Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
NOTE: You have not been receiving recent emails from Connecting – a list that you signed up for some time ago – because of inactivity on your end. I am re-initiating contact due to my concern for your safety in the upcoming Vibrational Shift on August 8th and my wish to provide you with an opportunity to join in the Love in Action Spiritual Activism that I will be initiating due to the arrival of a major miracle, that I will describe below, that is making it possible for Total Abundance to be materialized for all beings. If you do not wish to receive further emails, then you can click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the page.
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
August 8th Vibrational Shift Alert
I am writing to alert you to the Universal Vibrational Shift that will be occurring on August 8th at 6:00 pm PDT. This is the most massive Vibrational Shift in the history of the Creation. It will move the Support Field upon which the Creation rests from a Level 3 Vibration to a Level 6 Vibration.
A shift in vibration of this magnitude can increase the risk of Spiritual Fragmentation, which occurs when the particles of which the spiritual body is made vibrate apart, causing Spiritual Fragmentation, disintegration, and potentially Spiritual Death, which occurs when the Soul unlinks from the body and ends its life in the Manifest World. The organic body may remain, but it will be impaired by the loss of the Soul and the spiritual energy bodies that sustain physical health.
Those who achieve a level of Spiritual Integration that matches the Vibrational Level of the Support Field when it rises to Level 6 can successfully ride the Tidal Wave of Source Power that lifts the Support Field and enjoy the higher vibrational energies that will provide a better foundation for a Life that is Heaven.
Because so many people have not yet achieved the requisite level of Spiritual Integration needed to survive the Shift, the Source has brought through a miracle – The Total Abundance Intervention – that will give those who need additional help to prepare, a chance to attain the level of Spiritual Integration that is needed in the time that remains. This Intervention is also the miracle that will enable them to materialize Total Abundance in their personal lives and to build Total Abundance Communities around them.
It can help in the Shift because it is powerful enough to clear away the negativity that has been interfering with both the work of achieving Spiritual Integration and manifesting Total Abundance. The Intervention enables a person to “Hold the Line for Heaven” by clearing away the negativity out of their lives so they can manifest Heaven – Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible.
I encourage you to find out about this miracle at:
For more information on the Vibrational Shift, you can watch the video:
This video is available when you log in to Connecting using your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the “Forgot Password” option.
For more information and resources, you can go to The Vibrational Shift Resource Station at:
It is not too late to request the Individual Assessment that is needed to determine the strength of the Intervention that your Suit – body/mind – will need. It is not too late to help your family, friends, and co-workers to survive the Shift. This is possible if you receive a full power Intervention that is capable of reproducing itself so that 10 others can receive the Intervention. It will also generate a Total Abundance Energy Field that will shelter 40 others. Because one full power Total Abundance Intervention can help 51 other people, it gives you an opportunity to help yourself and others to survive the Shift. You can read about the Intervention and request the Assessment at:
The Total Abundance Intervention is a major miracle brought through just a few days ago to bridge the gap so that those who are not yet prepared to weather the Shift can receive the help that their Suits need.
I encourage you to take action to receive this Intervention while there is still time for you to prepare for the Shift. If you miss it prior to the Shift, it is the one miracle that can help your Suit to repair any damage caused by the Shift as long as you get the Intervention started as soon as possible after the Shift.
The Intervention is also the quintessential miracle for materializing Total Abundance in your life and in the world. It is what is catalyzing The Total Abundance Movement that will enable Spiritual Activists to Become Love in Action, supporting The Work of the Source to manifest Total Abundance in their lives and in the world.
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School