Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.

Become Love in Action

Support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism

How to Prepare for the Most Challenging Vibrational Shift in the History of the Creation

 December 20th – 6:00 pm PST

The December 20th Vibrational Shift will take the Universal Support Field upon which all of life rests up to a Level 7.3 Vibration.   While this is not a huge shift compared to the Shift of three levels on August 8th, as you get into the higher Vibrational Levels even a small increase in vibration requires that your Suit be operating at a much higher level of Spiritual Integration in order to prevent dangerous levels of Spiritual Fragmentation.   

The risk to even fairly well integrated Suits is the collapse of the Spiritual Electrical System which may not be able to sustain its structure at a 7.3 Vibrational Level if it lacks 4 basic Spiritual Energies that are needed for the Shift.  This collapse is equivalent to the collapse of the central nervous system in the physical body.  Such a collapse can lead to Spiritual Death which occurs when the Soul becomes unlinked from the body, leaving an Empty Suit behind.  It can also lead to the collapse of the Spiritual Immune System and the Spiritual Intelligence System that sustain physical health.  All of these Spiritual Systems rest on the structure of the Spiritual Electrical System which is like the central nervous system of the Spiritual Body. 

There are two ways in which to prevent a collapse:

  • the first is to secure 4 basic energies needed by your Suit prior to the Shift
  • the second is to reach a higher level of Spiritual Integration by Signing On to The Adventure of Living Heaven in your life.  When you Sign On you receive The Turning Point Miracle which provides your Suit with a set of miracles and individualized Source Guidance that give it additional support in preparation for the Shift.  This miracle is a Gift to you from The Universal Heaven Agent Network.  You owe it to yourself to receive this Gift when it could make a huge difference in how your Suit weathers this Vibrational Shift.


The Four Energies Your Suit Needs

These energies are:

  • Love Connection Energies
  • Stamina Energies
  • Tranquility Energies
  • The Energy of a Commitment to Living Heaven

To find out more about how to obtain these energies for your Suit, you can read the article in Written Next Step Communications from the Source:



Achieving a Higher Level of Spiritual Integration

In addition to these energies, one of the best ways to prepare is to Sign On to The Adventure of Living Heaven. Committing to mastering the art and science of Living Heaven and contributing to the Prototype Project for Living Heaven that the Source is conducting on the Earth, is itself an important part of what it takes to achieve a higher level of Spiritual Integration prior to the Shift.  When you Sign on to The Adventure you receive The Turning Point Miracle that provides you with miracles that make it easier for your Suit to survive the Shift. 

For more information on The Adventure you can read the article:


The Source Call to Action

We are just a little over a week away from the most challenging Vibrational Shift in the history of the Creation.  The Source has provided miracles to help you to not only ride the massive Tidal Wave that brings in the Shift but also to benefit from the higher Vibrational Level that will occur once the Shift has been completed.  At higher Vibrations it is easier to Live Heaven because you live in a more integrated spiritual environment.

Since Spiritual Fragmentation is a risk, it is important to provide your Suit with what it needs to survive and thrive during a Vibrational Shift of this magnitude.  It is also important to alert others so they may have a chance to prepare. 

To understand what action is needed, access the links provided above.  

To find out what your Suit individually needs, you can request an Assessment and I will respond by email with a Source Recommendation.


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School