Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to receive Source Support to work with The Master Build Heaven Project, The Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life Project. This Project builds the supportive structure for the Total Abundance that every being needs to retain their Source Connection at the end of The Transition when the Implementation Aspect of the Source leaves the Creation to return to its Spiritual Home at the Source Level.
The Total Abundance enables the Suit – the body/mind – to have everything that it needs mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, and environmentally to succeed in attaining the 100% Source Connection that will ensure its Sustainability.
If the focus shifts to abundance and away from preserving the Source Connection, The Miracle of Total Abundance doesn't manifest. It is necessary to focus on the Source Connection in building this way of life because a focus on abundance alone will create a Miracle-Unfriendly Field of Energy in which the miracles of Total Abundance can't manifest.
There are Four Levels of the Work:
This work is focused on implementing The Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life Action Plan which is the Master Action Plan for the Master Project.
Work on implementing this Action Plan requires working with the five Primary Build Heaven Projects that make up The Universal Heaven Project. These Primary Build Heaven Projects build the Five Essential Structures for a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
Master and Primary Project Action Plans inform the work of Building Block Action Plans which are created for the Building Block Projects that put into place the Building Blocks of a Source-Connected Way of Life. Each Building Block Project helps to build the Essential Structure of a Primary Project. The energies sent by the Source to the Primary Project guide and protect the work being done on the Building Block Project. Even though all Build Heaven Projects contribute to a Source-Connected Way of Life, the Project to which they contribute the most is what provides the support for its work and incorporates the Building Block of the completed Project into its Essential Structure.
For example, The Rhythm of Life Project is a Building Block for The Perfect Health Project – a Primary Project – which builds the Essential Structure for Perfect Health. While running The Rhythm of Life contributes to Total Abundance, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment and The Love Connection Projects, it is supported primarily by The Perfect Health Project. As the Essential Structure for Perfect Health is built it helps all of the other Projects to build their Essential Structures.
Implementation Projects build on the foundation built by the Primary Project and the Building Block Projects. They carry the work of Building Heaven into all of the aspects of life on the Inner and Outer Planes.
The actual work on The Construction Site of Heaven is done in the Building Block and Implementation Projects. This is where the Source Workflow Trainings, Miracle Tools, Source Interventions, and Miracle-Based Coaching are given in order to complete a project.
The work of Building Heaven is based on Source Logic and builds in an organic and integrated way that does not correspond to the Left Brain Project Logic to which many beings are accustomed. Learning about the way that the Source structures the Project and works in it is an opportunity to understanding something of the Source Logic that underlies Life itself.
The Projects that are developed online are designed by the Source to provide training in how to work on Build Heaven Projects. They are not intended to represent all of the countless Build Heaven Projects that are needed to build a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life for beings throughout the Creation. They are Training Projects that give beings Source Support in learning how to work with the Source on a Build Heaven Project so they are better prepared to work on the Build Heaven Projects that the Source will call on them to work on in order to fulfill their Mission in this life.
The Projects are designed to provide essential information and Action Plans to Heaven Agents working with me in The Miracle School on the Inner and Outer Planes. The actual work on the Project is then carried out on the Outer Plane with my work with students of The Miracle School in Individual and Group Miracle-Based Coaching Sessions. On the Inner Plane, I work with those coming in through The Soul Talk Network that enables us to work together on the Projects through communicating in the Universal Language of Soul Talk.
When working with an Implementation Project, you need to keep in mind that many of these were developed in previous years and reference what was happening at that point in time. Although their purpose is for long term work on an aspect of Heaven that needs to be built and the essential Source Truths and Action Plans remain valid currently, you may encounter references to spiritual events that were occurring at the time when the Project was initiated. In order to understand the Project in the context of these changes, you need to keep abreast of the Source News on what is happening in the Creation. The most extensive news is published in The Source Connection Station which is available to members of Connecting. In previous Source News Reports on the stages of The Transition, you can learn about what has been happening at the most critical level in the work of the Source to help beings to preserve their Source Connection.
Now that we are in a time of working on Building Heaven at a more accelerated rate, I will be posting more information on the breakthroughs in The Source News Hub in order to help students to progress in their work of Building Heaven. This will be the go to place for tracking the action in all of the Build Heaven Projects.
For a graphic of all of the Primary Projects, you can reference The Universal Heaven Project Graphic below.
To learn more about and contribute to this Project you can reference the Directory provided below.
Life was created by the Source to be an experience of Heaven – Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible.
Before there was a Creation, the Souls, who are perfected Spiritual Intelligences, requested that the Source create a Manifest World and Suits in which they could operate in this world. Their goal was to build Life as Heaven in the context of a physical life experience. Unlike the Source, who experiences full expression of all aspects of Its nature without taking a form in a physical Creation, the Souls require a form and a physical context if they are to express their innate Spiritual Intelligence and Miracle-Based Abilities. They find joy in carrying out a Mission that enables them to use their unique spiritual abilities to contribute to the Total Abundance that is needed by them and by others in order to build Life as Heaven in a Manifest World.
