Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.

Become Love in Action

Support Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activism  

The Source News Report
on the September 15th
Turning Point Transition

The Transition went well even though most beings were not prepared to survive until an hour or so before the Lift Up of The Substratum. The timing of the Lift Up had to be accelerated by one hour due to the attacks on The Substratum by the Negativity.

The Lift Up occurred around 1:00 am PDT on the 15th.

At 3:00 pm PDT, September 17th, The Substratum dropped its Support Structure.  Its Life Field remains but it is no longer providing Manifest Beings with a Support Structure.  This is in preparation for its departure from the Manifest World at the end of The Transition.

Only those who had worked with me to get to safety in The Inner Plane System of Life, which is the new Support Structure, or in Support Structure Substitutes that I have created for those in Holding Chambers, survived.

For a more detailed account of what happened
and its implications for what lies ahead, you can go to:


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School