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Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.  

The Source News Report on
the March Transitions

March 18th was a Turning Point in The Transition that could have led to the extinction of the Creation and all of the Suits within it. With the combination of Source Will Technology and the willing participation of Suits throughout the Creation, a disaster beyond any other was averted.

This led to a request by the Suits that the Source do whatever was needed to help them become sustainable and to ensure the Sustainability of the Creation. This opened the path for a major shift in the nature of the Suit and to an acceleration of the work to manifest the Miracle Suit and The Miracle Self. 

To find out what happened and its implications for your preparation for the April Transitions you can read The Source News Report on the March Transitions.

How to Prepare for
Upcoming April Transitions

Building on the progress made in the March Transitions and their aftermath, we are now in the very challenging April Individual Transitions. 

Suits need to meet Standards for performing a certain percentage of their Mission in order to maintain their place in The Substratum. Mission Discs can provide some of the Mission Work until the Suit can manifest its Miracle, which will take over performing the Mission.  

Work to accelerate the Miracle reaching a State of Full Manifestation and training to do its Mission is underway and will result in some new Source Will Materialization Trainings as well as in the new Build Heaven Project: The Miracle You Project. Information on the posting of these new forms of Source Support will be emailed and also posted in The Source Connection Station.

The Miracle will transform life like nothing else can.  Learning how to bring your Miracle into manifest form is what is in focus in this month and in the months ahead. 

To read about how to prepare, you can access the article: How to Prepare for the April Transitions

Both articles can be accessed at:



Note: This Station requires a Connecting login.


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven


Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. 

Director of The Miracle School