Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
Become Love in Action
Support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism
You Have a Priceless Opportunity
The Source has just created an upgraded version of the kind of Spiritual Healing Power Station that has enabled the 14 Prototype Communities to heal from all of their illnesses and injuries and attain Perfect Health.
Now it is possible for those not living in the secluded, protected
Spiritual Space of a Prototype Community
to have a Power Station of this kind.
The only problem is – this miracle can only be grounded
in the Manifest World in June.
If the amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground this miracle on the Earth is not received in June, the miracle will return to the Unmanifest Level of Reality from which it came and it will not be able to return.
This means that everyone throughout the Creation, who is not living in a Prototype Community, will never be able to achieve Perfect Health.
This is because the Life Giving Energies distributed from The Spiritual Healing Power Station are essential to :
• healing those who are ill
• preventing ill health
• sustaining Perfect Health
You can't experience the Heaven of True Happiness if you are trapped in a Suit that is ill or injured or deteriorating from old age.
Perfect Health is a necessary Puzzle Piece for
The Picture of Your Personal Heaven and
The Picture of Heaven for the Community.
Without it you will struggle through all of your lifetimes dealing with the terrible toll taken on your life from the trauma caused by the illnesses and injuries that you experience personally, that afflict your loved ones who are in your care, and which afflict the members of your Community.
Individuals and communities will have to continue to spend a large amount of their financial resources dealing with illnesses and injuries without ever having a chance to eradicate all suffering of this kind.
While The Spiritual Healing Power Station is not the only Puzzle Piece needed to complete The Picture of the Heaven of Perfect Health, it is a major and essential Puzzle Piece. Without it Perfect Health is not possible.
The Source Call to Action
The Work of the Source has reached the point when it is time to bring in the Major Miracles that are needed to build Heaven in the lives of all beings in the Universal Community.
These miracles require Material Energy in order to ground just as do the miracles needed by an individual.
It is necessary for all Heaven Agents to rally to provide the Material Energy through a Financial or Energy Exchange or a combination of both of them so that these miracles can land in the world and build the foundation for a Planetary Prototype. It is this Prototype that will yield a Heaven Way of Life for those on the Earth and for beings throughout the Creation.
Find out more about The Spiritual Healing Power Station Project.
It is one of the Source Solutions which beings have
urgently requested of the Source for billions of years.
Only now has it become possible.
Take immediate action.
There is little time remaining.
To access information and contribute to the Project go to:
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School