies generated by a current life circumstance network back to Distress Energies from former lifetimes. The clout of Networked Distress Energies is what can drive a Community to erupt into a genocidal war or an individual to massacre innocent people in a public place.
The only way to deal effectively with Distress Energies is to get rid of them. They produce dangerous Distress Currents which accelerate the Spiritual Disease of Fragmentation that Fragments Consciousness, disabling the ability of individuals to cope with reality. A Fragmented Consciousness is a Consciousness that is divided within itself with one Fragment warring with another. The behavior of the Suit then depends on which Fragment wins out. If the Fragment that is violent wins out, then self destruction or the destruction of others is the result.
The Community needs to rally to provide every member of the Community with Source Support for clearing out the Distress Energies that contribute to these kinds of destructive outbursts. They also need to eradicate the punitive socialization practices that engender Distress and build Distress Volcanos in people that erupt in violence on the Inner and Outer Planes.
The version of this Adventure that is made available to the Community is one that can work with a person when they are in an opportune time frame in which to release Distress Energies. The Adventure Props needed are Code-Activated providing the same quality of Source Care as in a scheduled Distress Releasing Adventure that is self-selected.
To make it possible for others to benefit from a Distress Releasing Adventure, you can contribute to The World that Works Fund through the form provided below. You can specify any specific information you would like to provide about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution. You can also leave it open for the Source to pick the people who are most in need of this support.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Miracle-Based Adventures are often the best way to help yourself or a loved one to make it through an illness or a difficult life transition such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, financial loss, etc.
Often people get stuck in their frustrations, angers, fears, or grief in such trying circumstances and begin to fill up with Distress Energies that further block the influx of any Comfort Energies that the Source might be trying to send their way. The result can be serious impairment of their ability to be hopeful and happy and to bounce back into a life affirming way of life. Each such life stressor can take them down to a lower level of distress until they finally begin to spiral down into serious illnesses of the body, mind, and spirit.
Older people are often dragging around Suits that are clogged up with Distress Energies that prevent them from experiencing the joy that they once had as children. Unless these Distress Energies are properly cleared out of the Suit, it can lead from one bad situation to another until death ends the downward spiral.
The path out of the maze of distress is too labrinthine for others who care about them to help them to travel. But Miracle-Based Adventures can stage their escape from this maze and enliven them again to the joy of life.
For example, Miracle-Based Adventures can stage the timely release of pent up Distress Energies and can bring in the Comfort Energies that enable them to feel hope again. These Comfort Energies might come in through a glass of water that has become an Adventure Prop that transmits Comfort Energies to them. It might come in through a dream sequence that helps them remember happier times and begin to look forward to life again. It could come through the staging of positive care given by others in their life who might not respond when needed without the prompts given by the Miracle-Based Adventure.
Miracle-Based Adventures are capable of administering the complex energy work that is needed to lift off stultifying Negative Spiritual Structures that often result from stress and trauma and replace them with Life Affirming Spiritual Structures that enable the Suit to regain balance and a zest for living.
While Restoration Adventures are not designed to result in a complete Healing, they are a boost out of the rut of suffering onto level ground where life can begin again on a more positive note.
Although it is difficult to calculate the exact amount of Material Energy needed for a Restoration Adventure, US $900 is generally needed to pull someone in a bad place up to a place of greater Integrated Comfort. If you request a Restoration Adventure for yourself or someone else and this amount of Material Energy will not enable the Adventure to achieve the goal, I will not process your request before emailing you with information on the amount of Material Energy that will be needed.
You can either opt for the Basic Code for a Restoration Adventure which is $900 or request a Restoration Adventure Assessment.
To exchange for the Basic Restoration Adventure Code, you can access the link below.
To request a Restoration Adventure Assessment, you can access the link provided below.
Just as individuals need Source Support to pull themselves back into a life affirming mode, so do groups of people who have been hard hit by war, natural disasters, plagues, or the like. If leaders or caregivers in these communities can get back on their feet, they can be a light to others to help them restore their sense of hope and balance.
