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Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.  

The Source Report on the
August 12th Transition

This Transition was a very difficult one. Just days before the Transition, it was apparent that the Suits were not going to be able to meet the Standard despite their efforts to do so.

I asked the Design Aspect of the Source for a miracle to enable beings to survive. The Design Aspect created a new kind of Suit. Beings immediately requested a transfer into this Suit. They released from their original Suit and the Source linked their Soul to the new Suit. This was the most radical Suit transformation since the beginning of the Creation – a miracle beyond all other miracles.  

When this Suit proved to be too slow in processing information, the Source created another more advanced Suit which processed information much more rapidly. When beings transferred into this Suit, they were able to do the Correct Exchange at the level that enabled them to meet the Standard for the Transition.  

After the Transition, beings transitioned into another type of Correct Exchange Suit to deal with attacks by the Negativity before settling into The Full Power Correct Exchange Suit that they are in at the present. This type of Suit combines all of the best features of the three Suits that preceded it. These Suits are performing well but still face major challenges in the upcoming September Transition. 

To find out what happened in the August Transition and its aftermath and to learn about the new Correct Exchange Suits, you can go to:



The Milestone
September 20th Transition 

This Transition is the first to set the Standard according to the Suit’s ability to keep pace with The Sustainability Timeline that will, after September 20th, be the determining factor in a Suit’s ability to retain its place in the Creation.  

Despite the new Full Power Correct Exchange Suit, this will be a tough Transition to survive. What is at stake is getting the Conscious Range of the Suit to do the Correct Exchange.

The Extended Range is performing well but the Conscious Range, which preserved the continuity of consciousness by carrying over many of the traits of the original Suit, is still not performing the Correct Exchange up to the Standard for this Transition. Work on educating the Conscious Range to contribute its part to the Absolute Correct Exchange that is needed to meet the Standard will be the focus of the preparations for this Transition. 

I have prepared a Source Workflow Training that will enable you to help your Conscious Range to evolve in time to achieve this Standard. 

To find out about how to prepare to keep pace with The Sustainability Timeline, you can go to:



Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. 

Director of The Miracle School