Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
Become Love in Action
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The Source News Report
on the
February 16th Shift
The Shift was a difficult one for many beings who struggled to complete their preparations and to handle themselves correctly in the actual Lift Off from Level 4.1.2 to Level 4.3.
The Good News is that most beings made it through the Shift safely. No one experienced Ultimate Death but over 699,000 humans experienced Spiritual Death due to Spiritual Fragmentation, which occurs when there is an insufficient amount of Source Love to hold the Spiritual Particles of which the Suits are made together during a Shift. The Souls unlinked from the Suits, leaving Empty Suits which the Source has since Re-Created so they can function in Mission Mode at Level 4.3. This makes them less dangerous and capable of being contributing members of The System of Life until their life is over and they are discontinued in the Creation.
Spiritual Death is a tragedy for the being who loses his ability to continue to live in the Manifest World and for his loved ones who are left with an Empty Suit without their loved one in it. It is a tragedy that all beings must work hard to avoid in the upcoming Shifts on March 6th and 7th which will pose a much greater risk of Spiritual Fragmentation than the February Shift. Double the amount of Source Love will be required to survive these Shifts.
Without an in-depth understanding of the technical method for increasing the amount of Source Love in the Suit, beings may experience Spiritual Death in the March Shifts. Since there are only 10 days remaining to prepare for the March 6th Shift, it is important that you read the article that I have written on how to prepare for this Shift as well as the article on what happened in the February Shift. In this way you will have a clearer picture of what happened and what is up ahead.
The real miracle of the February Shift was that beings freed themselves from the source of The Double Agent Problem that has made Suits dangerous to themselves and to others since the beginning of the Creation. Being who survived committed to honoring The Correct Exchange Relationship with the Source. The Source has now created a massive Universal Correct Exchange System that is helping Suits to survive the Shifts.
Now that Suits do not have an active Hell Agent contingent onboard working to promote Death and Destruction, it is possible to move into the stage of opening to The Heaven Experience which is the joyful experience of Life as Heaven which all beings initially incarnated to experience.
For an in-depth look at what happened in the February Shift,
you can read the article entitled:
For important information on how to prepare for the March Shifts,
you can read the article entitled:
The Source Call to Action
The February Shift has brought into focus the need for Suits to expand their capacity to run more Source Love through their Conduit Structure. The Spiritual Technology for how this can be done has come through to meet the need.
There is no reason for the loss of any life in any upcoming Shift if beings work with the Source and help one another to avail themselves of this Spiritual Technology in time to prepare adequately for the Shifts.
It is the Mission of all who survived the February Shift to support The Work of the Source to ensure the safety of their own Suit and the safety of all Suits in the upcoming Stages of The Transition.
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School