They understood that when they carried out their Missions to the 100% Mark, out of a desire to celebrate their Love Connection with the Source and express appreciation for The Gift of Life and The Work of the Source that makes Life as Heaven possible, that they would achieve The Heaven Experience. They understood that The Heaven Experience is the quintessential experience of Life as Heaven in The Manifest World. It is an experience of love, joy, bliss, peace, adventure, and fulfillment.
They also understood that when they achieved The Heaven Experience it would trigger the release of The Heaven Experience Medium which would be needed for their Suits to survive the departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source who entered into The Manifest World to help them to learn how to build and sustain Life as Heaven. They understood that there was much to be learned by their Suits about Stewarding The Miracle of Life that had been put in their care and that they would have to have Suits that could Steward Life correctly if The Miracle of Life that sustained their Suits and the Creation itself was to survive the departure of the Implementation Aspect.
The Souls have never waivered in their commitment to work with the Source in accordance with The Source Plan to build Life as Heaven in The Manifest World.
The Suits, however, did not conform to the wishes of the Souls and decided to abandon the ideal Heaven Habitat in which they could have experienced Life as Heaven to journey into a wasteland occupied by the Negativity – a criminal element that developed as Suits left the Heaven Habitat and eventually lost their Source Connection and became predators stealing the Life Energies of Suits that still retained a partial Source Connection.
The Negativity lured Suits out of their Heaven Habitats by promising them that if they turned against the Source they could pursue anything they desired without being concerned about whether it was in keeping with The Source Plan for Life as Heaven. This appealed to the Suits who began to War against the Source, depart from the Heaven Habitat, and ignore Source Communications warning them of the dangers that could result in the total loss of their Source Connection and with it their chance to have a life in The Manifest World.
In 2012 the Souls petitioned the Source to withdraw them from the Suits where they felt imprisoned in a nightmare that was devolving to levels of depravity that they could not bear. They now reside at the Source Level and retain links to their Suits in The Manifest World. The Soul Link preserves the Miracle-Based Abilities of the Suit and its Source Connection. Suits that lose their Soul Link also lose their Source Connection and become Empty Suits that no longer receive the Life Energies needed to sustain their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
Meanwhile, the Suits continued to devolve, becoming so contracted in size that they retained only 1% of the size that they had in their Heaven Habitat. At this contracted size they lacked the Spiritual Intelligence to make wise choices and continued to pursue baser and baser Self Interests even though the evidence of the suffering that this created was more than apparent.
Spiritual Fragmentation began to occur as each desire in the Suit formed its own Spiritual Fragment in the Field of Consciousness in the Suit. A Spiritual Fragment was an island of consciousness in The Field of Consciousness. This Fragment warred with every other Fragment to control the thoughts and actions of the Suit. As the limited Spiritual Intelligence of the Suit became more and more fragmented it lost the ability to see the overview of what was happening to it and how close it was getting to fragmenting to the point of complete spiritual disintegration, which would lead to physical death.
The Source intervened through a series of Universal Vibrational Shifts that lifted the Creation to higher levels of vibration where consciousness in the Suits could begin to integrate enough to understand the Source Communications being sent to it about what was needed to preserve life in the Creation. As Suits expanded they began to regain enough Spiritual Intelligence to understand that the Source was trying to help them to survive and that things in the Creation were in a state of crisis.
While the Vibrational Shifts helped to stop the devolution into such low levels of vibration that Spiritual Integration could be lost entirely, resulting in complete spiritual and physical disintegration, the road ahead for Suits was still a long road with very few Suits listening to Source Communications and trying to correct course and restore their Source Connection.
In 2015 the Implementation Aspect began its departure from The Manifest World. This departure was initiated at the last possible moment to give Suits a chance to awaken and prepare to do their parts in Stewarding The Miracle of Life that sustains their individual lives and Life in the Creation.
The departure is scheduled to occur over several decades culminating in the Implementation Aspect returning to its Heaven at the Source Level and taking with it The Substratum of Life, a Spiritual Structure upon which Life in The Manifest World is based. When The Substratum leaves, beings must be capable of bringing in the Source Light and Source Love that will enable a new Substratum to be created to continue Life in The Manifest World. Failure of a Universal Team of Manifest Beings to create the conditions in which this new Substratum can land in the Creation will result in the termination of The Miracle of Life that sustains the Creation itself and every form of life within the Creation.
The Transition is the Source Term for the structured departure of the Implementation Aspect for its home in the Source Level. At every stage of The Transition the survival of a Suit is on the line. There are Standards for Survival that Suits must meet if they are to retain their place in The Substratum. Those who fall off of The Substratum experience Spiritual Death when their Soul unlinks from the Suit.
Spiritual Death not only terminates the Suit's ability to incarnate in future lifetimes, it also terminates the Soul's participation in The System of Life. This results in the return of the Soul to the quiescent state of bliss in the Source Level from which it emerged to participate in its life in The Manifest World. This is a tragedy for the Soul who wanted to experience Life as Heaven and is no longer able to take action or participate in any level of Life, even the life that exists at the Source Level. It is unable to be reissued another Suit because the legacy of mutations that caused its original Suit to War against the Source to the point of Spiritual Death would be re-activated, blighting life in the Creation for all beings.
