The Sound of Heaven Field Intervention generates a Sound of Heaven Energy Field which you can enter on the Spiritual Level to experienced the Perfection of Heaven and the protection, healing, and transformational power of The Sound of Heaven. Living in The Sound of Heaven Field transforms your life in a way that nothing else can. It is the foundation for living a Miracle-Based Way of Life that can yield Total Abundance.
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn about The Sound of Heaven Field Intervention and The Sound of Heaven Field Intervention Campaign. For further information you can reference The Resource Directory below.
The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be.
Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.
Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life in which all beings can experience Total Abundance.
Source Solution Miracles empower you to engage in Spiritual Activism and Social Activism in a Source-Guided way that ensures that your efforts will yield the personal and social transformation that is needed to alleviate scarcity and suffering and build toward the Total Abundance that is the foundation of a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own. They are Spiritual Solutions of great magnitude because they are created, delivered, and supported by the Source.
For a complete listing of all of the Source Solution Miracles that have been posted online to date, I refer you to The Source Solution Miracle Hub.
The Sound of Heaven Field Intervention
Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.
The Sound of Heaven manifests the essence of the Perfection which is what the Source calls Heaven. When you receive The Sound of Heaven Intervention you enter into The Sound of Heaven Field and merge into the Field, becoming a part of it. When you merge into the Perfection of Heaven your Suit – your body/mind – begins to shed the imperfections/mutations that have obstructed its Source Connection and to naturally align with the Perfection that is Heaven. In this way the Suit begins to return to The State of Perfection that it was in when it was first created by the Source.
Merging into The Sound of Heaven Field is merging into the Perfection that your Suit once was. Maintaining your Suit at this level of Perfection helps it to generate the Miracle-Friendly Field that enables it to receive the Source Support that it needs to release from all of the mutations. In this way it is a viable Path to Perfection that can ensure the Suit's ability to sustain its Source Connection, its Link to Life, in this time of The Transition.
The Sound of Heaven maintains a high vibrational Field that repels attacks from the Negativity, the criminal element that operates on the Inner Plane. It also confuses the Negativity because your Suit when merged into The Sound of Heaven Field can’t be distinguished from it. The Negativity relies on getting your Suit Coordinates and attacking your vulnerabilities. It can’t use its diagnostics on you when you are a part of The Sound of Heaven Field.
In one of the Prototypes of this Field in action, it has withstood attacks by some of the most high tech Hell Agents. The Heaven Agent merged into The Sound of Heaven Field was not adversely affected on any level.
It also protects a Suit from the Negative Energy of others around them when they generate negative emotions such as rage, depression, fear, stress, and jealousy.
Often people blob into one another's energy fields when they are emotionally activated by either attraction or a negative emotion. If a Heaven Agent is in The Sound of Heaven Field this blobbing can't occur. This saves relationships from resulting in dysfunctional interactions because of blobbing that can lead to conflict and estrangement or unhealthy levels of dependency.
This kind of Field will protect a Heaven Agent and their dependents whether these are children or pets. Other adults will have to have their own Sound of Heaven Field to be protected.
The Sound of Heaven Field is one part of the protection available to members of the Prototype Communities who enjoy their Heaven Way of Life because they have the protection that is needed to enable them to pursue it without having to deal with the Negativity. It is this Prototype Community level of protection that is necessary for Heaven Agents wanting to pursue a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. Protection is the foundation for being able to live a Heaven Way of Life.
When you have a Sound of Heaven Field you become eligible for a Safe Zone, which is created and sustained by Beyond Miracle Source Support, which does not require Material Energy. A Safe Zone protects the energy fields that surround the Suit and its Auric Field, which are protected by The Sound of Heaven Field. These energy fields are the Force Field, Life Field, and Spiritual Space. It is not as powerful as a Sound of Heaven Field and must be defended by the Suit to deflect attack from the Negativity.
Only when a Suit has both a Sound of Heaven Field and a Safe Zone and is working to eradicated anything which makes it or its Safe Zone vulnerable to the Negativity, is it possible to come close to the level of protection in a Prototype Community.
It is possible now for the Source to create an Individual Sound of Heaven Field and an Individual Safe Zone for a Heaven Agent. This was not possible when the Prototype Communities were established. The Sound of Heaven Field and Safe Zone were for the whole community which was needed to uphold The Standard of Heaven in order to sustain them.