Those contributing to Restoration Adventures for the Community can contribute the Material Energy needed to ground as many Restoration Adventures as possible and these will be gifted by the Source to those who are most likely to help to pull up other members of the Community.
To make it possible for others to benefit from a Restoration Adventure, you can contribute to The World that Works Fund through the form provided below. You can specify any specific information you would like to provide about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution. You can also leave it open for the Source to pick the people who are most in need of this support.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Until Distress Inducers are eliminated in your personal life and in the life of the Community, they will continue to induce the distress that undermines the work to achieve Integrated Comfort.
The task of identifying the Distress Inducers is the first step. This can be accomplished by seeking Source Guidance with regard to your own personal life and by joining in the work of The Miracle-Based Community that researches the Source Perspective on what creates distress and the Source Solution Miracles that will alleviate this distress. Often the true Distress Inducer is something that lies hidden underneath what appears to be the Distress Inducer. Until the root of the problem is identified, the distress will continue to be generated. Only the Source knows the true causal force that is behind the distress and knows what kind of Source Solution Miracle will be needed to eliminate it.
I am always open to suggestions about distressing circumstances that you would like to see addressed by a Source Solution Miracle and by the collective work of the Community. Trained Heaven Agents working closely with me can take on many projects to deal with these Distress Inducers, particularly if you and others in the Community provide the Material Energy to ground the miracles that will enable these Distress Inducers to be eliminated.
To make a suggestion you can fill out an Eyewitness Report with your observations and any Source Guidance that you might have received about the situation. I will take your report into consideration as I do my Universal Work and connect with the Heaven Agents in The Universal Miracle-Based Community.
I may not respond to you individually if there is not sufficient time to do so, but your contribution to the work will be given careful consideration.
Personal Distress Inducers
Personal distressing situations might be a financial hardship, a relationship conflict, an illness, a life transition, and the like. The Miracle-Based Adventure will enable you to identify the real Distress Inducer behind the distressing situation.
For example, in the case of a relationship conflict, the Distress Inducer might be a Negative Spiritual Structure that is working against a resolution of the conflict. The Miracle-Based Adventure would eliminate this Negative Spiritual Structure and help to restore peace in the relationship once it is gone.
In a situation where you are nursing someone who is terminally ill, the ostensible Distress Inducer is the impending death, which may not be able to be avoided. Since Integrated Comfort can come into a difficult situation to bring the greatest relief possible under the circumstances, the Integrated Comfort Adventure would work on whatever underlying Distress Inducers concerning the transition can be alleviated so that a greater sense of Integrated Comfort can come in for all concerned.
Often Adventures of this kind work best with some Adventure Coaching either by email or in person via Skype or by phone. This enables you to get a sense of how the Adventure is unfolding and how to do your part to move fluidly with it.
In the case of a Community Distress Inducer, the Miracle-Based Adventure will set into motion a myriad of different Adventure Sequences that will move people toward the realization of the problem and toward an understanding of the Source Solution. They will still need to choose the solution, but the Miracle-Based Adventure will help them to realize the possibility of eliminating the Distress Inducer and replacing it with an Integrated Comfort Enhancer instead.
Such Miracle-Based Adventures are what enabled the 13 Prototype Communities, that I did not visit in person, to transform their social practices without any Outer Plane training. Miracle-Based Adventures are powerful mechanisms for social enlightenment and, therefore, for social change. They are not coercive or controlling but lead by providing the social space in which new ideas can be understood and entertained. Generally Suits will choose what is going to help them the most if it is available. This is the principle behind the success of the Miracle-Based Adventures in the Prototype Communities.
The only way to determine the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to eliminate a Distress Inducer is to request an Assessment.
To request an Assessment, you can fill out the form that can be accessed through the link provided below.
While I am here in a Manifest form and able to work with a team of well-trained Heaven Agents, it is time to have the support of the Community to move quickly to identify and eliminate Distress Inducers in the Community. Only when such Distress Inducers are eliminated will everyone in the Community have a better chance to move forward into an experience of Integrated Comfort.