The work of the Suit in this time of The Transition has to be to achieve Sustainability – to become a Suit to which the Implementation Aspect of the Source can link back to and sustain after it returns to the Source Level. The Implementation Aspect will only be able to link back to Suits that have built a 100% Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that has enabled them to:
There is a quantifiable measure of this achievement. It is not subjective.
The Sustainability Timeline has been created to provide a clear way to understand how to achieve these goals at all stages of The Transition. The Sustainability Timeline marks the times when a Suit needs to meet a Standard in order to achieve Ultimate Sustainability by the end of The Transition. If a Timeline is missed, the Suit will not be able to catch up since the resources to achieve the Standard are only available during a specified time period.
Meeting the Timeline Standards is like the DNA that forms a baby in the womb keeping on time with the Timelines by which each part of the baby needs to be formed for the baby to emerge in 9 months as a fully functional new life. If the DNA delays on creating the heart, for instance, then other parts of the body will not develop when they are triggered to be formed, and the baby will not survive.
The same principle is true in The Sustainability Timeline which mark the critical points when the Suit needs to complete essential parts of the work so that it retains its ability to have a life in The Manifest World. The Source is no longer able to sustain a life that falls out of the correct time sequence and mutates all further efforts to build toward Ultimate Sustainability.
We are now in a time in The Transition when there are both Universal Timelines when all beings throughout the Creation need to have met a Standard for Sustainability in order to retain their Source Connection. There are also multiple Individual Timelines that determine the unique Standards that each individual Suit must achieve.
Source Support for meeting the ever more challenging nature of these Timelines is provided through periodic information in The Source Connection Station which is available for members of Connecting. In this Station there are Source News Reports on past stages of The Transition and an article on how to prepare for upcoming stages of The Transition.
In addition, I have initiated a The Sustainability Timeline Training which is recorded Source Workflow Training that is generated periodically to provide Suits with Source Guidance, Fast Track Spiritual Code, Perfection Experiences, and Perfection Impressions to facilitate their ability to meet the Standards of the Timelines.
Suits that have become the Heaven they were created to be will be Suits that have achieved The 10.10 Source Interaction Standard that enables them to achieve a 100% Source Connection.
This Standard is achieved when the Suit recognizes that everything it does in its inner and outer life is an interaction with the Source. The Suit then works to interact with the Source at the highest level, which is at Level 10.10. Suits interacting with the Source at a 10.9 will not be sustainable.
The Source is the Giver of Life and the Sustainer of Life. If a Suit is not acting in a way that supports The Work of the Source to sustain it, it is asking the Source to sustain it while it is behaving in a way that makes it difficult or impossible for the Source to sustain it.
At this stage of The Transition, what the Source can sustain is changing with every stage of The Transition. The Source is unable to sustain the Source Connection of a Suit if it does not meet the Standard for Survival at each stage of The Transition.
Sustainability in the Build Heaven Era is based on interacting with the Source at Level 10.10 in the work of Building Heaven. The Suit must do the precision work that prevents any mutation from entering into the process. Heaven is perfection. Precision work that leads to perfection is as important as the correct work of the DNA that results in the birth of a healthy baby. A single mutation can result in the Hell of suffering.
In order to do this calibre of precision work, a Suit must have a highly evolved Working Relationship with the Source. The measure of the quality of this Working Relationship is the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard.
Suits achieved a 10.10 Source Interaction Standard for Inner Plane work on Building Heaven in the December 2019 Transitions when they worked with the Source to build the essential Spiritual Structures that have enabled the work of Building Heaven on the Outer Plane to begin. This work was done primarily through the Extended Range of Consciousness of the Suit that is generally outside of conscious awareness.
Suits are, however, only averaging a 10.8 and lower in the work of Building Heaven on the Outer Plane through their Conscious Range participation. This is because the Conscious Range is socialized to adhere to The Story Way of Life, which is based on the Cultural and Personal Stories that shape the Story Character Identities that Suits have developed for themselves. The Conscious Range is generally responsive only to Story Truth which is a creation of the Cultural Story. It is generally not responsive to Source Truth about who the Source really is and how the Source really operates in the Creation because Source Truth isn't validated by Story Truth.
This leaves a big gap between what the Extended Range of the Suit knows about Source Truth that enabled it to produce a 10.10 Source Interaction in the Inner Plane work of Building Heaven and what the Conscious Range of the Suit knows about it. The Cultural Filters through which the Conscious Range sees the world greatly distort what the Source is trying to help Suits see so they can make wise decisions about how to preserve their Source Connection during this time of The Transition.
The Source is helping Suits to move beyond these Cultural Filters so that the work of Building Heaven can get done correctly and in time to meet the Standard for Survival of the upcoming stages of The Transition.
