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Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be. 

The Source News Report on
the September 10th Transition

The Transition was difficult because the remnants of The Master Self Interest Agenda Operation fought to lock beings into its control so they would continue to produce the dense Self Interest Energies that the Operation used for its fuel. 

Despite this stiff opposition, most beings heeded Source warnings to prepare correctly and made it to the 10.0.1 Standard. Only a handful of beings did not prepare adequately and lost their lives.  This was a far better outcome than the massive loss of lives in the aftermath of the June Transition when The Master Self Interest Agenda Operation had successfully persuaded many beings to continue to support Self Interest Agendas rather than diverting their energies to support The Total Abundance Support System.

More important than what happened in the Transition itself is what happened in the aftermath of the Transition.  In the aftermath, Matrix Technology was born.  Suits that were functioning at a 10.0.1 level were able to enter into the Personal Total Abundance Matrix provided to them individually by Heaven Phase Technology.  In the Matrix they are more protected and can learn how to contribute substantially to manifesting The Miracle of Total Abundance for themselves and all others. 

To find out more about what happened in the Transition and its aftermath, you can read the report at:


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School