Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
For links to information about The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention and The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Campaign you can reference The Resource Directory below.
The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be.
These Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.
Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build an abundant, Love-Based World in which all beings can have The Heaven Experience, the experience of quintessential happiness and fulfillment.
For a full understanding of The Work of the Source to lay the foundation for The Heaven Experience, you can sign up for Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source and with the Gifted Source-Directed Activist Training Materials and emailed Source News Updates that enable you to get started seeing the Vision and working alongside the Source to make it a reality.
Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.
In the Spiritual Mid-Brain is an Integrated Intelligence Membrane that was designed to resonate to The Sound of Life sent by the Source. It functions something like an ear drum. When it is elastic and responsive, the intellectual understandings and emotions that are sent by the Source to the Suit are perceived by the Suit as part of an Integrated Picture of Reality.
Unfortunately, all Manifest Beings have sustained damage to The Integrated Intelligence Membrane. This damage is generally caused by trauma experienced in many different lifetimes. It can also be caused by The Sound of Destruction that is sent to the Suit by the Negativity. This negative sound mutates the Membrane by scrambling the signals in a way that causes the Membrane to contract and shrivel up like the skin of a burn victim. Similar damage is caused by trauma.
A damaged Membrane loses its ability to resonate to The Sound of Life and help the Suit experience an Integrated Picture of Reality. Instead the Membrane processes intellectual understandings separately from emotional understandings. This leads to a Fragmented Picture of Reality. One Spiritual Fragment might be intellectually feeling comfortable with a course of action while another Spiritual Fragment might be processing it through the lens of a former life trauma and create an anxiety attack which catches the Fragment that is comfortable by surprise. The conflict between thought and emotion further exacerbates Spiritual Fragmentation, leading to war between the Fragments on every level of Consciousness.
The damage to this Membrane is where The Disease of Fragmentation began. Restoring this Membrane is where the healing from The Disease of Fragmentation needs to begin.
The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention expands and restores the Membrane by sending it The Sound of Life repeatedly, gradually relaxing, expanding, and rehabilitating the Membrane so it is restored to its original resonating state.
As more of the Membrane is able to resonate to the Integrated Intelligence Communications sent by the Source, the person begins to experience less inner conflict and a sharpening of their abilities to understand the true nature of reality, which can only be correctly perceived when this Membrane enables the Suit to sustain an Integrated Picture of Reality.
The restoration of The Integrated Intelligence Membrane is the foundation for transitioning into your True Self Identity. Your True Self sees the world in an integrated way and must have a Suit that can translate its Integrated Intelligence into integrated thoughts and emotions and into integrated actions. The Suit has to have this Membrane functioning properly in order to serve the True Self by manifesting its ability to sustain Integrated Intelligence.
This Intervention is, therefore, a prerequisite for The True Self Intervention that provides you with the technical support needed to manifest your True Self in your life on every level.
Before we reached this stage in The Transition, it was not possible to repair this Membrane. Now that beings are functioning at a less material level and have become Total Abundance Beings, it is possible for a miracle of this magnitude to manifest.
Since multiple personality disorders, depression, anxiety, phobias, addictions, obsessions, abusive patterns, and dysfunctional social relationships can be traced back to the Spiritual Fragmentation that is being generated by a malfunctioning Integrated Intelligence Membrane, fixing this Membrane is an important step toward addressing these conditions and the misery and harm that arise from them.
The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention was created to enable you to be able to link your thoughts and emotions together to see a Source-Given Integrated Picture of Reality. When your Suit is capable of Integrated Intelligence it corrects The Disease of Fragmentation that leads to:
This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a Perfect Health Source Intervention.
It provides you with an opportunity to Become Love in Action supporting Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism.
For those who are new to working with the Source, the key concept in connecting to a Source-Created Miracle is providing the Material Energy that is required to bring the miracle to the level of Spiritual Materiality where it is needed.
No Material Energy is needed to create the miracle which is freely given by the Source. The Material Energy is needed to ground the miracle so that it can come into your life or into the life of a loved one.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle varies according to the type of miracle that is to be grounded. The Design Aspect of the Source, who creates the miracles, determines the amount of Material Energy that will be needed for any particular miracle to be delivered to the being for whom it is intended.
Beings were created to generate the Material Energy that is needed to ground all of the miracles that they need from the Source. Because beings have forgotten how to generate this Material Energy and have sustained Suit Damage that impairs their ability to produce Material Energy, the Source has created a miracle that enables them to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange. The Financial Exchange carries the Material Energy from the work that was done to earn the funds for the exchange. While a Financial Exchange provides only a low level of Material Energy, it is a blessing to those who have not yet learned how to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
A financial equivalent of the amount of Material Energy that is needed is provided here for those who lack the skill to generate the right amount of Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the miracle of The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention is US $1260.
If you would like The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention for yourself, then you can access the link provided below.
If you would like The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time. (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)
If you would like to gift The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Intervention to someone you know, you can enter their name, age, and relationship to you in the Comments Box when you process your Financial Exchange.
There is no need to talk to the person to whom you are gifting this form of Source Support. If the Suit of the person accepts the gift in an Inner Plane discussion with the Source, then the gift can be given. It can not be given if the Suit does not accept it.
If you provide a Correct Exchange for someone who refuses this gift of Source Support, then I will contact you and you can either re-direct it to someone else who will accept it or your Financial Exchange will be refunded to you.
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The world is teetering on the edge of WWIII because, in part, so many humans, particularly those in positions of power, have highly mutated Integrated Intelligence Membranes that are unable to put the picture together correctly to follow the Inner Source Guidance that would enable them to build toward World Peace.
Without a highly functional Integrated Intelligence Membrane, people can feel that nuclear war is a good idea and that it is possible to win at such a war even though the fallout destroys the habitat for human life.
This kind of logic is the result of a faulty Membrane.
Those who are concerned about errors in judgement being made that result in the destruction of life on this planet, can support The Integrated Intelligence Membrane Campaign to send out this Intervention to anyone on the planet who is receptive to this form of Source Support.
Many in places of power are, on a Spiritual Level, receptive to Source Support even though they may be working through highly damaged Suits. An Intervention of this kind could make the difference between a decision made that could initiate WWIII and a decision made to pursue a Path to Peace.
You have the power to invest in this kind of Source Support to deal with your own concerns about your safety and the safety of all beings on this planet.
This Intervention has come in at a time to reach those most in need of a functioning Membrane before irreversible damage is done.
Provide your Source-Directed Support and move out of standing on the sidelines worrying about what will happen next into being a Source-Directed Activist, working with the Source to draw on the miracles that are needed to protect life on this planet.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If you are making a contribution that is greater than US $4500, then contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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