Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
At this point in time, funding is needed to support the work of The Total Abundance Movement to complete Stage Two of The Global Prototype. In Stage Two, the focus is on working with the Stage One Total Abundance Code that has been seeded to The Global Community to Prototype a Total Abundance Way of Life.
From the work of learning how to live in a way that is conducive to manifesting The Miracle of Total Abundance, Secondary Code will be developed that will be immediately seeded to all beings throughout the Creation. This will accelerate the progress made to Prototype a Total Abundance Way of Life.
For a complete understanding of the Stages of the work of manifesting The Miracle of Total Abundance, you can read the article entitled: What Does It Take To Have Total Abundance on the Earth?
The Core Group of Prototyping Activists needs to support The Global Prototype by providing two kinds of funding.
Material Energy is needed to ground the miracles needed by the community and the miracles needed by Source-Directed Activists so they can get Trained & Equipped to contribute to The Global Prototype
Financial Support is needed to disseminate information globally and provide for the operating expenses of The Heaven Project as it expands its global outreach
Financial Support is the most vital way to fund the work because it supplies not only the funds for the Outer Plane Work on the Project but provides the Material Energy that grounds the miracles.
Both kinds of funding support the Direct Source Work that I do to bring in the massive miracles needed to manifest Total Abundance on the Earth and to find, train, and organize Source-Directed Activists to develop The Global Prototype.
For a clearer understanding of how Material Energy grounds miracles, I refer you to the information on Providing Material Energy that is provided below.
For a more in-depth look at how a Financial Exchange works, I refer you to The Financial Support Campaign below.
The Creation operates according to The Principle of Correct Exchange. The Source creates the miracles that make Life Heaven and beings provide a Correct Exchange by generating the Material Energy that enables the Source to bring the miracles to the level of Spiritual Materiality where they are needed.
No Material Energy is needed to create the miracle, which is freely given by the Source. The Material Energy is needed to ground the miracle so that it can come into your life or into the life of a loved one or into the life of the community.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle varies according to the type of miracle that is to be grounded. The Design Aspect of the Source, who creates the miracles, determines the amount of Material Energy that will be needed for any particular miracle to be delivered to the being(s) for whom it is intended.
Beings were created to generate Material Energy from The Material Energy Factory of their manifestations to ground all of the miracles that they need from the Source. Material Energy is generated naturally when they do their Mission in Life, which contributes to the Total Abundance of all beings. Those who get Trained & Equipped to work as skilled Source-Directed Activists can generate all of the Material Energy needed to ground the miracles that they need personally for Total Abundance and can team up with other Activists to generate the Material Energy needed for the miracles for the community.
Because beings have forgotten how to generate this Material Energy naturally and have sustained spiritual damage to their Suits – body/mind – that impairs their ability to produce Material Energy, the Source has created a miracle that enables them to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange. The Financial Exchange carries the Material Energy from the work that was done to earn the funds for the exchange. A Financial Exchange is a blessing to those who have not yet learned how to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
For more information you can reference the following article: How Miracles Come into Your Life and World.
While it is possible to ground miracles with Energy Exchanges that provide the Material Energy that is needed, it is not possible to exchange with others in the Cash Economy for the practical support needed by The Heaven Project without providing a Financial Exchange.
