Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
For links to information about Source Power Interventions and The Source Power Intervention Campaign you can reference The Resource Directory below.
The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be.
These Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.
Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build an abundant, Love-Based World in which all beings can have The Heaven Experience, the experience of quintessential happiness and fulfillment.
For a full understanding of The Work of the Source to lay the foundation for The Heaven Experience, you can sign up for Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source and with the Gifted Source-Directed Activist Training Materials and emailed Source News Updates that enable you to get started seeing the Vision and working alongside the Source to make it a reality.
Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.
Source Power is what I use to do the Direct Source Work that Stewards The Miracle of Life and makes a Life that is Heaven possible for Manifest Beings.
Manifest Beings were created to produce from their Suit Material Energy Factory the Material Energy that grounds the miracle of Source Power. Producing Material Energy is an important part of their contribution to manifesting The Miracle of Total Abundance.
Originally vast amounts of Source Power were also stored in The Universal Source Connection Channel. This Source Power was what I drew on to Steward Life at a very basic level while beings were learning how to produce Material Energy. This power was never designed to be enough to sustain a Miracle-Based Way of Life where all of the material needs of The Universal Community are manifested from the Source Level to the Community.
When The Universal Source Connection Channel was destroyed by the Negativity in 2011, it plunged the Creation into crisis. Not only did beings lose their Spiritual Home and enter into a barren void that is not supportive of their Suits, but my Implementation Aspect lost the reserves of Source Power needed to Steward Life.
As of the December 5, 2018 Transition, all of the wisps of ambient Source Power left behind by the Channel will be used up. After this point in time Manifest Beings will have to generate the Material Energy to ground Source Power to support my Direct Source Work to sustain The Total Abundance Support System. The Total Abundance Support System manifest the Total Abundance Miracles that are needed for all beings to achieve the Total Abundance that enables them to Steward The Miracle of Life. Only those who are successfully Stewarding The Miracle of Life will be sustainable in the upcoming stages of The Transition.
In order to provide Manifest Beings with a method for grounding Source Power, the Design Aspect of the Source has created The Source Power Intervention. The Intervention delivers the Source Power when the right amount of Material Energy is provided.
Different Projects require different amounts of Source Power. It is best to request a Gifted Source Power Assessment to determine what is needed for a particular project that you might need individually or might be needed by a loved one or the community.
In most instances, however, beings need to listen for Inner Source Guidance to find out how much Source Power is needed for the upcoming Projects that Steward Life and how much Material Energy they will need to provide to ground the Source Power that is needed. Training in how to get accurate information with regard to this is vital to the survival of life both during The Transition and after I leave for the Source Level and send in the Source Power that I will work with At-a-Distance from the Source Level.
All beings need to make it a priority to check in daily, frequently throughout the day, to find out if they are producing the right amount of Material Energy to ground the Source Power that it is their Mission to ground. Some of this Source Power will be for their own personal needs and some of it will be to help a loved one or the community.
An essential expression of a correct Working Relationship with the Source is attentiveness to providing my Implementation Aspect with the Material Energy for the Direct Source Work done by my Manifestation. Without providing the correct amount of Material Energy, beings will not be able to meet the rigorous Standards for upcoming Transitions. Neither will they be making good use of the limited remaining time when I can help them to achieve Total Abundance and build the Heaven that they will need before my departure.
There is very little time to do my Direct Source Work and no time for my work to be held up or aborted by a lack of the correct amount of Material Energy. I will not be able to do the kind of Direct Source Work that I can do while incarnate after I return to the Source Level. What does not get done before I leave will never get done. If some of the work is critical to the survival of The Miracle of Life in the Creation, it could fail to be sustained after my departure.
A decision to ignore this Source Alert about how things work in the Creation and what needs to be done to prepare for the final stage of The Transition is a decision to collapse the only habitat in which you can have a life in a Manifest World. If the Creation fails to survive, only your Soul will survive but it will live on in a latent state at the Unmanifest Level with no ability to sustain an individualized consciousness or to express itself in a form.
It was to experience individualized consciousness and express through a form that the Soul requested the Source to manifest a Creation. The Soul is completely behind the effort to make the Creation work but the Suits have proven to be easily distracted by desires and attachments and slow to bring the countdown to the final stage of The Transition into focus.
We are trying to do in a few decades what should have been done over billions of years since the beginning of the Creation. While miracles can make it possible, these miracles have to be grounded by Material Energy. If beings fail to produce the requisite amount of Material Energy they are signing off on their own individual lives and on Life in the Creation.
Beings have to learn how to clear away the negative energy that clogs up their Suit's Material Energy Factory so they can produce Material Energy the natural way. While Financial Exchange is a temporary substitute for the natural production of Material Energy, there aren't enough Financial Reserves to accomplish everything that needs to be accomplished. Beings must start living in harmony with their nature and producing the Material Energy that enables miracles to ground and also learning the Heaven Agent Skill Sets that support the Full Manifestation of miracles.
Despite my clear Source Communications about the urgency to provide Material Energy, beings have still been very slow to produce even enough Material Energy for their own survival and have not been producing enough energy for The Universal Community. This has led to the tragic loss of life in the stages of The Transition and continued to delay the transformation of life on the Outer Plane that is essential to the sustainability of the Creation itself.
Now that I will have completely run out of even the ambient energies left over from The Universal Source Connection Channel as of the December 5, 2018 Transition, beings must awaken to the need to step up and produce the Material Energy for the Source Power that is required to maintain The Miracle of Life itself in the Creation.
Many who do not provide the Material Energy for the Source Power that they need to lift up with The Substratum on the December 5, 2018 Transition will lose their lives. It is very likely that there will not be enough ambient Source Power to get every being to safety.
