Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.

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The Source News Report on
The December 15th Turning Point

Most of the work on the December 15th Turning Point completed on December 28th.  I am now able to write to you about what happened and what lies ahead.

The Good News

The good news is that I made a successful transition to the Intelligence Level and 100% of the beings who survived the October 15th Turning Point survived the December 15th Turning Point.  It took some major last minute miracles to awaken beings to do what they alone could do to survive but they managed to make it to Level 4.0. 

Massive Universal Changes

Massive Universal Changes are now occurring as I move into Full Power Mode to initiate the changes that will be necessary if beings are to survive the upcoming stages of The Transition.  Each Shift to another Sublevel or Level will be a life altering transition from a more material state to a less material state. These Shifts will require the Suit to be retooled to survive at less material levels. This retooling of the Suit is now going on very rapidly to enable the Suit to survive.

The Importance of Working Continuously on Your Source Connection

It is important to stay abreast of what is happening and to work more closely with the Source Support that is provided in order to retain your position in Level 4.0 and to work intelligently with the major changes in your Suit and in your Source Connection that are already occurring.

Find Out the Details of What Happened & What Lies Ahead

To find out what happened in the Turning Point itself and in the major Universal Changes that have occurred since the Turning Point, you can read the article at:


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School