While targeting a particular distressing situation is one way to proceed, it is best to provide the Material Energy for the effort as a whole and allow the Source to pick the Distress Inducers that are most in need of being eliminated. In this way the Source can topple the structure of Distress Inducers by eliminating the ones that are at the foundation. This is the most efficient way to get rid of the chain of distress that has been created in the social order.
The work needs to proceed on two levels:
Fortunately the funds provided to ground the miracles can also be used to fund the parts of the Campaign that require financial support.
This aspect of The Work of the Source is one of the most important parts of the work that needs to get done while I am here in a manifest form to help to direct the Campaign.
To give funding to this work, you can make a contribution to The World that Works Fund through filling out the form that is provided below.
You can provide any specific information you would like to give about a particular issue you would like to see addressed or you can leave it open to the Source to focus on the most strategic issue. You can leave your comments in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
While it is important to eliminate Distress Inducers in your personal life and in the Community, it is equally important to know how to substitute Integrated Comfort Enhancers.
Integrated Comfort Enhancers are important to counter the addictive behaviors that people engage in when they are experiencing distress. They are also important in providing people with alternate ways of socializing and engaging in sports that do not create distress.
Often the task of discovering the Source Solution Miracles that manifest Integrated Comfort Enhancers that replace Distress Inducers takes a Miracle-Based Adventure to bring something so new into focus. It is through these Miracle-Based Adventures that Suits can begin to think outside of the box of what is considered to be comforting to the Culturally Conditioned aspect of the Suit.
For example, getting drunk on a Friday night might be considered by the Culturally Conditioned Suit to be comforting – a reward for putting in a long week of work that was stressful and meaningless and made them feel degraded.
The Natural Suit abhors such a choice since it leads to the Saturday hangover, to health problems, and often to social problems as the quality of friendships deteriorates due to the distorted interactions that occur in a drunken state.
A Miracle-Based Adventure to discover an alternative to this socially approved method for seeking comfort is needed to awaken in the Culturally Conditioned Suit the understanding of the quality of life that could be possible without this kind of Friday night event. The Adventure would then need to build within the Suit the Comfort Energies that enable it to experience the comfort that it is seeking in a natural way and begin to choose not to abuse its body with alcohol in the future.
While many steps in the evolution out of substance abuse would need to occur, a series of well-staged Miracle-Based Adventures could lead the Suit toward a time when it would feel the goodness of taking a walk in nature, relaxing to music, and enjoying the company of people who are clear thinking and can share life experiences in a genuine way that is love-based and supportive.
This kind of Adventure is also best accompanied by some level of Adventure Coaching that enables insights to be gained that might not otherwise make it into the conscious range.
On a Community level, finding social activities to replace the drunken party is the task of the Community as well as helping to create the work conditions that do not create the distress from which people are trying to escape through alcohol consumption. Knowing where to begin to address problems of this nature is where Code-Driven social Adventures come in. They can accomplish what no intellectual understandings can ever achieve. Miracle-Based Adventures move people and circumstances into configurations that liberate thought and emotions and enable breakthroughs in understanding and social interaction to occur. These breakthroughs are the foundation for natural change.
An Assessment of each situation is best to determine the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to ground the Code and the Miracle-Based Adventures to achieve the desired goal.
To request an Assessment, you can fill out the form below.
Without the support of the Community for the Miracle-Based Adventures that can bring about social change, social change will have to proceed as it has for generations – through political upheavals and social conflict with innovators winning out over embittered opponents. Such social change is achieved through a considerable amount of distress.
This is not necessary if people request Source-Created Miracle-Based Adventures that move everyone toward a collective shift in understanding that can lead to the excitement to bring about innovations that everyone supports and feels comforted to know can be manifested. The miracle of social cooperation as a method for social change rather than social conflict is only achieved when Source Solution Miracles bring in the Miracle-Based Adventures that can effect change in this manner.
To support social change that is cooperation-based rather than conflict-based, the Community needs to support The Work of the Source to:
To give funding to this work, you can make a contribution to The World that Works Fund through filling out the form that is provided below.