The Source has brought forth The Source-Connected Way of Life Action Plan to help beings meet these Standards. This Action Plan is outlined below.
In addition the Source has created The Miracle Within You Video and the extensive Miracle You Video Book Training that provide you with the understandings of how to work with the Miracle that enables your Suit to become the Miracle it was created to be. Through becoming this Miracle, it positions itself to meet the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard that enables it to become the Heaven it was created to be. Access to the Video Book Training is for members of Connecting.
Suits need to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected World in which their work on their aspect of Total Abundance can be done and appreciated by other beings. Only then can the Suit contribute what it is its Mission to contribute to the Total Abundance of all beings.
The aspect of Total Abundance that the Suit contributes will be important to providing other beings with the Total Abundance that is needed for them to build their aspects of Total Abundance and achieve Sustainability.
Life is all interconnected. Each life is a miracle sent into The Universal Community to build a certain aspect of the Heaven of Total Abundance that it was created to build. Only when the Community supports the work of each Miracle/Being to contribute what is in its Mission to contribute will the Community achieve Total Abundance.
Suits that are Stewarding The Miracle of Life to the degree that it is theirs to do are actively supporting The Work of the Source at the 100% Mark. This support takes the form of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism to Steward The Miracle of Life for their own life and for the lives of all others as well as for Life in the Creation itself.
Those who work only on themselves and their own life and don't support every aspect of The Work of the Source in The Universal Heaven Project will not become the Heaven that they need to become to enable the Source to link back to them when the Implementation Aspect leaves for the Source Level.
The Stewarding Work creates the conditions needed for a Suit to be sustained by the Source during the Transition and after its final stage when the Source departs for the Source Level. These conditions have a technical aspect that can be measured. They have nothing to do with whether the Source would like to sustain the life or not. The Source wishes for all beings to survive for the sake of the Souls and the Suits that it has loved and nurtured throughout their many lifetimes.
Suits with a history of accumulating negative energy from living a Source-Disconnected Way of Life will need to work harder to meet the Standards for upcoming stages of The Transition. Even with the help of a Dream Heaven Command supplying Source Power and Source Direction to the Suit and a willing Suit, it sometimes takes longer to clear out massive amounts of negative energy than the time that is available. For this reason, the Source has created additional forms of Source Support that accelerate the process. Additional Training and Inner and Outer Plane Coaching will also be necessary to meet these very demanding Standards for Survival.
In light of this context of massive Universal Change, The Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life Action Plan is based on preparing the Suit to achieve Sustainability by creating the context in which it can achieve the 100% Source Connection that will enable it to retain its Source Connection during the challenging stages of The Transition. This context is, primarily, a Source-Connected Way of Life. Once a being is building a life that is centered on achieving a 100% Source Connection, then they will be able to connect with the Total Abundance Miracles that build the Total Abundance that is needed to sustain a 100% Source Connection.
A Source-Connected Way of Life is like a well tended garden in which the Flowers of Heaven, which are the Suits, can grow and be sustained by the Source. Just as a gardener doesn't create the life that he nurtures, so a Suit doesn't create the Miracle of a Life. The Miracle is a Source Creation, a gift from the Source. The Suit learns how to respect the Source Creations that exist in the world, including itself as a Source Creation. It then learns how to work within the guidelines set by the Source to nurture the miracle of a Source Creation so that the Flower of Heaven that it was created to be blossoms and brings into the world the aspect of the Heaven of Total Abundance that it was created to manifest.
The Build Heaven Project was established to build the foundation for a Source-Connected Way of Life that yields Total Abundance for all beings. This is based on The Culture of Heaven that is a Source-Created Culture that enables beings to understand how to protect and sustain their Source Connection while also experiencing the ultimate joy and fulfillment of Total Abundance, which at its highest level yields The Heaven Experience.
Two levels of Action Plans have been created to build a Source-Connected Life.
Foundation Building Action Plans have already been completed for The Build Heaven Project. The six Master Action Plan Trainings built the foundation for The Culture of Heaven. The foundation was built through the Source Workflow Trainings and the Seed Code and Source Solution Miracles that provide the Suit with what it needs to understand The Culture of Heaven, which is the foundation for a Source-Connected Way of Life. This understanding is what the Suit needs in order to begin working with the Structure Building Action Plans that build a Source-Connected Way of Life on the Outer Plane.
For information on the six Master Action Plan Trainings, you can go to:
Structure Building Action Plans build the five Essential Structures of a Source-Connected Way of Life on the foundation of the understanding of The Culture of Heaven. The Essential Structures are akin to the rooms and floors of a house that rest on a foundation.
The Structure Building work is guided by four levels of Action Plans for building a Source-Connected Way of Life. The Action Plans for Levels One and Two are designed to provide the guidelines for work in Level Three and Four Projects. Level Three Projects are where the Building Blocks of a Source-Connected Way of Life are put into place. At this level of the work Source Workflow Trainings, specific Miracle Tools and Source Interventions and Miracle-Based Coaching Sessions guide the work. Level Four is where Heaven Agents work in Implementation Projects to build everything that completes the building of the aspect of a Source-Connected Total Abundance Way of Life that is to be built.