Aside from protection, living in a Sound of Heaven Field enables the Suit to relax and de-stress and begin to work with the Source Support that will enable it to release from Negative Emotional Energies that cause mental and physical ill health and from Negative Behavioral Patterns learned from the Negativity that cause suffering in their life and in their world.
In time, the Suit will clear enough of the old Negative Energies to feel a baseline of well being that grows over the years into an experience of Life as Heaven.
When a Heaven Agent enters into The Sound of Heaven Field, I create an Inner Plane Miracle Tool for them. It is an Inner Plane Graphic that carries the energy of The Sound of Heaven. When they hold this Graphic, which appears on the Inner Plane as a piece of paper, it resonates the Perfection of The Sound of Heaven in the Graphic back to their Suit, which is also filled up with The Sound of Heaven Energy. This Perfection to Perfection Resonance enables mutations to be removed from the Suit that were imbedded by the Negativity to resist removal.
It is a fast track to clearing the Suit of even some of the worst implants by the Negativity that are hard to locate and harder to clear without this Perfection Technology purging them and dissolving them.
This aspect of The Sound of Heaven Field Intervention must be administered by the Source on the Inner Plane to ensure that it is handled with care and that the Heaven Agent doesn’t over use the Miracle Tool. Too many High Power Interventions in too short a space of time can be counterproductive to Spiritual Healing.
Work in The Seattle Source Connection Center is best for the maximum use of this part of the Intervention because it provides a very stabilizing and supportive healing environment that enables more rapid transformational work to occur without destabilizing the Suit. The Center will become an important part of a Heaven Agent’s work to achieve Ultimate Sustainability in the upcoming stages of The Transition when keeping up with the ever rising Standard for Sustainability will require more powerful forms of Spiritual Healing.
The transformational work that Heaven Agents in the 14 Prototype Communities were able to do was largely because they had a Sound of Heaven Field in their communities that enabled them to live in the Perfection of Heaven and gradually begin to become a part of that Perfection. In time they wanted nothing of their old mutated way of life that had led to suffering and only wanted to live in accordance with the Source Guidance that enabled them to build on the Outer Plane a Perfected Way of Life that manifested Life as Heaven.
They were guided by The Dream of Heaven that manifested the Miracle-Based Adventure that they followed to build a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that yields Heaven Experiences. The Sound of Heaven Field was the essential energy field for working to manifest The Dream of Heaven on the Outer Plane.
Now that I am working with Heaven Agents outside of a Prototype Community, several adaptations to the Prototype developed by the Prototype Communities have been needed. Instead of a local Dream of Heaven the Source has generated a Universal Dream of Heaven. Instead of a Shared Sound of Heaven Field for a small geographical community, the Source has created an Individualized Sound of Heaven Field that a Heaven Agent working on their own to build a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life can rely on for protection and support.
Now a Heaven Agent can manifest the aspect of The Universal Dream of Heaven that pertains to their life and world within the protection and supportive energy field of an Individualized Sound of Heaven Field. This frees an individual Heaven Agent to work toward Ultimate Spiritual Healing and Ultimate Sustainability because they choose it without having to wait until a local geographical community is ready to join them in the Project.
For more information on The Dream of Heaven you can access The Dream Heaven Project.
What it takes to enter into The Sound of Heaven Field is breaking all ties to the Negativity so that your Suit is not, in some Fragment of its Consciousness, working for the Negativity. Since many Heaven Agents are against working for the Negativity in their conscious minds but have elements of their Suit that are working for it from disconnected Fragments of Consciousness, getting clear of all ties to the Negativity is often not a simple matter.
The most rapid and reliable way to break these ties is to sign up for The Correct Exchange Project. When you commit to doing your part to achieve the Ultimate Sustainability that will preserve your Source Connection, then the Source begins teaching you how to do The Correct Exchange with the Source. The work begins with a gift to you of a Temporary Protection Field which severs ties to the Negativity for you. You then become eligible to receive a Sound of Heaven Field. Once you have a Sound of Heaven Field you become eligible to receive a Safe Zone. You then go on Source Call to Action Missions to learn how to rout out the Negative Code in your Suit that impairs your safety. Information on The Correct Exchange Project is available through a video series entitled: The Miracle of Total Abundance.