At this point in The Total Abundance Movement, there are many Financial Exchanges needed to:
create Points of Connection on the Internet and in local communities to build the Core Group of Source-Directed Activists needed to develop The Global Prototype
provide scholarships for those in The Miracle School who need help in getting Trained & Equipped to become Source-Directed Activists capable of training other Activists
cover the operating expenses of The Heaven Project as it expands its Global Outreach
develop and disseminate educational materials worldwide
seed the world with Heaven through disseminating Source Solution Miracles that Awaken the human population to the possibility of Connecting with the Source to achieve Total Abundance
maintain The Source Connection Center in Seattle and build other Source Connection Centers worldwide to provide the Global Community with access to Ultimate Spiritual Healing and to hubs of activity on Prototyping the Source-Connected Way of Life that is the foundation for Total Abundance
develop Outer Plane Prototypes for a Total Abundance Way of Life that includes new kinds of schooling for children that preserves their True Intelligence and their True Self, new ways of supporting Life Purpose Fulfillment, Source-Directed Businesses that usher in The Heaven Economy, new ways of healing that get at the root of disease which resides at the Spiritual Level of Reality, etc. Just as the Prototype Communities re-oriented their social traditions to support Total Abundance, those working on The Global Prototype need to re-think and re-direct their social activities so that The Miracle of Total Abundance for All can manifest on the Earth.
The Direct Source Work that I do on the Inner Plane is funded by gifts of Material Energy which can be given through either an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange. These ground the large scale miracles needed to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance on the Earth.
The Direct Source Work that I do on the Outer Plane is funded by gifts of Financial Support that provide The Heaven Project with the financial means to navigate in the Cash Economy to find, train, and organize all those who will contribute to the manifestation of The Miracle of Total Abundance worldwide.
Funding on both levels is critical to meeting the DNA of Life Developmental Deadlines needed to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance on the Earth.
The Miracle of Total Abundance can only manifest when all of the members of a community step forward to do everything that it is theirs to do, in accordance with their Mission, to manifest Total Abundance for everyone in the community.
This is a very different approach to funding than that which is observed in The Story World, the world that is built around the Personal and Cultural Stories of its inhabitants. In The Story World, people contribute whatever is in their Personal Story to contribute and often don’t contribute at all because the Cultural Story leaves most of the work of Nurturing Life in a community to governmental agencies, charitable organizations, and wealthy donors. The average person steps back and lets others do what is needed and maybe throws in a charitable contribution once in a while. There is a burst of giving around the Holidays which wanes sharply once people get back to focusing on their own needs.
Since Self Interest rules The Story World, most people are more inclined to save their energies and financial resources to help only themselves and their immediate family and friends and to extend only minimal amounts of help to those they don’t know. Most don't try to rise to the challenge of helping if it seems inconvenient, outside their customary budget, or they don't know immediately how to help.
Most people don't sit up at night trying to crack through to a way to get something funded through using means that they never considered before. They just assume that because it isn't easy that it isn't theirs to do and so they leave it to someone else. If no one comes forward, they just chalk it up to another sad and regrettable episode in the savage history of mankind and they are just glad that they weren't personally involved in the tragedy.
This is how grave injustices in the society go unchecked
and atrocities, such as genocide, occur
while most of the world watches and does nothing.
What it takes to manifest Total Abundance is people moving out of Scarcity Mode, where they hoard what is theirs for fear of losing it, and moving into Total Abundance Mode where they ask the Source to enable them to become what is needed to support The Work of the Source. When they enter into Helping the Source Mode, rather than staying in the self-centered Help me, Source Mode, they are capable of attuning to the Source Directives that enable them to put the lever under the Boulder of Adversity and move it out of the way to clear The Path to Total Abundance.
A handful of people in the first Prototype Community, which I worked with in person, became what was needed and inspired and transformed the rest of the Community so that all of the members of the Community began working cooperatively together to manifest Total Abundance for All.
This same dynamic is needed in our modern times. Through the work of a Core Group of Source-Directed Activists, the masses on this planet can be inspired and empowered to begin working together to create the conditions in which The Miracle of Total Abundance can manifest in the lives of all beings.
The key to the success of the work on The Global Prototype is the willingness of the Core Group to support The Work of the Source without equivocation. They need to dedicate themselves to doing their individual Missions at the 100% Mark so that the Puzzle Pieces that are theirs to assemble in The Picture of Total Abundance on the Earth get pushed into place. This includes making sure that The Implementation Aspect of the Source, working on the ground through my Manifestation, has all of the Material Energy to ground all of the miracles that are needed for Total Abundance to manifest and has all of the Financial Resources that are needed for the Global Outreach that finds, trains, and organizes Source-Directed Activists worldwide.