The first level is the Master Action Plan of The Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life Project. This Action Plan provides the broadest definition of what it takes to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected Life.
The second level is that of the Primary Projects and Action Plans that build the Five Essential Structures for a Source-Connected Life. To better understand these Projects, you can reference The Universal Heaven Project Graphic below as well as go to each of the five Primary Projects for an overview description of the Project and to learn about its Action Plan and the Building Block Projects and Implementation Projects that it is supporting.
The links to the Primary Projects can be found in the Directory above. The Build Heaven Project Hub contains all of the links to all of the currently active Build Heaven Training Projects.
On the third level are the Building Block Projects that build the Essential Structures for the Primary Build Heaven Projects.
For instance, The Perfect Health Project, which is a Primary Project, supports work on The Rhythm of Life Project, which is a Building Block Project. The Rhythm of Life Project enables beings to run The Rhythm of Life at the highest level. Running the Rhythm at a Level 10.10 is the foundation for Perfect Health. It is, however, only one of the Building Blocks needed to complete the structure for Perfect Health.
Implementation Projects are on the fourth level. They constitute the projects that fill in the structures of Heaven built by the Master, Primary, and Building Block Projects. The complete the creation of the aspect of the Heaven of Total Abundance that all four Build Heaven levels were created to build.
A Heaven Agent working on a Level Three Building Block Project will also work with Level One and Level Two Action Plans.
Each of the individual Build Heaven Projects will fall under one of the five Primary Projects which come under the Master Project, which is The Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life Project. Although I categorize an individual Building Block Project under one of the Primary Projects, this does not imply that all of the Action Plans for all of the five Primary Projects should not be engaged when working on the Project. The Source works in an integrated way that takes into account all of the five aspects of a Source-Connected Life.
For example, a Level Three Building Block Project that focuses on Love-Based Relationships in the family will be supported by The Love-Based Relationship Project. The actual work on developing Love-Based Relationships, however, will include working with the Action Plans of all five of the Primary Projects.
For instance, it is not possible to develop a Love-Based Relationship with another being unless you are developing your Love Connection with the Source and the Source is sending through you the love that you transmit to another being. Love comes from the Source and is channeled through beings who become a River of Love transferring the Source Love that they receive to others in their community. This prevents Pseudo Love from being created which is based on sentiments derived from a Story about a relationship. Pseudo Love supports the Story Character identity of a being and blocks their True Self from manifesting in the Suit.
In order to work on this part of the Building Block Project, it is necessary to work with the Action Plan for The Love Connection Project.
Love is expressed to another being when you are working with the Source to nurture the miracle that they are which the Source has created. Source-Directed nurturing will focus on helping them to achieve Perfect Health, Total Abundance, Life Purpose Fulfillment within the context of building a Source-Connected Way of Life. This involves working with the Action Plans of the other Primary Projects as well as with the Master Action Plan for The Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life Project.
The Source is sustaining the Miracle of Life that sustains you on spiritual and physical levels. You, therefore, need to be doing your part to become sustainable in every aspect of your life. If you dip down into thoughts and actions that damage your Suit and invite in the Negativity and build the Negative Energy Medium in which Hell can land and propagate in your life, then you are making it very difficult for the Source to continue to sustain your Suit.
When the Implementation Aspect was more material prior to The Transition, my Manifestation could sustain your life by muscling aside the Negative Energy that your Suit created or that engulfed you from the wrong doing of other Suits. Now that the Implementation Aspect has become very immaterial as it prepares to leave the Creation at the end of The Transition, my Manifestation can no longer use very materialized energies to save your Suit.
This means that your Suit must use its more materialized energies to save itself.
To help your Suit awaken to the need to study the Action Plans and put them into practice, you need to spend time with these materials and give thought to them and help your Suit to focus on them and put them into action. Without your due diligence your Suit will focus on whatever is easy and comforting in the moment and won't do the hard work that will enable it to undo the damage of the Disconnection and become sustainable. It will be out of focus and assume that my Manifestation will bail it out when things get tough.
The Suit is, in many ways, like a child who seeks immediate gratification and doesn't plan ahead. You need to bring the wisdom of the Soul that wants the Suit to survive into dealing with your Suit so it isn't allowed to self destruct. It has been on a path of self destruction for all of its lifetimes in The Manifest World. It will take effort on your part to steer it onto The Path to Sustainability and keep it on track until it actually becomes sustainable.
In the section below I outline the Action Plan for The Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life Project.
To access the Action Plans for the five Primary Projects you can reference the links in the Directory. Links for Level Three and Level Four Building Block and Implementation Projects can found in The Build Heaven Project Hub.
In the Directory I have listed the Primary Projects in the order in which a Heaven Agent needs to work with their Action Plans when working on any Level Three or Four Project.