The Sound of Heaven is itself a Beyond Miracle form of Source Support. It manifests in your life because of an ongoing Source Intervention that enables it to materialize as an energy field in The Manifest World. While no Material Energy is needed for The Sound of Heaven itself, the energy field it forms is a miracle that does require Material Energy to manifest.
Because this Field is your primary protection and support for your work of achieving Ultimate Spiritual Healing and Ultimate Sustainability, it is a major miracle that requires more Material Energy than other miracles that are not as material or as powerful.
It needs to be maintained on a monthly basis or the Field dematerializes and you are without the protection that is necessary for a Heaven Way of Life. You would also be without the energies of Perfection that enable your Suit to rapidly advance in its Ultimate Spiritual Healing.
The drawback in allowing a Field to disintegrate because of not providing the correct amount of Material Energy is that The Sound of Heaven that the Source has created for you individually, returns to The Source Level when it is not supported. The Source can sustain it there for a limited period of time and then it goes out of existence.
If Material Energy is provided to re-instate The Sound of Heaven Field within this limited period of time before The Sound of Heaven created for you individually goes out of existence, the Field can be re-created. It will, however, require more Material Energy to build it a second time. This additional amount of Material Energy will be required for the first 6 months and after that it will return to the ordinary monthly amount of Material Energy that is needed to sustain a Sound of Heaven Field.
If the lapse exceeds the limited period of time when your Individualized Sound of Heaven is in existence at The Source Level, the Source may not be able to re-create it. You would then be unable to have a Sound of Heaven Field in the future.
Since a Sound of Heaven Field is essential for sustaining your work to achieve the Ultimate Spiritual Healing that is needed for Ultimate Sustainability, this loss could result in the loss of your Source Connection.
You need to think of The Sound of Heaven like members of the Prototype Communities think about their protected Spiritual Space that enables them to have a Heaven Way of Life. They make sure that they always provide the Material Energy to sustain this protected Spiritual Space and never allow a lapse to occur. They do this through generating the Material Energy that is needed the natural way and providing it to the Source through an Energy Exchange. Until you are able to do this, you can maintain a Sound of Heaven Field for yourself with a Financial Exchange.
I discuss the amount of Material Energy that is needed for this monthly maintenance of the Field in the Request section below.
The Sound of Heaven Field Intervention was created to:
This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a Perfect Health Source Intervention.
It provides you with an opportunity to respond to The Source Call to Action to Do What Is Needed to support The Work of the Source. You Become Love in Action when you support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism by working with a Source-Created Miracle to bring about Spiritual Healing for yourself and others.
Source-Created Miracles are Gifts from the Source. They function very differently from what people generally think of as "miracles". Source-Created Miracles are Perfected Spiritual Intelligences that are born into the world and who require a Miracle-Friendly Field in which to operate. It is up to the person requesting the miracle to provide:
Material Energy can be provided the natural way through an Energy Exchange by doing the Source-Directed Activist Work that generates this kind of energy. For those unskilled in doing Source-Directed Activist Work, The Financial Exchange Miracle enables them to provide Material Energy generated by ordinary work as a substitute.
The Source provides information on the exact amount of Material Energy needed to build the Energy Nest for each kind of Source Solution Miracle. This is translated into a Financial Exchange equivalent for those who are unable to provide the Material Energy through an Energy Exchange. Only when the correct amount of Material Energy is provided will the Source send in a miracle.
A Miracle-Friendly Field is produced when a person's Suit – body/mind – maintains a strong Source Connection that enables it to exist above the low vibrational energies that create a toxic, Miracle-Unfriendly Field in which miracles can't survive. There are clear guidelines from the Source about the level of a Miracle-Friendly Field that each miracle requires in order to interface with the person requesting it and do its Mission to help this person.
For a brief overview that will explain the basics, I recommend that you go to: How Miracles Come into Your Life and World.
For an in-depth Training, I recommend the Source Workflow Training: The Source Truth Building Block Training on Source-Created Miracles. This Gifted Training is available only to members of Connecting. If you are not already a member of Connecting, you can request a Gifted Membership by accessing the Signup Form below.