You can provide any specific information you would like to give about the issues you would like to see addressed in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Other possibilities are Adventures in Learning where Integrated Comfort is introduced into the learning process. As the Suit relaxes into a feeling of Integrated Comfort, the doors to higher intelligence open, enabling learning to occur at a much higher level of efficiency.
It is well known that young children who are in nurturing environments learn at a much faster rate than adults. This is due, in part, to the fact that they are not beset by as many distressing life circumstances as adults and are, therefore, better able to be present and open to the full range of their intelligence.
Children coming from abusive homes, war zones, and the like have much more difficulty learning because their high levels of distress work against their ability to relax and expand their range of intelligence.
Those who have already experienced stressful learning in schools, where the fear of the punishment of poor grades is the motivating force behind trying to learn the lesson of the day, often have to return to a basic level of Integrated Comfort in order to re-open their attention span and re-expand their range of intelligence. Miracle-Based Adventures in learning are an important way in which this can occur in the course of the very natural flow of the Adventure.
It is possible to request an Adventure in Learning on behalf of someone other than yourself or for a group of people such as abused children or children of a minority group that is known to have trouble with stressful life situations that impact their ability to learn in school. As long as the Soul of the person is willing to receive the Source Support that is offered, the Suit will embark on the Adventure and benefit from the experience of Integrated Comfort that results from the Adventure.
Gifting Miracle-Based Adventures in Learning to groups of children and adults who are in need is one way in which you can help to bring about the Love-Based Global Community that nurtures all of its own. Until those in oppressed sectors of the society are given the help to recover from this oppression and regain their natural intelligence so they can progress in the economic system and secure more material comforts in their lives, a very basic level of physical comfort will be lacking in them. The Distress Energies that they produce as they struggle to survive and fail to feed their children or be able to take the rest that they need, will wash up on the shores of all who have the material means to live less materially stressed lives. The Collective Distress Energies will continue to create the conditions in which experiencing true Integrated Comfort on the material level will be difficult for everyone. The lack of the experience of Integrated Comfort will continue the spiral of rage, abuse, oppression, and distress which then takes all of life down in the endless spiral of conflict between the Haves and the Have Nots.
It takes a certain level of comfort for those beleaguered by war – suffering overwhelming levels of distress from the loss of loved ones, from personal injuries, from disrupted lives, from living in constant fear – to be able to learn what they need to learn to find solutions to the conflict and rebuild a peaceful way of life. The work that is done to help those in war-torn parts of the world to find this level of Integrated Comfort is work that is directly related to building a foundation for World Peace.
The amount of Material Energy needed to infuse Integrated Comfort Energies into the learning process varies according to the severity of the situation and whether the Adventures are being gifted to an individual – yourself or someone else – or to a group of people such as victims of war, crime, domestic violence, etc.
If the child or adult has severe blockages to learning due to life traumas and has a history of not being able to learn or being fearful to try to learn, then more Comfort Energies will be needed to relax the Suit so it can begin experiencing Integrated Comfort in the learning process. US $800 would be needed for most cases in this category to sustain the Integrated Comfort Adventure in Learning until the Suit responds to learning with the understanding that Integrated Comfort can be a part of the process.
For those who are not having difficulty in learning but realize that they are not learning at their potential, an Adventure in Learning of US $600 will usually do what is needed.
There are also gradations in-between for those experiencing varying degrees of stress in the learning process.
It is possible to seek Inner Source Guidance with regard to an Adventure in Learning and enter the amount that you feel guided to enter into The Life that Works Form. You can also request an Assessment if you are uncertain and would like a Source Recommendation with regard to the level of power needed for an Adventure of this sort.
To enter an amount in The Life that Works Form, you can complete the form below and mention in the Comments Box the details of the situation. If the amount that you have provided is not adequate to achieve the desired result, then I will not process your request and will email you with information on what is needed.
How to Request an Assessment
To request an Assessment, you can fill out an Assessment Form which can be accessed through the link provided below. In the form you can describe the details of your situation. I will respond by email with information on the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to ground the Code for this Adventure.
