Step Two

Agreeing to Follow the Lead of the Source

The first step to getting your Suit on track is to made the Executive Level Decision to follow the lead of the Source rather than allowing your Suit to follow the lead of the Story Character for how things should be done to take care of the Suit. 


This seems a very simple and obvious prerequisite to working with the Source to correct the problem but you would be surprised how many agree to follow the lead of the Source and when the first Source Recommendation comes their way to do something that is outside of their usual range of behavior and comfort zones, the Story Character takes control and protests and argues that the Source is wrong and it should be done differently.  The Soul is aghast but often doesn’t step forward to contest the stage and ask for the Source to come in and oust the Story Character so it can express its desire to follow the lead of the Source.  This proactive stance on the part of the Soul is needed for the Source to intercede on its behalf.  As the Soul persists the Heaven Agent Identity that is its representative, begins to develop.  It is the Heaven Agent Identity that can take the stage and oust the Story Character.


It is an important prerequisite to working with me that the Suit follow the lead of the Source. I don’t have time in my human incarnation to argue with Suits who don’t want to adhere to Source Guidance. My response is to simply step aside and let them go their own way to whatever end they choose for themselves.  I have limited energy and it will be given only to those Suits that are willing to do their part of following the Source Recommendations that come through from the Design Aspect of my Source Function that can see what is in the Source Plan and advise them accordingly.  


I teach “you” – the Heaven Agent Identity in the Suit – how to get Inner Source Guidance on your own, so you are also able to check within to track the guidance being sent to you. And I also receive Source Guidance on your behalf from the Design Aspect of my Source Function who creates the Source Plan.


I prefer that “you” – the Heaven Agent Identity – become proficient at receiving Inner Plane Source Guidance so that you and I are on the same page with regard to the issues we work on together as you travel your Path to Perfection.  My goal is not to be the only one giving you Source Guidance because this is not a sustainable Plan of Action since I am not able to be with you in your everyday life and you need Source Guidance on an ongoing basis with regard to every step you take.  I have created the Miracle-Based Training of The Miracle School in order to help you to become proficient at getting Inner Plane Source Guidance so you will know when my Source Function is talking to you and guiding you on your Path.

Part of the Source Guidance that you will receive will answer to the questions you have about the direction the Source is advising you to go and how to deal with the thoughts and concerns of your Suit in going in this direction.  The Source will help you to sort through what thoughts and emotions are coming from your Story Character and what are legitimate concerns of your Suit that need to be addressed to help your Suit prepare to take action appropriately.  Training in how to talk to the different aspects of the consciousness of your Suit is given in "Suit Talk Webinars" and in "Campfire Discussions". 

Source Guidance comes to you from an Integrated Reality and, therefore, it gives you the space to allow yourself to put back into the Picture of Reality all of the parts of the Picture that your socialization in the Story World has excluded.  Far from having to hop to and follow blindly the lead of the Source, the process of getting Source Guidance is one of allowing you to relax, expand your understanding of reality, deal with the different levels of your feelings and understandings, and then move forward from a centered, balanced, and Integrated place of understanding.  The process is designed to emancipate you from the dumbing down process of the Story World so that you can see an Integrated Picture of Reality and can, from a place of true intelligence, decide to respond with Love.


Once you are clear about the Source Guidance being given to you, you need to take action to follow it.   


If you choose to follow the lead of the Source, your Suit will progress and you will begin to bypass the Story Character Identity through not giving it room on the stage of your life. Eventually only "you" – the Heaven Agent Identity, the representative of the Soul, will be on the stage of your life.


To help you concretize the decision to follow the lead of the Source, I have created The Heaven Agent Agreement which is a simple one line agreement that reads:


“I agree to become a Heaven Agent, following the lead of the Source to build Heaven in my life and in the world.”


Signing this Agreement on the Outer Plane is the prerequisite to working with me on the Outer Plane.  


When you sign it, I can send you the transformational energies that help you to follow the lead of the Source and become a Heaven Agent.


To sign this Agreement, you can access the link provided below.

The Heaven Agent Agreement