Educating yourself about Source-Created Miracles will help you to understand how to do the Correct Exchange that is your part to do in receiving these Gifts from the Source. Once you understand these Spiritual Principles you will be able to welcome in and work effectively with all of the miracles that manifest the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
The amount of Material Energy needed for the Source Intervention that sustains the Field for The Sound of Heaven is US $600/month.
A Sound of Heaven Field is available only to those who have committed to working with the Source to do The Correct Exchange that enables them to follow in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities and achieve Total Abundance. Total Abundance is needed to achieve Ultimate Spiritual Healing and Ultimate Sustainability.
This commitment is signaled by a Signup for The Correct Exchange Project. This activates The Signup Miracle which initiates an intense Inner Plane, Beyond Miracle Source Support process that prepares the Suit to become eligible to request a Sound of Heaven Field.
I encourage Heaven Agents involved in Stage One of The Correct Exchange Project to request a Sound of Heaven Field because this provides the protection that they need to proceed from Inner Plane Source Support to Stage Two, which is Outer Plane Source Support. To learn what you need to know about The Correct Exchange Project, you can go to the video series: The Miracle of Total Abundance.
If you would like to exchange for The Sound of Heaven Field Intervention for more than one month, you can enter the number of months that you are requesting in the form that can be accessed through the link provided below.
If you would like me to set up an Autopay to ensure that you do not miss a payment and lose your Sound of Heaven Field, you can contact me. If you pay for one month with a credit card or debit card that you wish to use for the Autopay, I can set up the Autopay based on that card and date it for the same day each month as the day on which you initiated the first payment.
If you find yourself unable to make payments but would like to continue your Sound of Heaven Field then you can contact me with information about your situation and I can see what can be worked out. Sometimes The World that Works Fund, which is a Spiritual Repository which stores Material Energy, can offer a short term gift of Material Energy in cases of financial hardship. The Universal Heaven Agent Network is also willing to provide Material Energy for longer terms to Heaven Agents who are contributing to the work of Building Heaven in the world in a significant way.
You can also start getting Trained & Equipped to do the Heaven Agent Work that generates Material Energy the natural way. This Material Energy can then be offered through an Energy Exchange.
Heaven Agents working with me on the Outer Plane need to provide at least some part of the Correct Exchange through a Financial Exchange. What is correct for each person varies according to their circumstances and the determinations of the aspect of my Source Identity that calculates the Correct Exchange.
While a Payment Plan is not possible with ongoing monthly payments, if you are not able to provide the full amount through a Financial Exchange you have several options.
If you would like a Sound of Heaven Field and have financial issues, you can contact me and explain your situation and I will seek Source Guidance about the best way to provide the Material Energy that is needed. As with all requests for contact, I am able to provide a Source Response only in keeping with The Principal of Correct Exchange as described in the article on Miracle-Friendly/Miracle-Unfriendly Fields.
To provide a partial payment in keeping with an arrangement that you work out with me in the instance of financial hardship or the capacity to provide the Correct Exchange through a partial Energy Exchange, you can fill in the amount that you are providing in The Life that Works Fund below.
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The most important aspect of building a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is protection from the interference of the Negativity that sees any effort to become more Source-Connected as counter productive to their goal of breaking down the Spiritual Boundaries of Suits so they can invade them and steal their Life Energies.
Although The Sound of Heaven Field doesn't provide as much protection as living in a domed Prototype Community, it is remarkably effective in deterring damaging attacks by the Negativity on the Suit so that the Suit can continue to make progress toward Ultimate Spiritual Healing and Ultimate Sustainability.
Investing in providing Material Energy for other Heaven Agents seeking to achieve Ultimate Sustainability and contribute to the Ultimate Spiritual Healing of The Global Community and The Universal Community is central to the work of building a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life universally. This is what will enable the Creation itself to ultimately be sustainable after the departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to the Source Level at the end of The Transition.
While contributing through an Energy Exchange is helpful, a Financial Exchange provides both Material Energy and funding for the work of connecting to potential Heaven Agents throughout the planet so they can join forces to work toward Global Sustainability.
To learn about how to contribute through a Financial Exchange, you can access the form provided below.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
NOTE: If you encounter technical problems in completing the Signup process, contact me with information on the kind of technical issue you have encountered. I will troubleshoot the problem and email you with information on how to proceed.
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