Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes



A Source Solution Miracle
Source-Directed Activists


Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes

There are two kinds of Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes

  • Baseline Infusion Complexes enable the Suit – the body/mind – to function optimally in ordinary life circumstances. 
  • High Power Infusion Complexes provide the High Power Infusions that enable the Suit to function at optimal levels when dealing with Life Crises, Life Transitions, Life Stressors, and in Peak Performance Events.


While some Infusion Complexes are listed in The Spiritual Energy Support System Hub Directory,  others are unlisted and require requesting a Gifted Assessment to determine which kind of Infusion Complex is right for your situation.

To learn more, you can reference the information provided below.




Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. - Founder of The Miracle School

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School


This is the place where you can come to learn about Unlisted Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes and
The Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex Campaign.
For further information you can reference The Resource Directory below.



Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex
Resource Directory


About Source Solution Miracles

The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be. 


Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.  


Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life in which all beings can experience Total Abundance.


Source Solution Miracles empower you to engage in Spiritual Activism and Social Activism in a Source-Guided way that ensures that your efforts will yield the personal and social transformation that is needed to alleviate  scarcity and suffering and build toward the Total Abundance that is the foundation of a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own. They are Spiritual Solutions of great magnitude because they are created, delivered, and supported by the Source.


For a complete listing of all of the Source Solution Miracles that have been posted online to date, I refer you to The Source Solution Miracle Hub




Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes


Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes

The Overview of Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes

How to Request Unlisted Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes

The Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex Campaign 



Additional Resources

The Source Solution Miracle Hub – The Directory for Source Solution Miracles

The Build Heaven Project Hub – The Directory for Source-Directed Training Projects

The  Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training Hub – The Directory for Training Resources

The Source News Hub –  News on What's Happening in The Work of the Source, What's New on the Website, and Source Reflections on Life as It Is and Life as It Can Be

The Source-Directed Activism Hub – Resources for Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists to Support The Work of the Source

The Universal Community Hub – Heaven Agents throughout the Creation share their experiences in working with the Source to build a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life



Keep Abreast of the News on Source Solution Miracles and Source-Directed Activism Projects

Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.




Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes

There are two kinds of Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes.

  • Baseline Infusion Complexes enable the Suit – the body/mind – to function optimally in ordinary life circumstances. 
  • High Power Infusion Complexes provide the High Power Infusions that enable the Suit to function at optimal levels when dealing with Life Crises, Life Transitions, Life Stressors, and Peak Performance Events.


While some Infusion Complexes are listed in The Spiritual Energy Support System Directory in The Source Solution Miracle Hub others are unlisted and require requesting a Gifted Assessment to determine which kind of Infusion Complex is right for your situation.  



Baseline Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes

Baseline Infusion Complexes are created to enable the Suit to handle ordinary life circumstances that require the kinds of Spiritual Energies that make for an optimal level of baseline functioning. In the Prototype Communities, Baseline Infusions and Infusion Complexes are what enable Suits to work with the Source to manifest the Heaven that the Source has created for each moment in their lives. While it takes attuning to Inner Source Guidance in addition to working with Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes to manifest a Heaven Moment, the Spiritual Energies alone go a long way to creating the conditions in which a Suit can experience the promise of Heaven and work to manifest it.


A Suit struggling in an Energy Medium of stressful, toxic energies generated by the Negative Emotional Energies that it produces as well as what is produced by others around it, can experience stress and discomfort even in ordinary life circumstances. The promise of a Heaven Moment can seem an abstract concept to which the Suit cannot relate and is, therefore, not inspired to work to achieve.


For example, a Suit receiving an Infusion Complex that generates a Comfort Medium can experience a level of Integrated Comfort that enables it to handle difficult circumstances from a calmer and more relaxed state of awareness. A Comfort Medium is made from three Infusions.  

  • There is The Source Light/Source Love Infusion which clears the space with Source Light Infusions and brings up the vibrational level with Source Love Infusions. This enables the Suit to relax into the experience of Source Love in a safe place in which to do this.  The Source Light/Source Love Infusion is what builds the Energy Medium.
  • When Source Connection Intelligence Infusions are added to the Medium, they help the Suit to attune to Inner Source Guidance to experience a stronger Source Connection.  
  • When Integrated Comfort Energy Infusions are added to the Medium then the Suit can experience the kind of Comfort that it needs to transcend the frantic search for Comfort Fragments that usually engages its attention.