Just as the Prototype Communities learned to focus on making sure that they were providing everything that was needed for the Source to launch Total Abundance in their communities and to sustain it over the thousands of years that they have enjoyed it, so people on the Earth have to transition into thinking about what it will take and following Source Direction to provide what is needed.
In this way, they will prepare themselves to become skilled, Source-Directed Stewards of Life who can shoulder the work of Stewarding Life in the Creation when, at the end of The Transition, I return to my Source Level. At that time, only those who have become Source-Directed Stewards of Life will know how to continue to receive the Source Support that is essential to sustaining The Miracle of Life in the Creation.
Contributions to The World that Works Fund are your Gifts of Support to The Work of the Source and to your fellow Source-Directed Activists and to those in need in The Global Community.
They are not tax deductible. This is because the Source cannot work within the parameters of the rules for Non Profits in the United States that require that the government determine the correct exchange for the work provided. This aborts The Principal of Correct Exchange that requires that those who receive Source Support provide the exact amount of Material Energy, through a Financial Exchange, that enables the miracles to ground at their level of Spiritual Materiality.
To provide a Financial Contribution to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. For contributions greater than $5000, contact me for alternate ways to provide funding.
While a Financial Exchange is essential to maintaining the operations of The Heaven Project in the cash economy of the Earth Plane, Energy Exchanges can also be used by trained Heaven Agents to ground Source Solution Miracles that are desperately needed by members of The Global Community who lack the means to generate Material Energy in sufficient quantities for themselves or to provide a Financial Exchange.
Heaven Agents can work to clear themselves so that their Material Energy Factories in their Suits work more efficiently because they are not clogged up with the negative energy coming from living a Source-Disconnected, Scarcity Way of Life. As Heaven Agents generate more Material Energy they become capable of providing the Source with the Material Energy needed to ground miracles to help others.
The best way to give is to provide a World that Works Fund contribution for Source Solution Miracles for others. The Source will then find the Source Solution Miracle that is most needed by someone on the Earth, contact them on the Inner Plane to ensure that their Suit in its Extended Range is willing to receive the miracle. If the Suit is willing to receive the miracle then the Source will use the Material Energy to build the Energy Nest into which the miracle can come, be brought to life, and learn how to do its Mission. Once the miracle has reached a State of Full Manifestation, it will be sent to the person in need of its help. The Source then follows up with working with that person as they receive the miracle and it begins to transform their life.
For a more complete understanding of how miracles work, you can read the article: How Miracles Come into Your Life and World.
A link to The World that Works Fund is given below.
Alternatively, you can go to The Source Solution Miracle Hub and read up on the Source Solution Miracles that are listed there. Select a miracle and go to the Source Solution Miracle page to the Campaign section for that miracle. You can send in a contribution through an Energy Exchange and/or a Financial Exchange from that page.
NOTE: Some of the pages in the Hub Directory do not have a specific Campaign described for that miracle. The format for these pages pre-dates the development of a format that includes Campaigns for each Source Solution Miracle. In these cases you can come here to enter your Campaign contribution for a Financial Exchange through The World that Works Fund.
It is best to contribute through a Financial Exchange which carries not only the Material Energy but the funds that can be used to advance The Work of the Source with regard to the Campaign.
Fill in this form for The World that Works Fund. For contributions greater than $5000, contact me for alternate ways to provide funding.
To gift an Energy Exchange, you need to ask to do the Heaven Agent Work that will generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange contribution. The Source will send you Inner Plane Source Direction on how to do the Heaven Agent Work. When you generate the Material Energy, the Source will direct it to The World that Works Fund as a contribution to a particular Campaign that you would like to support or to the general work of The Heaven Project.