If you would like to gift Adventures in Learning to a group of people in need such as abused children, minorities, victims of war and natural disasters, etc., you can enter the amount that you wish to contribute in The World that Works Fund form that you will find below.
You can provide any specific information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution. Or you can leave it open for the Source to select those who are most in need of this kind of support.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Many couples lack the knowledge of how to work through their conflicts and doldrums and often try to escape the relationship in order to feel excitement in a relationship again.
Inner conflicts and an accumulation of conflicts in the relationship create the Distress Energies that come between them. In their attempt to avoid bumping into these Distress Energies, they start to avoid one another.
An Integrated Comfort Adventure for Couples helps to release this wall of Distress Energies and to create a medium of Comfort Energies that enable the couple to re-experience Integrated Comfort when they are together. This helps to end the standoff and give each one of them the emotional reserves of sustained Integrated Comfort to begin to tackle the problems that have led to the conflicts.
While an Integrated Comfort Adventure will not handle all of the work that is needed to deal with the problems that have led to the conflicts, it will take the edge off of the distress and create the experience of Integrated Comfort that enables them to relax and have the energy to begin to problem solve and learn new ways of relating that enable them to rise above conflict.
Correct Exchange
A Baseline Comfort Adventure for Couples is US $600. This will establish the Inner Plane foundation for Integrated Comfort in the relationship. This Inner Plane level of Comfort will translate overtime to the Outer Plane. This will, without support, take months and even years to manifest completely on the Outer Plane.
To accelerate the process, it is advisable to follow up with a series of Activation Adventures that help to manifest what has been built on the Inner Plane on the Outer Plane. Each Activation Adventure is US $350.
A couple can add on additional Activation Adventures as needed and can supplement these Adventures with Couple Coaching either in person, via phone or Skype or by email, with learning how to read The Comfort Code in a Source Solution Code Webinar, and with training in how to work effectively with Miracle-Based Adventures in a Miracle-Based Adventure Training Webinar. The webinars can be accessed through The Schedule for Upcoming Events.
If only one member of the couple is open to the concept of the Adventure, it is possible for them to work with me in a Coaching Session and track the evolution of the Adventure. As long as the Soul of their partner is willing to participate in the Adventure, help through an Adventure process can be gifted to this person.
It is also possible to request an Assessment of what combination of Next Steps would be most advisable given your current circumstances. To request an Assessment you can access the form through the link provided below.
To request an Baseline Comfort Adventure for Couples you can access the link provided below.
To request an Activation Comfort Adventure for Couples you can access the link provided below.
An adapted version of this kind of Adventure is available for couples in any community. For instance, in communities where it is well known that domestic violence is high and women are being oppressed, it is possible to request a Miracle-Based Adventure that will help couples to begin to evolve beyond this level of conflict and abuse. In the 14 Prototype Communities that I founded, there was a very high rate of domestic violence. With Code-Driven Miracle-Based Adventures, these couples evolved beyond this level of violence into the Love-Based Relationships that formed the foundation for a Love-Based Community. It was a great miracle, one that can be replicated in our modern times in any community throughout the Creation.
What is needed is the Material Energy of those who want to help usher in a new era in which people live their lives in Love-Based Relationships instead of in conflict-ridden relationships.
To give funding to this work, you can make a contribution to The World that Works Fund through filling out the form that is provided below.
You can provide and information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
In order for a family to work together to create the conditions in which Integrated Comfort can be experienced by every member of the family, it is necessary to initiate an Integrated Comfort Adventure for the family.
Family dynamics often hinge on unseen causal forces that occur on the Inner Plane. Often Spiritual Networks of control or resistance have been built on the Spiritual Level which constrain the thoughts and behaviors of family members. Some of these Networks have been passed down from one generation to another. The Suits respond to these Networks even in cases where the family members are willing, at the conscious level, to find more constructive ways of interacting with one another.
Until these Spiritual Networks are cleared and replaced with Spiritual Structures that help family members to interact in positive ways, it is often hard to bring about any fundamental change in the family dynamics.
