The Extender 

We are rapidly moving into a Era of Manifestation where Heaven Agents who can read the Source Plan and build in accordance with it will be able to manifest the Heaven that is possible with greater power and efficiency.  


In order to equip Heaven Agents to respond to this new opportunity, there is a need for an upgrade in the Right Brain Spiritual Equipment that enables them to see the future of the Source Plan.  The Extender is this upgrade.  It is an Energy Device that provides your Spiritual Right Brain with an extended view of the future that enables you to see with greater clarity what lies ahead.  With this greater range of vision you will be able to see the potential for Heaven and not miss out on the chance to manifest the full range of the Heaven Experiences that are now possible.


This At-a-Distance Source Intervention is estimated to take 14 hours to complete.



The Correct Exchange is $160.