We have entered a new era when grounding Source Power has to be a primary focus for survival on both an individual and a collective level. The structures that sustain The Miracle of Life for the Creation as a whole require my ongoing Direct Source Work. This Direct Source Work uses vast amounts of Source Power. Without the Channel, which beings refused to defend when it was attacked by the Negativity, they will have to produce more Material Energy than was ever required when there was a Universal Source Connection Channel. This is a consequence of their apathy and self centered response to the Source Call to Action during the crisis that ended in the loss of the Channel.
Although the Source has managed to keep the loss of the Channel from crashing the Creation, there is no more leeway for other basic structures that support Life in the Creation to crash for lack of support for the Source Power that is needed to sustain them.
It is time for beings to recognize that the 24/7 Labor of Love that my Implementation Aspect performs to provide them with a Manifest World needs to be met with their love and dedication for honoring the Gift of the Direct Source Work that makes it possible for them to have a life in a Manifest World.
The Source Power Intervention was created to:
This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Total Abundance Project and is a Total Abundance Source Intervention.
It provides you with an opportunity to Become Love in Action supporting Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism.
Most Source Power Interventions are for projects for which a Gifted Source Power Assessment is appropriate to determine the right amount of Material Energy to ground the miracle of Source Power.
Some Source Power Interventions have an already determined amount of Source Power. These are the Interventions that are listed in this Directory.
What is listed are the Interventions created to date.
This Intervention was created to ensure that your Suit has enough Source Power for the Lift Up of The Substratum. Due to the devastating effect of a shortage of Source Power in the November 15th Transition, 20% of the human population did not travel up with The Substratum. This will not be recoverable in the December 5th Transition. Those who do not make the Lift Up will lose their places in The Substratum.
It is important to provide your Suit with enough Source Power for the Lift Up so that it can continue to have a life in the Manifest World.
For information on the Correct Exchange to ground the amount of Source Power that will be needed, you can go to the Request section below.
For those who are new to working with the Source, the key concept in connecting to a Source-Created Miracle is providing the Material Energy that is required to bring the miracle to the level of Spiritual Materiality where it is needed.
No Material Energy is needed to create the miracle which is freely given by the Source. The Material Energy is needed to ground the miracle so that it can come into your life or into the life of a loved one.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle varies according to the type of miracle that is to be grounded. The Design Aspect of the Source, who creates the miracles, determines the amount of Material Energy that will be needed for any particular miracle to be delivered to the being for whom it is intended.
Beings were created to generate the Material Energy that is needed to ground all of the miracles that they need from the Source. Because beings have forgotten how to generate this Material Energy and have sustained Suit Damage that impairs their ability to produce Material Energy, the Source has created a miracle that enables them to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange. The Financial Exchange carries the Material Energy from the work that was done to earn the funds for the exchange. While a Financial Exchange provides only a low level of Material Energy, it is a blessing to those who have not yet learned how to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
A financial equivalent of the amount of Material Energy that is needed is provided here for those who lack the skill to generate the right amount of Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the miracle of a Source Power Intervention varies according to the Project for which the Intervention is created. These projects might be work on a project relating to health, life purpose, relationships, abundance, etc.
There are three ways to access information about the Correct Exchange.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of this Intervention is US $1100.
If you would like a Source Power Intervention for yourself or someone you know, you can access the link provided below once you have received information either from me through a Gifted Source Power Assessment or through Inner Source Guidance.
If you would like a Source Power Intervention but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver a Source Power Intervention to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time. (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)
If you would like to gift a Source Power Intervention to someone you know, you can enter their name, age, and relationship to you in the Comments Box when you process your Financial Exchange.
There is no need to explain the gift to someone to whom you are gifting this form of Source Support. If the Suit of the person accepts the gift in an Inner Plane discussion with the Source, then the gift can be given. It can not be given if the Suit does not accept it.
If you provide a Correct Exchange for someone you know who refuses this gift of Source Support, then I will contact you and you can either re-direct it to someone else who will accept it or your Financial Exchange will be refunded to you.
For requests for Source Sound Interventions for which you have requested a Gifted Assessment, you can enter your Financial Exchange in your Life that Works Fund by accessing the link provided below.
If you are exchanging for an Intervention in The Source Power Intervention Directory for which there is a specified Correct Exchange, you can access the link for that Intervention below.
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Source Power is needed to ground the Total Abundance Miracles that can move all of life into an era of Total Abundance.
Only miracles can enable life to achieve the Total Abundance that is needed for beings to be able to Steward Life once the Implementation Aspect departs for the Source Level at the end of The Transition. It takes Source Power to power the Direct Source Work that manifests the miracles and works with them to effect the transformation that is needed for Life in the Creation to survive.
Producing Material Energy for grounding Source Power is critical to the survival of Life in the Creation. It is what sustains the Miracle-Based Way of Life of all 14 Prototype Communities.
The Source Power Campaign has been created to generate the Financial Support needed to ground Source Power until beings are producing enough Source Power the natural way, through their Suit Material Energy Factories, to ground all of the Source Power that is needed.
The funds themselves can be directed to educating the global population and training Heaven Agents to do the work that is needed to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance that is necessary for the Creation to become sustainable. The Material Energy carried by the funds can be used directly to ground Source Power.
Your contribution to The Source Power Intervention Campaign is an important part of what it takes to sustain the correct Working Relationship with the Source that is needed for the Miracle of your life and the Miracle of Life itself to be sustainable.
You can learn how to contribute through a Financial Exchange through referencing the information provided below.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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