Information and Instructions

The Eject Button Miracle
The Dream Heaven Command Miracle



The best way to understand The Eject Button Miracle is to think of it as an independent Miracle Intelligence – a being in its own right – that intelligently sizes up the situation of what negative energy materializations are attached to you and how and where they are attached to you.  It then goes to the place where the materialization is plugged in to your energy body through a cord of connection and ejects the cord, freeing you from the materialization.


It may take some hours or even days for the materialization to drift off completely once it has been disconnected. To speed the dissolution of the materialization you can tell it, in your own mind, to “Dream Heaven”.  Since all forms of consciousness, which a materialization is one, recognize the Dream Heaven Command, the words “Dream Heaven” will give the materialization the information, power, and miracles that are needed for it to self-destruct so the particles of energy of which it is made can be set free to be re-configured by the Source into something of Heaven instead of something negative like the materialization.


There are two different kinds of negative materializations that The Eject Button Miracle can handle:

  • The primary kind of materialization is one that is generated by your own thoughts and emotions that form Energy Smog within you and within your auric field.

  • A second kind of materialization is one that someone else created which gets attached by a cord of connection to your energy body.  If, for instance, you are standing in line in a public place and feeling kind of sad or despondent, and someone else in the line is feeling the same way but has manifested a potent negative energy materialization from these type of sad thoughts and emotions, their negative materialization could get connected to you because it is on the same wavelength as your own sadness. The negative materialization could then plug into your energy body and begin gaining power to replicate this sadness thought pattern by drawing on your energy supply.

    You could then walk away with a dark cloud around you that follows you wherever you go, linking you to a depth of sadness that might be far worse than the sadness that you yourself were feeling.

    The materialization connects you not only to itself but to the person who first created it. Your sadness pipes in through the materialization to that person and their sadness pipes in through the materialization to you. Both of you lose the ability to govern your thoughts and emotions because you are no longer dealing only with your own self-generated thoughts and emotions but are dealing with someone else’s thoughts and emotions over which you have no control.

    What happens is that you can end up with someone else’s depression which is very hard to shake because it isn’t arising from your own thoughts and emotions but is an external force that is amplifying your own sad thoughts and emotions. Analysis of why you are feeling sad doesn’t get rid of this kind of problem because the sadness isn’t your own – it belongs to someone else.


The Eject Button Miracle can tackle both kinds of materializations.  In difficult cases, repeated requests to call upon The Eject Button Miracle with regard to a particular problem will give the miracle additional power. Each time you call upon The Eject Button Miracle you give it more of your spiritual power which helps it to take on bigger tasks. 


The way to call upon The Eject Button Miracle is to say the words, in your own mind: “Dream Heaven to call upon The Eject Button Miracle”. It will go to work helping you with whatever is within its range to handle.  If you are calling upon The Eject Button Miracle for someone else, just say the words: “Dream Heaven to call upon The Eject Button Miracle for (insert the person’s name)”.  Remember that you can only call upon The Eject Button Miracle for someone else, if you have requested from me The Eject Button Miracle Intervention that makes the miracle available to them.  You can't call on your personal Eject Button Miracle to help another person.  This would be beyond the scope of its power and Mission.


Remember to always use The Eject Button Miracle in combination with the Dream Heaven Command to stop the production of any further negative materializations. Unless you stop the materializations at their source, you and other people will continue producing them. You can use the Dream Heaven Command by saying the words, in your own mind: “Dream Heaven to stop the production of negative energy”. When you are using the Command for another person you say to them in your own mind: “Dream Heaven to stop producing negative energy”.


Think of The Eject Button Miracle and the Dream Heaven Command as miracles that empower you to manifest peace in your own life and in the world. Think of helping bring peace through using these two miracles on behalf of others in your personal life and in the world community.


Those freed from the entrapping energies of negative materializations will be able to think more clearly and make better decisions. If asked to “Dream Heaven” on the Inner Plane, they will begin to work to build Heaven in the world rather than perpetuate the negativity that has already created so much hardship and suffering.


Contribute an Eyewitness Report

Since others learn from your experiences, it is important to share what you learn about working with these miracles.  You can do so by going to Eyewitness Reports.  Your contribution will enrich the work of many who are working with these miracles to bring peace into their lives and into the world.