It is important that you tell your Suit to "Dream Heaven" to build the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that it needs in order to achieve Sustainability. When you issue The Dream Heaven Command for this Project, it will carry with it the Source Power and Source Direction that will empower your Suit to build the Heaven of this Way of Life.
Without this Command your Suit will lack both the Spiritual Power and the Source Directives that it needs to do its part to build a Source-Connected Life. The Project Dream Heaven Command also helps your Suit to extricate itself from the influence of negative thoughts and behaviors as well as to Hold the Line for Heaven against the controlling influence of the Negativity – the criminal element that operates on the Inner and Outer Planes.
Work on any Build Heaven Project should begin with issuing the Project Dream Heaven Command to the Suit. The Suit is like an intelligent piece of equipment. If it is given good support through The Dream Heaven Command it can perform up to the standards that will enable it to become Sustainable.
Now that the Implementation Aspect is no longer material enough to bail Suits out of the trouble that they have gotten themselves into because of their decision to Disconnect from the Source, beings – meaning the True Self which is the representative of the Soul in the Suit – need to issue the Dream Heaven Command to their Suits to give the Suits what they need to fulfill the Mission of the Soul. Performing the Mission of the Soul is what ensures Sustainability.
The Implementation Aspect can ground Source Will Interventions without any Material Energy provided by Manifest Beings. While these miracles work on the Inner Plane effectively, they are too immaterial to eradicate some of the more materialized energies that ground Hell in the world or to ground Heaven at the most material levels.
In order to have enough material impact to move more materialized energies, Manifest Beings must provide the Source with the Material Energy needed by the Source to land more materialized miracles. More materialized miracles have both more material clout because they are more material and they can land at the more material levels where they are needed.
Every materialized miracle is a new Manifest Being that is given a Mission by the Source. Some of these miracles do not require a great deal of Material Energy and individual Heaven Agents can provide the amount that is needed to bring these miracles into their lives. An example is the kind of miracle that manifests in a Miracle Tool that becomes a part of the Heaven Agent Tool Kit that is needed to Build Heaven.
Other more materialized miracles require more Material Energy than an individual Heaven Agent can provide. In some instances there is enough Material Energy in The World that Works Fund, to which Heaven Agents contribute when they do their Heaven Agent Work, to land a more major miracle. In other cases, the Source calls on Heaven Agents to contribute Material Energy through a Financial Exchange to enable a major miracle that is urgently needed to come in during the timeframe when it is needed. This is usually to prevent the loss of life during an upcoming Transition.
Providing the Material Energy for these more material miracles is necessary. Suits working with only their limited abilities and with The Dream Heaven Command will not meet the Standard for Survival in the upcoming stages of The Transition.
Manifest Beings must work together to provide the Material Energy needed for major miracles to come into the world and do the work that will save their lives. Unless the massive structures that endanger The Miracle of Life for communities and for the Creation itself are dealt with by beings while the Implementation Aspect, working through my Manifestation, is here to help, these structures will crush The Miracle of Life when my Implementation Aspect departs and no individual Heaven Agent will be able to survive.
Manifest Beings must understand that time is of the essence and a massive amount of work is needed to ensure Sustainability for the Creation itself. They must rise above their Stories about the nature of life and turn to the Source for help in understanding what it is theirs to do to contribute to The Transformation that is needed for Life in the Creation to become sustainable.
Training in how to become a Source-Directed Activist working both on Spiritual Activism and Social Activism Projects is needed if the Suit is going to Build Heaven effectively.
The Online Building Block and Implementation Projects for a Source-Connected Life provide an important aspect of this training so that Suits can meet the Standard for all of the Building Block and Implementation Projects that they are given by the Source. The online Projects are Training Projects for working with Building Block and Implementation Projects. While the Training Projects are a part of the Mission of every being, they are designed to train the Suit to work on the full array of Build Heaven Projects that are part of a being's Mission. The full array of Build Heaven Projects cannot be posted online.
The Standard should guide everything that you do in your Inner Life, such as the thoughts that you think, as well as everything that you do in your Outer Life that does not involve others. These are tasks such as bathing and feeding yourself and dealing with your physical needs and desires.
Your Suit is a Source Creation and there is much to be learned about how it functions and how you can take good care of it, making it possible for the Source to sustain it as the vehicle for your Soul. Care in what you eat, when you eat it, and when you rest, what music you listen to, and what work you do is all a part of celebrating the Source Truth about the nature of the delicate instrument that your Suit is as a Source Creation and learning how to bring out its strengths and enable it to perform as the miracle that it was created to be.
Man-made theories about the Suit fall very far short of how it really functions. Many man-made practices lead to injury and illness because they violate the nature of the Suit and the Suit sickens and dies because of this.
There is an urgent need for Heaven Agents to work with the Knowledge Base given by the Source to understand the Suit and its needs and to celebrate the Source Truth that enables them to know how to care for the Suit so that it becomes sustainable.
Every action you take in relating to others either helps the other being to evolve toward Sustainability or inhibits this evolution. When you inhibit the evolution of others you inhibit your own evolution and put both yourself and the other person in jeopardy of becoming unsustainable. The Source Interaction Standard applies whether you are relating to your own species or to another species.