Integrated Comfort Adventures mobilize the energies of the family members to break these Negative Spiritual Networks and to move everyone into new Spiritual Pathways that enable them to have different, more constructive experiences with one another that contribute to the experience of Integrated Comfort in the family relationships.
Even in very happy, functional families, Integrated Comfort Adventures can take the family dynamic into a greater level of love and celebration of the time that they have together in this life.
Miracle-Based Adventures can be requested by a family member without all of the other family members consenting to the Adventure on the Outer Plane. The Miracle-Based Adventure will provide each member of the family with an opportunity to participate if they choose to do so. Generally the Natural Suit will choose to participate because it sees the opportunity to achieve greater Integrated Comfort. The Culturally Conditioned aspect of the Suit may respond positively to the change toward greater Integrated Comfort that has occurred because of the participation of the Natural Suit in the Adventure. In all cases, the Soul must be in alignment with the Adventure for the Source to gift it to a member of the family.
Basic Integrated Comfort Adventure for a Family
The amount of Material Energy needed to clear the obstructive Negative Spiritual Networks that limit the ability to experience Integrated Comfort is US $450.
To request a Basic Integrated Comfort Adventure for a Family, you can access the link provided below.
It is possible to request other kinds of Miracle-Based Adventures for Families that will help to build the Outer Plane conditions in which Integrated Comfort can be experienced by all family members. To initiate an Adventure of this kind, it is necessary to request an Assessment. Provide as much detail regarding your family situation and the outcome that you are seeking to achieve and I will respond with an Assessment of what kind of Miracle-Based Adventure is needed and the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to ground the Code and the Adventure Sequence.
To request the Assessment, that is a first step in initiating an Adventure of this sort, you can fill out the form that can be accessed by the link provided below. Be sure to include as much detail about your family and what you wish to accomplish.
While enhancing the quality of family life may be an objective for more functional families that seek Source Support on the Outer Plane, many families in the Global Community are so dysfunctional that there is no real effort being made on the Outer Plane to correct the distress that this dysfunctionality creates. In cases of this kind, gifted Miracle-Based Adventures can provide a family with an experience of love and cooperation that can open the door to an evolution out of conflict and abuse toward a Love-Based Family Life.
Since the quality of a child's first experiences in the world, which occur in their family, is what shapes their personalities and the way that they will interact with others in the Community as adults, it is of the greatest importance to heal the family so that the Community can heal on every level. Trying to provide services to deal with the victims of child sexual and physical abuse does not eliminate the family dynamics that continue to produce this distress in generation after generation.
With the help of the Source and the miracle of Miracle-Based Adventures, it is possible to turn this situation around and give the next generation a better start in life that they can build on in their adult years. In this way the Global Community will evolve toward the Love-Based Community that it needs to become if Integrated Comfort is to be experienced by every member of the Community.
To give funding to this work, you can make a contribution to The World that Works Fund through filling out the form that is provided below.
You can provide any information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
Since vacations are a time when people focus on restoring a state of ordinary comfort which might have gotten lost in the rush and stress of their everyday lives, it is helpful if a vacation context can be used to deepen this quest for comfort so that some measure of Integrated Comfort is achieved. This can happen when your vacation is transformed into a Miracle-Based Adventure that enables you to experience Integrated Comfort while also enjoying all of the comforts of an ordinary vacation.
Vacations that enable people to experience Integrated Comfort can also be a lifesaver for those who are experiencing extreme distress in their lives and need to get away and truly reconnect with a sense of comfort and well-being in order to return home able to continue on in their lives.
Integrated Comfort Adventures for Vacations offers you a chance to not only transform your own vacation into one that will yield an experience in Integrated Comfort but to gift this kind of healing experience to those most in need of this kind of support. In this way you help to nurture others in the Global Community for whom a vacation may simply mean some time away from work – not a trip to the Bahamas. This vacation time has to count as a true respite if they are to be able to continue on with their lives.
When a vacation is transformed into a Miracle-Based Adventure, Adventure Props manifest in delightful and unexpected places and the flow of well-staged events takes you a Next Step toward a deepening level of Integrated Comfort.
