The focus of this At-a-Distance Work is on removing the obstacles to Motorization which occurs when the body and mind move effortlessly, fluidly, and harmoniously without any strain. This Source Intervention is one of a 3 part series of At-a-Distance Source Interventions that are required for most people to be capable of transitioning into the Miracle of Motorization.
In Part One the focus is on revitalizing the cervical region of the spiritual spine. This is a critical region of the spine. In most people, the energies rising up through the spine get caught in the cervical region and are slowed down and even stopped leading to headaches, backaches, a lack of mental clarity, memory loss, the inability to use spiritual power effectively for spiritual work, and an inability to move into the fluidity of Motorization. Once the energy can move freely through this part of the spine, the powerful energies that sustain fluidity in every cell in the body and in the body/mind connection, can be drawn upon to sustain the Motorization Miracle.
This At-a-Distance Source Intervention takes about 12 - 16 hours. For this particular Source Intervention, it is helpful to be somewhat mindful of what is happening toward the end of the intervention. You should check in to see how your energies are moving and see if there is anything that you might need to do to assist in the process. Soul Dancing is a good way to help move the energies. You should ask to receive Source Guidance to move in this way. (Soul Dancing is a free form movement that is Source Guided rather than stylized as in a dance step pattern.)
The Correct Exchange is $160.
In Part Two of the Motorization At-a-Distance Source Interventions, I will work on resetting the dials in the Spiritual Brain to allow for Source Logic to replace the Species Specific Logic that limits the way the brain allows the body to think, feel, and move. Until the body is running on Source Logic, it cannot respond to the fluid movements and Source Orchestrated Choreography that results in the Motorization Miracle.
This At-a-Distance Source Intervention requires 10 hours of work. There is no need to meditate during this Source Intervention. The Intervention will be successful even if you are asleep during parts of it.
The Correct Exchange is $160.
In Part Three of the Motorization At-a-Distance Source Interventions, I will work on removing the Momentum Barriers put into place by the Negativity. These barriers break the flow of energy and result in energy pooling and stagnating and creating pain in the body and confusion and depression in the mind and emotions. Only when they are removed can Motorization begin to start up in the body/mind equipment at a Spiritual Level.
This Intervention requires 4 hours for a preliminary removal of the Momentum Barriers. Then a follow up period of 17 hours or so will be required to stabilize the system and restore proper levels of momentum. At the end of this period the cells of the body and the basic body systems will be Motorized. The coordination of the body and mind will begin to set in but may take a variable amount of time, depending on the degree of fragmentation in the consciousness of the person. Full Motorization will not occur unless there is a complete understanding of how to let go and allow the Source to move the body and mind. The 3 Part Source Intervention removes the technical obstacles to Motorization and sets the stage for Heaven Agents to work with Source Guidance to activate the full range of the Motorization Miracle.
The Correct Exchange is $160.