Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
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The Source News Report
on the
March 6th & 7th Transitions
The Good News is that 96% of the population throughout the Creation survived these Shifts because they worked with the Source to work out a Plan of Action for receiving The Heaven Experience Pathways that enabled them to run the amount of Source Love Energy that was needed to prevent Spiritual Fragmentation and Spiritual Death. They now have the Spiritual Equipment that will enable them to have The Heaven Experience and to work toward the 100% Source Connection that is essential to their survival in the upcoming Shifts of The Transition.
The Bad News is that approximately 4% of the population refused to receive The Heaven Experience Pathways because they wanted to retain their Hell Experience Pathways which enabled them to run dysfunctional patterns to which they had become accustomed. These beings fragmented to the point that they are now Non Suits, since they have lost not only their Soul, their onboard Source Intelligence, and their Source-Connected Suit Container but their Field of Consciousness which stores all of their memories, skill sets, and personality traits.
The Source has interceded to save some of the data on their Field of Consciousness so that a rudimentary Intelligence Function could be re-instated in their underlying Field of Intelligence. This is not the full range of Intelligence of a Suit – which is why they are classified as Non Suits – as broken pieces of Spiritual Equipment.
To read the details of what happened and the implications for what lies ahead, you can access the article entitled:
The Source Call to Action
The tragic loss of 292 million humans and countless others throughout the Creation is bringing it into sharper focus that beings must deal intelligently with the technical aspects of what it takes to preserve their Source Connection during the stages of The Transition. Those who do not, lose their Source Connection and with it their lives, living on as Broken Suits that can only exist until their limited energy reserves run out, ending their life in the Creation for all eternity.
In the upcoming April 8th Shift, those who survive will have to be in The Flowstream created by the Source to enable them to Become Love in Action working on the Projects that build a sustainable System of Life in the Creation on the Inner and Outer Planes.
Some preliminary information on The Flowstream and the Pathways is provided in The Source News Report on the March Transitions.
I will soon be posting detailed information on how to prepare for the April 8th Transition.
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School