Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to understand The Source Perspective on a wide variety of issues raised by beings throughout the Creation who have asked for Source Guidance. From the questions asked and the Source Responses given, you can learn about aspects of The Source Perspective that may not be expressed in other Source Communications on the website.
For an understanding of how this part of The Source Perspective Project works, you can read the section on The Source Objectives for The Source Response Project.
To find Source Responses by the questions asked, you can refer to The Directory of Source Responses.
There are two primary Source Objectives for The Source Response Project.
There are many questions that are not answered in the Source Communications that are on the website. Some of the questions are important general questions about what it is like to work with me in The Miracle School and other questions are about a wide variety of topics and issues.
Those asking the questions might be an animal, plant, the Earth, a human, or a being from outside of the Earth Plane. Because as the Implementation Aspect of the Source I am in constant communication with all beings through the Universal Language of Soul Talk, it is not difficult for me to field questions and provide Source Responses. Many of the questions asked are asked on the Inner Plane, The Spiritual Level of Reality, but many are questions that are asked on the Outer Plane by those interacting with me through The Miracle School.
I am able to answer to all of the questions on the Inner Plane through Inner Plane Source Communications that reach the Conscious Range of a being if they have developed their spiritual awareness. If they have not yet developed their spiritual awareness, the Source Communications will reach their Extended Range which generally is outside of their conscious awareness. The Extended Range will work efficiently with the information I provide and can, if the Suit is receptive, get its understanding of the Source Communication to surface into the conscious awareness of the being.
I post only some of the questions in this Project. My choice of those to post is based on the second Source Objective for The Source Response Project.
The second Source Objective is to provide Source Responses that carry Heaven Code. Heaven Code provides an essential kind of Code that enables a being to understand The Source Perspective so they can transition into a Life that is Heaven.
Heaven Code can travel from being to being, providing thousands of beings with the Code that they need to transition out of scarcity and suffering into a Source-Connected Way of Life that yields Total Abundance. When one being reads a Source Response on either the Inner or Outer Planes, the Code will travel through them to everyone who their life touches. Those receiving the Heaven Code through them will be given the opportunity to understand The Source Perspective. They can then choose to work with the Source to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life or choose to remain in a Scarcity Way of Life. At least they will have been given the Heaven Code to have the option to leave scarcity and suffering behind and experience Life as Heaven.
In order to ensure that all of the Source Responses carry Heaven Code, I only post in this Project the questions that can result in Source Responses that can carry Heaven Code. Questions that I do not answer in this Project are answered on the Inner Plane through Inner Plane Source Communications. They are also taken into consideration in the work that I do in other Source-Directed Projects.
To ensure that Heaven Code can be transmitted, I observe a method of presenting the questions that maintains the high vibrational context that is needed for the Source Response. This method includes paraphrasing the questions to embue them with Source Energies and maintaining anonymity with regard to the identity of the being asking the question. In some cases, I will reference the gender, species, and general location of the being asking the question if that is useful information. For frequently asked questions, I do not provide any identifying information.
To ask a question about The Source Perspective on an issue that is not of a personal nature, you can access the Participation form below.
If you have a question that is personal in nature and involves a Source Response that answers to your individual circumstances rather than to a general issue about The Source Perspective, the best way to request this kind of Source Response is to request a Miracle-Based Coaching Session.
To find out how to request Miracle-Based Coaching, which can occur by email, you can go to Miracle-Based Coaching and submit a request for a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment which will inform you if you are spiritually ready to enter into one of the Five Levels of Miracle-Based Coaching. If you are ready, then I will provide a Source Response to your question through a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Session by email. If you would like more extensive help, you can request entry into the Miracle-Based Coaching Program and we can begin working one-on-one.
Question: If I am unable to determine, given my own spiritual skill level, whether or not you are the Source, is it still possible for me to work with you?
Question: Is it possible to work with you if I come from a different religious background and still have ties to these religious practices and beliefs?
Question: I have been taught that the Source is busy and should not be troubled with questions about the small things of life but should only be approached about the big things of life. Is this true?
Question: I have heard that Good and Evil are necessary and useful opposites and that we should not try to get rid of Evil because without it we wouldn't be able to appreciate the Good in the world. I have also heard that the Source wants Evil to exist because it is Its way of putting us to the test and teaching us life lessons. What is the Source Perspective regarding these beliefs?
Question: I would like to become a Heaven Agent but what do I tell my friends and family. They won't understand.
Question: What if I discover that I'm not really good at getting Source Guidance and doing spiritual work? Do you encounter people who really are just failures at this?
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In order to ask a question, you can access the form below.
I request that all participants sign The Standard of Heaven Agreement which establishes the Miracle-Friendly Conditions in which I can provide a Source Response.
By participating, you are agreeing that your questions can be paraphrased and addressed by a Source Response as well as be referenced, in an anonymous format, in any of the materials of The Miracle School.
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