When you see another being as the miracle that the Source created them to be and you ask for Source Guidance to nurture this miracle in whatever way it is yours to do, then you are helping the Source to build the Total Abundance that this being needs in order to manifest the miracle that they are.
If you see another being in terms of the social role that they play in the Story Society and you devalue them if they are of a devalued gender, racial, ethnic, or religious group or elevate them because they are of a socially approved group, you are contributing to their unsustainability. This behavior boxes them into their social roles and constrict them into thinking and reacting as a Story Character instead of as their True Self which knows itself to be a Source Creation with a Mission in life. This restricts the ability of the Suit to think of itself as a miracle – a Source Creation – with a Mission that is important even if the Mission is not socially recognized. The damage that you do by this is a -10.10 on the scale of Source Interactions. This behavior is how the Hell of a Source-Disconnected Life is built not the Heaven of a Source-Connected Life.
Those continuing to build Hell and not Heaven will become unsustainable in the upcoming stages of The Transition.
It is equally important to be a Steward of The Miracle of Life in your physical world and in your relationship to material objects.
Although physical objects appear to be devoid of life, they are made from Spiritual Particles that are sustained by The Miracle of Life. These Particles are Source Creations and are of Life. Physical objects either natural or man-made are a part of The System of Life sustained by The Miracle of Life for the Creation. It is important to interact with them responsibly in accordance with Source Guidance in order to sustain the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard that is needed in this aspect of life as it is needed in every other aspect of life.
Creating objects from toxic chemicals that cause disease and using the elements of the material world to create weapons that destroy life is against the Will of the Source which is to create a way of life that honors every aspect of life and does not allow any part of life, including the Spiritual Particles of which objects are made, to be misused to create harm on any level.
Asking for Source Guidance about how to interact responsibly with the material world is central to building an environment in which Life as Heaven is honored and sustained.
In summary, committing to achieving the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard in your life is essential to traveling your Journey of Reconnection that will bridge the gap of the Disconnection from the Source that has damaged your Source Connection. Only when you achieve the 10.10 Standard in every aspect of your life will you be able to achieve the 100% Source Connection that will enable the Source to continue to sustain your life.
How to carry out the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard is something that can’t be explained well in the abstract. It is something that you learn, in part, from the Source Power and Source Direction sent to you in a Dream Heaven Command. This provides your Suit with the power and information that is needed to know how to Build Heaven at the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard.
The Training supplied through the Building Block and Implementation Projects will enable you to explore how to achieve the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard while building specific aspects of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. Since you can't build a Source-Connected Life unless your Suit achieves The 10.10 Source Interaction Standard in the building process, working on any Building Block or Implementation Project will help you learn how to achieve the Standard.
The most important part of the learning is understanding The Standard of Perfection that governs everything that the Source creates and which is required for those working with the Source to Build Heaven in the world.
Heaven is Perfection. Heaven can’t be built by using a methodology that is not precise. Perfection in the process can’t be achieved from Suits mired in mutations from the beginning of the Creation unless they strive to achieve the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard and work carefully to Build Heaven according to the Source Directives given to them in the Project Dream Heaven Command for whatever aspect of Heaven they are building at the time.
To achieve the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard, Suits need to learn how to work in harmony with my Source Workflow. By following my Source Workflow they will understand the Source Logic behind Building Heaven. This Source Logic does not work on a Project in the Left Brain way that is prized in the Story World. There is no way to train the Story Left Brain to do this kind of work. The Suit has to listen to the Source Guidance coming from the Heart Chakra, which is the seat of the Source Connection, and follow the guidance the Source sends moment to moment to keep on track with the building process.
Building Heaven is more akin to aligning the DNA of Life as it should be to create a baby in the womb. This process is still a mystery to human scientists and yet it is a beautiful example of the way that the Source creates life in The Manifest World. This kind of complex process is what will create a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own out of the chaos and conflict that currently sets individuals and communities and nations against one another.
Those Becoming What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source will be getting closer to the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard but they won’t make it to the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard unless they follow the precise Source Directives given by The Dream Heaven Command for a particular Build Heaven Project.
Additional forms of Source Support may be needed to ensure that the Suit can achieve The 10.10 Standard. Negative Energies and patterns may disrupt the ability of the Suit to maintain this Standard. Source Interventions and Miracle Tools may be needed to help the Suit to perform according to the Standard.
Individualized Miracle-Based Coaching through At-a-Distance Source Support as well as through online and in-person and group Coaching Sessions is the best way to ensure that your Suit is, in fact, learning how to hold to the 10.10 Standard in every aspect of its life.
Work with the Source Solution Miracles that are needed to accelerate your Suit’s ability to Build Heaven despite the accumulated mutations that stand in the way of the precision work that is needed. Building Block and Implementation Project will have Source Solution Miracles that will help the Suit to achieve goals that it would otherwise fail to achieve in the timeframe that is available.
