(What follows is the text of the Agreement which must be signed on a paper copy that is submitted to The Miracle School.)
I agree to enter into a Joint Venture with the Implementation Aspect of Source, manifesting through Sherry Daniel, Director of The Miracle School, to provide Heaven Economy Miracles to the Universal Community.
What follows are my understandings of what is involved in this Joint Venture and my agreement to uphold the terms of this Agreement.
I understand that Heaven Economy Miracles require the Direct Source Work that she provides which:
I understand that my part in the Joint Venture is to provide my Heaven Experience Equipment which must be maintained through providing for The Miracle Ring that enables this equipment to function to produce Heaven Economy Miracles. I agree to maintain The Miracle Ring which will require a Correct Exchange of $542/month. I understand that I can exchange for this maintenance on a monthly, yearly, or multi-year basis and that longer intervals result in Miracle Ring Teams which provide exponentially more power to the work.
I give my permission to the Source to operate my Heaven Experience Equipment and my Miracle-Based Abilities to produce Heaven Economy Miracles in accordance with The Principle of Correct Exchange.
I understand that no training is needed for my equipment to be accessed by the Source to deliver Heaven Economy Miracles.
I understand that I will not need to be involved on the Outer Plane in the actual delivery of the miracles when a request for them is made and the Correct Exchange is provided. Sherry will deliver the miracles whenever there is a Correct Exchange that is either an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange and all other conditions are right for the delivery.
I understand that she may refuse a Correct Exchange if the conditions are not right to deliver a miracle. This may include sending back an Energy Exchange that is given on the Inner Plane or refunding a Financial Exchange that is given for the miracle. I agree to abide by her decisions even if I am the one who has sent the person who is willing to provide the Correct Exchange.
I understand that if a Correct Exchange is given and accepted and the Heaven Economy Miracle has been sent, the recipient will not be given a refund on what has been received. Refunds are in violation of The Principle of Correct Exchange and are, therefore, not permitted in any Miracle School transactions.
I understand that my part is to maintain The Standard of Heaven as articulated in The Standard of Heaven Agreement which I have signed, keeping my mind set on Right Action and The Love Connection with the Source so that the Miracle-Friendly Context in which the miracles can be delivered is maintained.
I agree to uphold The Truth Campaign Guidelines and the Source Standards for this Joint Venture. The Joint Venture Source Standards uphold a higher standard because I am participating in bringing through miracles and I am working in a closer working relationship with the Source in the Joint Venture. I understand that these Source Standards are also important to building the Earth Prototype for The Heaven Economy and as such are a sacred part of the work of The Heaven Project.
I understand that because Heaven Economy Miracles are a part of the Love-Based Heaven Economy and not a part of the Greed-Based Hell Economy, Source Standards for dealing with developing educational materials, earning income, and working in a Joint Venture need to be upheld or the negative energy of the Greed and Fear-based Hell Economy can come into the Joint Venture. I understand that these Miracle-Unfriendly Energies will destroy the Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy that is essential to landing Heaven Economy Miracles. This will end Sherry’s ability to participate in the Joint Venture because she will be unable to do her Direct Source Work in a field of Miracle-Unfriendly Energies.
I understand that participating in a Heaven Economy Miracle Joint Venture is an opportunity to learn how to work in The Heaven Economy and to free myself of all of the trappings of The Hell Economy. This learning is, in The Transition that is now underway, critical to my ability to build the 100% Source-Connected Way of Life that will enable me to survive the final stages of The Transition.
I understand that Heaven Economy Joint Ventures are viewed by Sherry as a higher, more advanced level of the training of Heaven Agents in The Miracle School and not as a secular business venture the sole purpose of which is to earn income. They are Source-Directed Student Internships for running a Heaven Economy Business. I understand that this internship is an integral part of my studies in The Miracle School.
I understand that in secular terms I will be establishing my own independent business, with my own business license, and becoming a contractor/affiliate of The Miracle School/Heaven Project. In spiritual terms, I will be a Student Intern of The Miracle School learning how to run a Heaven Economy Business Joint Venture.
Even if the basics of the business are well established and operating smoothly for years, Sherry will be providing Source Guidance to help me learn about dealing with economic challenges in a Source-Guided Way throughout the time that I will be engaging in the Joint Venture. I understand that it is only when this learning goes to the deepest levels that I will be able to transcend into the highest levels of the Materialization Economy.
