Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.

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Urgent Source News Report
on the Aftermath of the
October Transition

The Good News is that the October 7th Transition of The Substratum went well, without any loss of life and no attacks by the Negativity on The Substratum.

The Bad News is that within 10 days of the Transition, 20% of the population in The Inner Plane System of Life, excluding those in The Other World and the Prototype Communities, lost their spiritual lives.  

The Souls unlinked from the Suits, causing a kind of Spiritual Death which can be reversed out at a distant point in the Creation when the Negativity has been defeated and these Souls can be re-issued Suits that have no history of mutation from past lifetimes. In the meantime, Source-Created Identities have been given to the Suits to enable them to contribute to building The System of Life until the Suits are discontinued at the end of this lifetime. 

This outcome marks a major change in The Standard for Survival.

From this point on, beings must be providing a balanced exchange with the Source in order to sustain their lives. A balanced exchange includes following Inner Plane Source Directives in both their Extended Range, that is often outside of their conscious awareness, and in their Conscious Range. Source-Given understandings in the Extended Range have to be allowed by the Suit to come through into the Conscious Range so that the Source-Directed, Conscious Range Action, that is needed to bring about Outer Plane social change, can occur.   

I have prepared a Source News Report on what happened and on some of the new forms of Source Support that have come through to help beings attain this higher Standard and preserve their lives. 

It is important to educate yourself about what is needed since a loss of life can occur at any point when the Standard rises to the next level and your Suit has not prepared itself to rise with it.  The Standard for responding to Source Directives in your Conscious Range is now at 3.1 on a 10 scale and will rise over the coming weeks to 4.9 by the December 7th Transition. Your Suit must rise with the Standard whenever it moves to the next higher level if your Suit is to retain its sustainability, which is essential to retaining the Link to your Soul. 

To read The Source News Report
you can access the link provided below:


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School