For instance, you might sit down to a dinner in a restaurant and discover that the food and beverages have been transformed into Adventure Props that suffuse you with Comfort Energies or energize you, or trigger a series of thoughts and associations that enable you to reconnect to what relaxes you and releases you to a deeper level of rest and regeneration.
So often people arrive at a vacation maxed out by the stresses of their life and too tense and tired to really enjoy all of the activities of the vacation. Infusions of life regenerating energies can transform this situation early in the vacation so that it is possible to really enjoy the vacation rather than just begin to come to life at the tail end of it when it is all too soon time to return home to the stressful round of daily events.
The length of the vacation and the number of people involved in the Miracle-Based Adventure are part of what determines the amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Code for the vacation. A vacation for an individual or a family that is up to two weeks in duration can run off of an Adventure Code for US $300.
If your vacation is for you individually or for you and your family and is up to two weeks in duration, you can access the link below for the Basic Miracle-Based Vacation Code.
If you have a longer vacation in mind or a complex social situation such as a group of friends or business associates, then you can request a Miracle-Based Vacation Assessment and I will email with information on how much Material Energy would be needed to ground the Code. In the comments section of the form that you can access through the link below, be sure to provide information on who is going on the vacation, the location, the activities anticipated, and on any other information that might be involved.
While it is important for the family that can afford to exchange for an Integrated Comfort Adventure for themselves to use this opportunity to heal and regenerate, it is of great importance to many in the world community who work at arduous and oppressive jobs and have only a few days or weeks off in the whole year and who lack the funds to go someplace that is relaxing and rejuvenating. Often they just rest at home and try to regenerate.
Gifting an Integrated Comfort Adventure Vacation to someone who is in desperate need of it is a good way to invest in the regeneration of that life and all of the lives that are touched by that life. In this way you are empowered to give help where it is most needed.
Because the Source knows who is in most need of this kind of Source Support, your help can reach the individuals and families that really need to escape into an experience of Integrated Comfort in order to keep their lives on track with what is positive and generative.
To give funding to this work, you can make a contribution to The World that Works Fund through filling out the form that is provided below.
You can provide any information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution.
Note: If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.
While Individual Guided Integrated Comfort Adventures can be a first step, it is only when you embark on The Path to Integrated Comfort that you are able to achieve a lasting state of Integrated Comfort.
Those seeking to use Integrated Comfort Experiences as Comfort Fragments will find that these experiences will not eliminate the experience of distress in their lives except in the areas in which they have introduced a way of life that is conducive to the experience of Integrated Comfort. What is needed is not a Comfort Fragment but a transition into the world of Integrated Comfort where you are moving from one Miracle-Based Adventure to another to achieve higher levels of Integrated Comfort in every aspect of your life.
The highest level of Integrated Comfort is achieved when you realize that Absolute Comfort occurs only when you celebrate your Love Connection with the Source and are no longer seeking to escape from distress by seeking comfort for its own sake. Those who achieve a state of Absolute Comfort are those who no longer live in fear that they will experience distress but who live in the love that they have for the Source which is an Absolute Comfort that never wanes from birth to death. They Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven and live in the Absolute Comfort of The Love Connection.
The Path to the experience of Absolute Comfort is a path that only the Source can chart for you through the carefully created Miracle-Based Adventures that you need to arrive at this highest level of Integrated Comfort.
At-a-Distance Adventure Support & Individual Guided Adventures can occur:
The Correct Exchange for In-Person Guided Adventures in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center in Seattle are assessed on an individual basis. You can request an Assessment for a Miracle-Based Comfort Adventure by filling out the form provided below.
Information on the Correct Exchange for an Intensive in Maui, Hawaii is available when an Intensive has been scheduled.
The Correct Exchange for a Miracle-Based Adventure Webinar is $110/2+ hour webinar.
To register for an upcoming webinar, you can consult The Schedule of Upcoming Events through accessing the link provided below.
A variety of different kinds of webinars are available for those who have entered into The Miracle Reality and into The Miracle-Based Community.
To find out about these webinars you can go to:
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gfited videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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