Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
For an overview, you can watch The Next Step Communications from the Source video entitled: The Work of the Source.
To access this video you can fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
The key concept behind establishing a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life is the understanding that 70% of the work involved is the Direct Source Work that I alone can do through my manifestation as the Implementation Aspect of the Source. Most of this work is done through my Extended Range which can operate outside of my conscious awareness.
Now that I am Transitioning back to the Unmanifest Level to rejoin the Design Aspect of the Source, the time that I have remaining in this incarnation is very limited. The Direct Source Work that I am able to do when in a physical incarnation such as my current human form, is work that I will not be able to do when I return to the Unmanifest Level. While I will continue to send in Source Support for a continuing Source Connection after I have completed my Transition, I will not be on the front lines of the Manifest World doing the kind of grounded work that I am able to do now.
This Direct Source Work is essential to pulling the Creation back on track so that it will survive the Transition. It is also essential for the survival of every being who must travel a path back toward a 100% Source Connection in order to retain their Source Connection during and after the Transition. To attain a 100% Source Connection, every being must transition into a Source-Connected Life on a personal and social level. This means that beings need to collectively work together to establish a Universal Source-Connected Community.
While I am more than willing and capable of doing the Direct Source Work that is needed, even though it is a very demanding 24/7 project, what I need from you individually and from the Universal Community is the Material Energy to ground the Source Power that I need to do this kind of work. Source Power is a miracle that, like other miracles, needs to be grounded in order for it to come into play at the level of materiality where it is needed. While I can transition the miracle of Source Power into the Manifest World, only you and other Manifest Beings can ground it at the level where you need it to be deployed.
For this reason, it is necessary to work together on The Source Power Project which will enable the miracle of Source Power to ground in sufficient quantities for the Direct Source Work that is needed for you individually and for the Community.
The simple truth is that you and the Universal Community need Direct Source Work to survive.
This means that you need to supply the Material Energy that is needed
to ground the miracle of Source Power that enables me to do this Direct Source Work.
It is a simple equation.
100% Material Energy = 100% Direct Source Work
If there is a gap in the Material Energy that you provide to me, then there will be a gap in the quality of your personal life and the life of the Community. In the upcoming Transition, any gap will compromise not only the quality of your life but the viability of your life and the life of the Creation all of which are dependent on the Direct Source Work that I alone can do to help you achieve the 100% Source Connection that is needed to survive.
In the Prototype Communities, they give their first priority to making sure that they individually provide all of the Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of Source Power. They have learned how to generate the Material Energy through their skilled Heaven Agent Work that results in the natural Material Energy Factory of their Suits producing the requisite amount of Material Energy. When they produce Material Energy, it is automatically directed by the Laws of Correct Exchange into either their personal Life that Works Fund for the miracles that they need personally or into The World that Works Fund for the miracles needed by them as a Community.
These Funds exist as Material Energy Storage Containers on the Inner Plane. When I see that there is Material Energy in them, I check in with the Source Plan for building Heaven and do what is next in the work of implementing this Plan.
In the world outside of the Prototype Communities, these two Funds have been largely underfunded. In the absence of the correct amount of Material Energy for each Next Step, the Negativity moves in to oppose the underfunded effort to establish Heaven in the world. This means that the limited amount of Material Energy that is available has to be spent on defense and on healing the Suits from the continued damage done to them by the Negativity. This means less progress made toward establishing the foundation for the Source-Connected Life that is essential to survival during and after the Transition.
It is of critical importance that humans step forward and start contributing the Material Energy that is needed for my work on the Earth Prototype which needs to be established on the Earth, which is the most material energy habitat in the Creation. If it is established here, then Heaven can be built in the less material habitats that exist outside of the Earth Plane. In this way we can achieve the goal of uniting the Universal Community so that by the time the Transition completes, it will be ready to assume the tasks that I will no longer be doing so that Life in the Creation will be sustained.
Those who work best with me are those who check in to receive Inner Source Guidance about how much they are to contribute to their individual Life that Works Fund and how much is needed for The World that Works Fund. They also check in on the timing of when the Material Energy will be needed. In this way, they keep the project of transitioning into a Miracle-Based Way of Life individually and collectively moving forward in the correct time frame.
Building Heaven in the world is more akin to the development of a baby in the womb where every step in the work of the biological DNA is pivotal to a healthy baby being born. Correct timing is critical to the manifestation of the Miracle of Life as Heaven.
Failure to keep up with the correct developmental stages of a Source-Created Process that results in Life as Heaven, could abort the process forever and leave beings with no Spiritual Structure that is solid enough to sustain Life in the Creation.
Beings caught up in the Story World often put their energies behind achieving the goals set forth in their own Personal and Cultural Stories not realizing that these Stories have created The World of Suffering that we live in today.
It is only when beings realize that they are missing out on a time limited opportunity to transition into the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life before their own unsustainable way of life collapses and takes them under with it, that will they begin to value the gift of the Direct Source Work that I am willing to do to help them escape from suffering and experience Heaven.
There are two ways to provide Material Energy to ground the miracle of Source Power.
You can, through your Heaven Agent Work, produce the Material Energy from your Suit’s natural Material Energy Factory. This can then be sent to the Source and it will go into either The Life that Works Fund or The World that Works Fund depending on the Principle of Correct Exchange that is based on a Source calculation of what you as a being need to contribute to The Work of the Source in order to balance the exchange for the Source Support that sustains your life.
To learn how to generate Material Energy through your Heaven Agent Work, you can work with me in the Source Connection Coaching Program of The Miracle School where you learn through a combination of individual Coaching Sessions and group Coaching Sessions through webinars and intensives, how to do your part as a Heaven Agent.
For more information on the Coaching Program you can request a Source Connection Coaching Assessment through filling out the form that can be accessed through the link provided below. I will email you with information on what is recommended for you with regard to getting started learning how to do the Heaven Agent Work that will generate the Material Energy that is needed.
Since most humans produce less than 1% of the Material Energy that is needed for a Miracle-Based Life for themselves and others, the Source has brought forth a miracle that draws on the Material Energy generated through the Work Power used to earn income in the cash economy. This kind of Material Energy can be transferred through a Financial Exchange.
The amount of Material Energy needed from a Financial Exchange is determined by the Principle of Correct Exchange. It varies according to the kind of Source Support that is needed.
You can make financial contributions to both your Life that Works Fund and The World that Works Fund through filling out the forms provided below.
If you have a particular form of Source Support that you would like the funds to go toward, you can indicate this in the Comments Box in the form that you will fill out.
It is optimal to just leave it open so that what is Next in the Source Plan can be funded. This is most in keeping with the Source Logic that is behind putting all of the Puzzle Pieces in place in the right order to build Heaven for you and for all others.
To make a financial contribution to ground Source Power for your Life that Works Fund, you can fill out the amount of your contribution in the form provided below.
To make a financial contribution to ground Source Power for The World that Works Fund, you can fill out the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If your contribution is more than US $4500, you can email me for further instructions about how to proceed.
When you fill out the form, you will be given access to all of the free Spiritual Activism Training Materials of Connecting. Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the free videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to The Work of the Source video. Other emails from Connecting will introduce you to the Spiritual Activism Training Materials and provide you with the links.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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