These miracles are meant for both individuals and for the Community. They enable the Suit to accomplish what cannot be accomplished without these additional forms of Source Support.
Provide the Material Energy for individualized Source Support so that your Suit gets coaching support on the Inner and Outer Planes. This is very important when it comes to learning how to Build Heaven on the Outer Plane. Without this your Suit may not learn the specific things that it needs to learn in order to meet the Standards for the upcoming Transitions.
Sustainability Timeline Source Support provides the full range of Source Support through Inner Plane interactions with the Suit. These interactions include the use of Source Will Creation Technology as well as Source Solution Miracles such as Source Interventions, Miracle Tools, Programmed Events, Advanced Source Commands, and Miracle-Based Coaching. The work is done on the Inner Plane at any hour of the day or night, providing the kind of focused Source Care that the Suit needs to learn and heal and perform at a sustainable level.
Online Coaching Sessions and Coaching by Email provide Miracle-Based Coaching on the Outer Plane. These Coaching Sessions help the Conscious Range of the Suit to understand how to achieve The 10.10 Source Interaction Standard that enables it to Build Heaven in its life and world.
Both types of Source Support are open to Suits that are producing a Level +6 and above Miracle-Friendly Field into which the miracles used in Miracle-Based Coaching can come.
To find out more about Miracle-Based Coaching, you can go to:
There are two aspects to supporting The Work of the Source to help you to build the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that you need to build and help others build in order for Sustainability to be achieved.
The first aspect is providing the Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracles that individuals and communities in the Global and Universal Community need in order for them to achieve Individual Sustainability and be able to work together to do the Team Work that will ensure the Sustainability of the Spiritual Structures of the Creation. The Stewarding Work that will enable the Creation to survive after the Implementation Aspect leaves for the Source Level and is no longer providing the kind of Stewarding Work that it is currently providing, has to be done by Trained & Equipped Heaven Agents. Your investment in training other Heaven Agents to join you in this work is your investment in your own Sustainability.
To provide Material Energy through an Energy Exchange, you can simply ask the Source to receive the Material Energy that you are sending through an Energy Exchange and to utilize it for whatever Project is most in need of support.
The second aspect is providing the Financial Support that is needed by the Source working through my Manifestation in The Heaven Project based on the Earth. The Love Connection Project sponsors The Build Heaven Critical Campaign Project that helps Heaven Agents learn about what is needed and provides them with an opportunity to lend their support.
In addition, many Source Solution Miracles have their own Campaigns to fund the miracle reaching others who are in need of it. Heaven Agents contribute through either an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange to these individual Campaigns.
Work to actively support The Work of the Source in the Build Heaven Project is an important part of what it takes to meet the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard. Until Suits transcend their focus on their own needs and those of their immediate loved ones and focus on the needs of the entire Universal Community and on the Creation itself, they will not become the well trained Stewards of The Miracle of Life who can coordinate with the Source after the Implementation Aspect departs for the Source Level.
The Source is not thinking Small Picture about what needs to be done. Only when Suits train themselves to work on the Universal Scale that is needed will they be able to understand the Source Directives that relate to this level of the work.
Those who Become Love in Action will be those who have become the Heaven to which the Source can link back to after it returns to the Source Level. Those who expect the Source to save them while not contributing to The Work of the Source will not become sustainable. They will be demonstrating by their Self Interest fixation on their own needs their unwillingness to Become What Is Needed to support The Work of the Source.
This is what will keep them operating at the lower vibrational levels that will be, as the Implementation Aspect ascends toward the Source Level, below The Source Link Range which is the spiritual space in which the Source can sustain The Source Link, which is another term for The Source Connection. Only those who give and work diligently to help everyone achieve Total Abundance will rise with the Source and stay within The Source Link Range so that when the Source returns to the Source Level their Source Link can still be retained.
The Source-Connected Way of Life Action Plan includes the Actions specified here as well as all of the Action Plans outlined for each of the five Primary Projects and each Building Block and Implementation Project. It is important to observe the Standards for attaining the 10.10 Source Interaction Standard in all of these Projects.
All of the Projects contribute to building the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
For information on the Primary Projects and their Action Plans, you can reference the Directory.
Building the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is essential if a Suit is to heal its damaged Source Connection in time to achieve the 100% Source Connection that will be essential to its survival at the end of The Transition.
Since the Source-Disconnected Way of Life is a key tool used by the Negativity to foster the Disconnection from the Source that serves the objectives of its Harvesting Operation, Suits must examine every aspect of their Way of Life in terms of whether it helps their Source Connection or harms it. Only through discernment and dedication to transitioning into a sustainable Way of Life that supports the Source Connection will the Suit be able to free itself from the destructive influence of the Negativity and learn how to work with the Source to bring in the Total Abundance Miracles that will enable it to become sustainable.
Working with The Training Build Heaven Projects will enable the Suit to get the Training that it needs to work effectively with all of the Building Block and Implementation Projects that the Source will send it to enable it to become sustainable.
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The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
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I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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