I understand that she is willing to sustain a Heaven Economy Joint Venture Internship with me only if I work well with this training, learning how to maintain the highest standards for the work and being grateful and receptive for the learning opportunity even if it challenges my secular concepts about how businesses should be operated or exposes levels of the negativity that have crept into my attitudes and practices where money is involved. I understand that economic issues are experienced by the Suit as survival issues and that deeply entrenched belief systems may have to be challenged in order for me to transcend to the level at which I can qualify to participate in the Materialization Economy at the level at which material possessions can manifest directly from the Spiritual Level to the Physical Level.
I accept that this work is in the realm of the sacred and not the commercial. I understand that any attempt to handle the Joint Venture Relationship from a secular, commercial vantage point will violate The Standard of Heaven and terminate my ability to participate in the Joint Venture.
I agree to follow the Source Guidance which Sherry receives with regard to whether the Miracle-Friendly Conditions are sufficient to deliver the miracles and what needs to be done to maintain these conditions if complications arise.
I understand that the amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground a Heaven Economy Miracle is determined by The Principle of Correct Exchange and that this amount can’t be altered or the miracle can’t be delivered.
I understand that the Material Energy for a Heaven Economy Miracle can be given through either an:
I understand that what this means is that some of the miracles will be delivered without a Financial Exchange if the recipient is providing Material Energy to their Life that Works Fund through an Inner Plane Energy Exchange.
Some may be sent without a Financial Exchange because Heaven Agents in the Community are providing the Material Energy to The World that Works Fund on behalf of the recipients.
I understand that as long as the Material Energy is provided, the conditions are right to deliver the miracles, and the recipients have, at an Inner Plane level, agreed to receive them, the Heaven Economy Miracles will be sent out. These determinations will be made through the Extended and/or Conscious Range of the Implementation Aspect of the Source manifesting through Sherry.
I understand that when there is an Energy Exchange, the Material Energy that I earn for my contribution to the Joint Venture will go into my Life that Works Fund on the Inner Plane and can be used to exchange for Source Support or for Heaven Economy Miracles offered by others in the Community. I understand that I can also donate Material Energy to The World that Works Fund to help others receive the forms of Source Support that they need.
I understand, that in the instances in which the Heaven Economy Miracles are exchanged for financially, 60% of the Financial Exchange will go to The Miracle School for the Direct Source Work that is done by Sherry and 40% will go to me for my contribution of my Total Abundance Equipment which Sherry will work with on my behalf.
In the instance that a Financial Exchange is given in a single payment, the percentage I have earned will be sent by PayPal to my PayPal account by the 5th of the month in which it was received. If it was received after the 5th of the month, it will be sent by the 5th of the following month.
If the Financial Exchange is coming in through a Payment Plan, I will receive 40% of whatever is paid in any given month according to the 5th of the month schedule described above. I understand that if the recipient defaults on the payments, then no further funds will be sent to me.
No Guarantee that People Will Purchase My Heaven Economy Miracles
I understand that by offering a Heaven Economy Miracle to the Global Community I am guaranteed by Sherry, as the Director of The Miracle School/The Heaven Project, of a financial return only if someone elects to provide a Financial Exchange for my Heaven Economy Miracles. If no one chooses to exchange for them financially, then the Joint Venture has yielded no financial return and, therefore, is not able to provide any financial payment.
Sherry will keep an accounting of all of the transactions and will provide me with a report of what has occurred only if a purchase of one of my Heaven Economy Miracles has been made.
If my records do not match The Miracle School records, I agree to contribute to the settlement of the concern in a way that preserves the Miracle-Friendly Working Relationship that is what enables the Joint Venture to be sustained. I understand that any Hell Economy interactions over financial matters will be grounds for the termination of the Joint Venture.
I understand that I can at any time terminate my participation in this Joint Venture and still receive whatever earnings have been earned prior to the receipt of my written termination.
Sherry is also able to terminate the Joint Venture at any time due to the Source Guidance that she receives. She is also able to suspend it if corrections need to be made but I wish to continue on with the Joint Venture.
I agree to refrain from taking any legal action against Sherry, any Miracle School employees or affiliates, or students, or The Miracle School/Heaven Project with regard to any matter connected to this Joint Venture. This includes any opinions expressed about the Joint Venture or about my participation in it or any decisions made, or for any loss of income opportunities due to the inability to deliver Heaven Economy Miracles because of any Miracle-Unfriendly circumstances that might arise.