A Heaven Agent could opt for an Infusion Complex such as The Comfort Medium Infusion that is a listed Infusion Complex or they could request information about either an Unlisted Infusion Complex that has already been created or an Infusion Complex that could be created specifically for their situation. They could also gift this kind of Infusion Complex to someone they love or to members of The Global Community who are in need of it.


A Gifted Assessment can determine what Infusion Complex works best in a specific circumstance.


For instance, a toddler coping with this often turbulent developmental stage can become more calm and comforted with an Infusion Complex that answers to what their Suit needs in order to functioning optimally.

  • There might be a shortage of Spiritual Breath Energy that leads to frequent colds and flus and digestive upsets.
  • There might be a need for Tranquility Energies to enable their Spiritual Electrical System to handle the stressful adjustments as they are weaned and enter into daycare and learn a language and cope with potty training and the like. Tantrums create upheaval in the way that The Spiritual Electrical System handles the flow of energy through the Suit on a Spiritual Level and can rupture Spiritual Electrical Connections that lead to a tendency for the Suit to be unable to handle emotional surges correctly. This can lead to more frequent tantrums and to an experience of trauma. The Spiritual Electrical System Restoration Intervention might be needed in an abbreviated form to handle some of this so the child experiences the ability to control the Suit and not feel helpless in the face of its powerful emotions.
  • The toddler would benefit from Integrated Comfort Energy Infusions to create a Comfort Medium around them that helps to buffer them from the strident energies of other toddlers and siblings and caretakers to which they have to adjust.


Teenagers coping with growing pains, social pressures, and developmental struggles for autonomy have the need for Infusion Complexes to help them deal with ordinary life in a balanced way that supports their True Self coming into its own and helps them to not develop a Socialized Identity that blocks their True Self from surfacing in their life.  What an individual teenager might need could be determined by a Gifted Assessment.


These examples give you an idea of what is possible.  The Source can choose from Listed and Unlisted Infusions to put together an Infusion Complex that meets the needs of a particular person.



High Power Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes 

High Power Infusion Complexes meet the need of Suits to receive a complex of High Power Spiritual Energy Infusions to respond to Life Crises, Life Transitions, Life Stressors, and Peak Performance Events  that over tax the Baseline Spiritual Energy Support System. Without these additional Spiritual Energies the Suit may not have enough Spiritual Energies to meet the demand for the high level performance that these circumstances require.


A High Power Infusion Complex can be requested for any kind of life event that requires more Spiritual Energies than a single type of Spiritual Energy Infusion can supply.  I list some examples below.  



Life Crisis Infusion Complexes

Infusion Complexes for Life Crises can help the Suit recover from mental and physical illness, the loss of a loved one, a tragedy such as the loss of a home in an environmental disaster, the loss of financial security, and the trauma of crime, war, sexual and physical abuse, and the like. Anything that creates an experience of a Life Crisis can be helped by a High Power Infusion Complex.


For example, someone suffering from a physical illness might require an Infusion Complex that would include High Power Spiritual Breath Energy as well as Tranquility Energy, Source Love Energy, Happiness Energy, Spiritual Reproductive Energy, and Spiritual Stamina Energy

  • High Power Spiritual Breath Energy Infusions would help shore up the Life Sustaining functions of the body. 
  • High Power Tranquility Energy Infusions would prevent The Spiritual Electrical System from cracking under the strain of anxiety about the illness and the shock waves of pain that can shatter parts of the System and cause it to fail to supply Source-Given Energies to the parts of the body that need Spiritual Energies to recover. 
  • High Power Source Love Energy Infusions would soothe the body and mind and help the Suit to stay Source-Connected to receive greater Source Support for recovery.
  • High Power Spiritual Reproductive Energy Infusions could help the Suit reproduce the spiritual component of the damaged body organs so that physical regeneration can occur.
  • High Power Spiritual Stamina Energy Infusions could shore up the Physical Stamina Energies of the body to enable the Suit to sustain the work of recovering on both Spiritual and Physical Levels.


