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Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
The Source News Report
on the September 20th Transition
The September Transition went well on the day of the Transition but in the ensuing weeks thousands have failed to uphold the Standard that went into effect with the Transition. They have subsequently lost their place in The Substratum.
In the aftermath of the Transition, three major miracles have come through to help Suits to correct course.
To find out what happened, and how this impacts your preparations for the October Transitions you can go to:
The Universal and Individual
Transitions in October
October begins a new era in the work to remain sustainable during the stages of The Transition. Now The Sustainability Timeline marks the Transition Points for both Universal and Individual Transitions.
Universal Transitions are times when the Standard for Sustainability shifts for all beings throughout the Creation. Individual Transitions are times when the Standard shifts for an individual on his/her unique Path to Sustainability.
There are three Universal Transitions in October. They are on the 12th, 23rd, and 30th.
There are multiple weekly Individual Transitions that vary according to the work that an individual Suit needs to do to keep pace with The Timeline. The dates of these can be known through Inner Plane Source Communications.
Correct Exchange Suits are already, in their Extended Range, avidly reading The Timeline and working to achieve these Standards. The Conscious Range of most Suits is, however, not in Correct Exchange Mode and is posing a threat to the Sustainability of the Suit.
There is much to be understood about The Sustainability Timeline and Sustainability itself and also about the challenging Correct Exchange Missions that are needed to meet both Universal and Individual Standards.
Preparations will require more rigorous work for Suits if the Standards for each Transition Point are to be met in order to preserve the Suit’s Sustainability.
I have posted extensive information on how to prepare at:
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School