I recognize that Sherry is unwilling to engage in any Joint Venture Internship which is treated as a secular business relationship which could lead to litigation in The Hell Economy. I recognize that she is engaging in the Joint Venture to help me to learn about how to transition from The Hell Economy into The Heaven Economy and that this is the ultimate purpose of the Joint Venture. I understand that her position is that only those who are willing to learn from this Heaven Economy Internship in a Source-Guided Way should engage in this form of advanced training in The Miracle School, that those seeking to engage in Heaven Economy Miracles for the sake of monetary profit and to attack if they feel that they haven’t earned what they desired, are not in keeping with the Source objectives for this part of The Miracle School training program.
I agree to pay for all legal fees and financial losses if I violate this contract and engage in either legal action against The Miracle School or in public character defamation attacks or other actions that result in damaging the reputation of Sherry, The Miracle School/Heaven Project, or its employees, affiliates, or students.
I further agree that if I violate this agreement by initiating legal action, this action will occur only in the court system in King County, Seattle, WA.
I understand that Sherry is unable to continue to offer Heaven Economy Miracles that were useful in the past but which are no longer available due to Universal Changes.
I understand that the same miracles might be updated or new Heaven Economy Miracles might become available.
I agree to work within the structure of the Source Plan for what ever Heaven Economy Miracles I am able to offer to the Community at any given point in time.
I understand that Sherry’s contribution is to:
I understand that my contribution to disseminating information about my Heaven Economy Miracles could be to allow Sherry to handle all of it on my behalf or to enter into The Truth Campaign and help to draw people to The Miracle School and to The Total Abundance Movement where they will learn about Heaven Economy Miracles. I understand that this will increase the opportunity to earn additional income and enable me to learn how to do this part of running a Heaven Economy Business in a Source-Guided Way.
I understand that I will need to abide by the standards of The Truth Campaign for providing educational materials about The Work of the Source. In my efforts, I agree to carefully follow all of the guidelines set out in The Truth Campaign, particularly those with regard to:
I have read and signed The Truth Campaign Agreements.
I understand that my efforts can take the following forms:
I understand that through combining an active Truth Campaign that brings in more Heaven Agents to the Work, I can earn an income from:
I understand that if I wish to increase my marketing power on the Spiritual Level, I can elect to equip myself with The Basic Plan Total Abundance Equipment and launch Heaven Happenings to help people to have the mini Heaven Experience that enables them to more readily grasp the idea that Heaven is possible and respond more easily to the message in the educational materials that are provided about the Heaven Economy Miracles.
I understand that if I would like to bring in a wider range of Heaven Economy Miracles, I have the option of providing my Suit with Life Code which will give me the Full Range of miracles that are possible. This is possible by exchanging for The Full Power Plan for the Heaven Experience Equipment.
I understand that what is needed in terms of training to graduate into higher levels of The Heaven Economy is based on my Mission Plan. Information on Next Steps in my Mission Plan will be provided without a Financial Exchange by Sherry when she is guided to do so. These provide me with information on how I am progressing and on Next Steps.
I understand that if I would like to engage in Joint Venture Coaching either in Individual Coaching Sessions or in Joint Venture Webinars or Intensives to assist in developing the business and spiritual understandings to progress more rapidly in this Joint Venture, that I will be required to provide the Material Energy needed by Sherry to provide this kind of Source Support. This is true of any Miracle Tools or Source Interventions or any other form of Source Support that I may need.
I understand that the Material Energy for the development of the educational materials that she develops and contributes to the Joint Venture are exchanged for by those supporting The Work of the Source to develop The Heaven Economy. I, therefore, do not need to provide a Financial Exchange for these materials.
Because Sherry can do her part of the Joint Venture on the Inner Plane after she transitions back to the Unmanifest Level, our Joint Venture can continue as long as I am in good standing with Source Standards.
If she chooses to leave behind an Outer Plane version of The Miracle School to be operated by others, then any Financial Exchange will go to The Miracle School. If The Miracle School is not continued on the Outer Plane, then I can take over generating all of the educational materials and handling the Financial Exchange that is needed and she will support my efforts on the Inner Plane.
I hereby agree to all of the terms of The Heaven Economy Miracle Agreement stated above.
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