Given the specifics of a person’s situation, the Infusions that make up an Infusion Complex might come from either the Listed or the Unlisted Infusions. Unlisted Infusions contain Infusions that are often unique to a particular Suit or a circumstance or are among the countless Infusions and Infusion Complexes created by the Source that have not been listed.


The kind of Infusions and the amount of the Infusions would be calculated by the Source and administered by an At-a-Distance Source Intervention. The Infusion Complex created becomes an Unlisted Infusion Complex because it is unique to the person for whom it is created and is not a Listed Infusion Complex.



Life Transition Infusion Complexes

Any Life Transition that is a significant change in the way of life, such as  the advent into adult life, marriage, the birth of children, career transitions, a divorce, adapting to long term illness, retirement, and the preparation for crossing over at death can benefit from Life Transition Infusion Complexes. 


Infusion Complexes can help adults to make Life Transitions without feeling overly stressed by all of the practical adjustments that need to be made along the way. 

  • Tranquility Energy Infusions go a long way to enabling the Suit to feel more balanced and resilient rather than off balance and stressed out by transitions.  
  • Spiritual Stamina Energy Infusions are important to ensure that the Suit has the Spiritual Stamina to handle challenging Life Transitions. 
  • Spiritual Youthful Energy Infusions help the Suit to move into a temporary Regeneration Mode for more optimal Suit functioning.
  • Source Love Energy Infusions help the person to remember to become a River of Source Love in their life rather than clinging to dependent relationships and clinging to comfort zones that may be gone forever as they transition into different stages of their life.  


All of the Listed and Unlisted Spiritual Energy Infusions in the Hub Directory could be relevant to a particular person facing a Life Transition. What complex of High Power Infusions is best for them is based on a Source analysis of their life situation.



Life Stressors

While a person may not be in a Life Crisis or in a Life Transition, their Suit may be running short of the Spiritual Energies that it needs to handle Life Stressors such as parenting, marital relationship problems, relationship problems in the workplace, caring for aging family members, etc. Mental health issues can also be Life Stressors. Feeling depressed or overwhelmed by financial stress or coping with pandemic and inflation issues or deep seated childhood trauma that resurfaces in relationships in current times requires additional Spiritual Energies or the Suit can spin out on a Spiritual Level and then malfunction at a Physical Level.


Infusion Complexes of:

  • Tranquility Energies
  • Happiness Energies
  • Stamina Energies
  • Spiritual Breath Energies
  • Spiritual Youthful Energies 
  • Source Love Energies 


are effective in giving the Suit the support that enables it to reduce stress and gain the ability to feel youthful and resilient and Source-Guided in dealing with difficult situations.


For example, someone suffering from Long Covid with the toll it takes on their ability to handle the illness and continue to hold a job and raise their children and hold up their end of a marital relationship, can benefit from Life Stressor Infusion Complexes that supply the Spiritual Energies that they are lacking in sufficient quantities in their Spiritual Energy Support System. The mix of Infusions varies from person to person and can include Unlisted Infusions that only apply to some aspect of their situation. There are countless Unlisted Infusions already created by the Source and many more that can be created.  It takes requesting a Gifted Assessment to determine what is most appropriate in any given situation.



Peak Performance Events

Challenging life events that require Peak Performance in order to bring about the desired outcome often require Infusion Complexes. Whether this be an athletic, academic, professional, social life event, or high stake spiritual Mission, the Suit needs additional kinds of Spiritual Energies to perform over the level of its usual performance abilities.


The Infusion Complexes that help a Suit to do its best in high demand circumstances are Infusions that calm the Suit so that it is steady and yet capable of high level action. For example,

  • Tranquility Energy Infusions help The Spiritual Electrical System of the Suit to handle the stress of a Peak Performance event without overreacting to the stress and shorting out, causing the Suit to fail to perform adequately. 
  • Spiritual Stamina Energy Infusions help the Suit to sustain the high level of performance without faltering. 
  • Happiness Energy Infusions help the Suit to stay centered in a state of inner well being that enables it to deal with the pressure of social expectations and competition.  


The Infusion Complex would also include Unlisted Infusions unique to the high performance of the particular Suit. 



Requesting a Gifted Infusion Complex Assessment 

The best way to determine what Infusions are best for you in whatever situation you are in is by requesting a Gifted Infusion Complex Assessment. You can describe in as much detail as you feel is relevant in the Comment Box on the Assessment Request Form what is happening in your situation. I will then email you with information on the Infusion Complex that is Source Recommended for your circumstance. Note that I respond in accordance with the spiritual principles that govern a Source Response. You can then supply the Correct Exchange for the Infusion Complex and I will send it to you by an At-a-Distance Source Intervention.


In the Request section below, I outline different levels of Source Support that you can request. It varies from minimal Outer Plane Source Support through a Gifted Assessment to establishing an ongoing Outer Plane Working Relationship through Working Relationship Sessions that enable me to discuss Source Recommendations with you in-depth and to provide you with Source Support at different points in your work with the Infusions so you know what they have accomplished and what Next Steps you might want to take.  



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The Overview for
Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes


Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes was created to:

  • give the Suit Baseline Infusion Complexes for ordinary life that enhance its ability to respond to the Heaven that the Source is making possible for it in every moment
  • provide High Power Infusion Complexes to meet the needs of Suits dealing with any Life Event that requires above and beyond levels of Spiritual Energies to sustain the Suit's ability to perform adequately. Life Crises, Life Transitions, Life Stressors, and Peak Performance Events are some examples.



This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a
Perfect Health Source Intervention.


It provides you with an opportunity to respond to The Source Call to Action to Do What Is Needed to support The Work of the Source. You Become Love in Action when you support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism by working with a Source-Created Miracle to bring about Spiritual Healing for yourself and others. 

How to Request
A Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex


What You Need to Know to
Bring a Miracle into Your Life and World


Source-Created Miracles are Gifts from the Source. They function very differently from what people generally think of as "miracles". Source-Created Miracles are Perfected Spiritual Intelligences that are born into the world and who require a Miracle-Friendly Field in which to operate. It is up to the person requesting the miracle to provide:

  • the Material Energy for the Source to build the Energy Nest miracles need in order to be born into their world
  • the Miracle-Friendly Field that enables miracles to help them once the miracles reach a State of Full Manifestation 


Material Energy can be provided the natural way through an Energy Exchange by doing the Source-Directed Activist Work that generates this kind of energy. For those unskilled in doing Source-Directed Activist Work, The Financial Exchange Miracle enables them to provide Material Energy generated by ordinary work as a substitute.


The Source provides information on the exact amount of Material Energy needed to build the Energy Nest for each kind of Source Solution Miracle.  This is translated into a Financial Exchange equivalent for those who are unable to provide the Material Energy through an Energy Exchange. Only when the correct amount of Material Energy is provided will the Source send in a miracle. 


A Miracle-Friendly Field is produced when a person's Suit – body/mind – maintains a strong Source Connection that enables it to exist above the low vibrational energies that create a toxic, Miracle-Unfriendly Field in which miracles can't survive. There are clear guidelines from the Source about the level of a Miracle-Friendly Field that each miracle requires in order to interface with the person requesting it and do its Mission to help this person.  


For a brief overview that will explain the basics, I recommend that you go to: How Miracles Come into Your Life and World


For an in-depth Training, I recommend the Source Workflow Training: The Source Truth Building Block Training on Source-Created Miracles. This Gifted Training is available only to members of Connecting.  If you are not already a member of Connecting, you can request a Gifted Membership by accessing the Signup Form below.


Educating yourself about Source-Created Miracles will help you to understand how to do the Correct Exchange that is your part to do in receiving these Gifts from the Source. Once you understand these Spiritual Principles you will be able to welcome in and work effectively with all of the miracles that manifest the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.





Giving the gift of a Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex
to yourself and others is how you help to manifest
The Miracle of Total Abundance on the Earth.




How to Make the Request


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the miracle of a Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex varies according to what a Suit needs and the circumstances in which it is operating. While it is possible to request Spiritual Energy Infusions from the Listed Infusions in The Source Solution Miracle Hub Directory, and put together your own Infusion Complex, the best way to request an Infusion Complex is to request a Gifted Infusion Complex Assessment.


You can access the form for the Gifted Assessment below.  It is important to include details about yourself and your situation and what you hope to achieve from an Infusion Complex in the Comment Box on the Assessment Request Form.  I will respond by email in accordance with the principles that govern a Source Response.


I will provide Source Recommendations with information on the Correct Exchange that is needed to ground the miracles of the Infusion Complex. You will have an opportunity to respond to my email and work with me to develop an Action Plan for proceeding with the Infusion Complex. 



How to Request a Working Relationship Session

For a more in-depth understanding of your situation, you can request a Working Relationship Session to receive more in-depth individualized support in working with the Infusion Complex and your life event.


To learn more about Working Relationship Sessions and to access The Gifted Working Relationship Session Assessment Form, you can go to:  Working Relationship Sessions.


Payment Plan Options

If you would like a Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver a Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time.  (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.) 


How to Provide the Correct Exchange for an Unlisted Infusion Complex 

When you receive your Assessment, you can enter the amount of the Correct Exchange in The Life that Works Form below.  If you are providing Payment Plan payments, you can use the same form to enter the amount that you are providing for your Payment Plan.




Contribute to Your Life that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 to my Ultimate Spiritual Healing Fund for a Life that Works.






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The Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex Campaign


Contribute to
The Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex Campaign

High Power Spiritual Energy Infusion Complexes are desperately needed by victims of war, crime, sexual and physical abuse, economic exploitation, disease, and the like. It is the responsibility of The Global Community to work toward the Total Abundance of all forms of life on the planet. Giving to help those most in need through providing them with the Spiritual Energies that their Suits need to handle difficult situations is an important step toward building a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Community that nurtures all of its own.


It is a way of supporting The Work of the Source and The Heaven Project that is based on the Earth.


While giving through an Energy Exchange is very helpful, giving through a Financial Exchange provides the funds that support the work of The Heaven Project on the Earth.  This work is essential to providing the education that people need to understand what it takes to build a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life in time to enable The Global Community to achieve Ultimate Sustainability before the end of The Transition.


For information on how to provide a Financial Exchange, you can access the section below.



How to Contribute

To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed. 



Contribute to The World that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 to The Spiritual Energy Infusion Complex Campaign for The Total Abundance Movement.







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Sign Up to Receive News Updates & Access to
Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials  

Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.


Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.


When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:

  • Information on new Source Solution Miracles such as Miracle Tools and Source Interventions that are being created through the work on Source-Directed Activism Projects
  • Information on Source-Directed Activism Projects – through emailed Source News UpdatesThese Projects provide Miracle-Based Source Solutions for the problems that you face individually and the problems that are faced by the Global and Universal Community
  • Access to Source Guidance about what is happening in thstages of The Transition and how to prepare for upcoming stages
  • Audios and Videos from Next Step Communications from the Source that provide you with the Source Perspective on the history of the Creation, on the state of the world, and on the Source Plan for stopping the suffering and manifesting a Life that is Heaven for all beings
  • Heaven Agents in Action Broadcasts that give you an opportunity to observe Heaven Agents working with the Source on Source-Directed Projects
  • Journey of Discovery audios, videos, articles, Miracle Tools, and Miracle Recordings that provide you with an experiential understanding of how the 14 Prototype Communities achieved a Miracle-Based Way of Life that, to this day, provides them with Total Abundance, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and Perfect Health
  • Emailed Source News Updates on The Work of the Source that keep you abreast of the Source-Directed Spiritual Activism that is making it possible for you and all others to have a chance to have a Life that is Heaven - Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible for you

The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training.  It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own. 


Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.  

Be on the lookout for this email.


I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.



NOTE: If you encounter technical problems in completing the Signup process, contact me with information on the kind of technical issue you have encountered. I will troubleshoot the problem and email you with information on how to proceed.




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