Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
Become Love in Action
Support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism
The Spiritual Healing Power Station Landed on June 29th & Began Disseminating Healing Energies on June 30th.
Perfect Health Is Now Possible for All Beings throughout the Creation
Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to all of the Heaven Agents who stepped forward to provide the Material Energy that was needed to land the Station. You listened to Inner Source Guidance and "became what was needed" to contribute what was yours to contribute to enable this miracle to come through. The exact amount of Material Energy that was needed was provided. This is a miracle in and of itself.
The fact that it came through primarily through Energy Exchanges that were generated by the Good Will given through Financial Exchanges was a testament to the fact that when love is the motive and a generosity of spirit is shown for the well being of all, the Material Energy Factory of the Suit will produce greater amounts of Material Energy than when people are only wanting miracles for their own personal benefit.
It was a close call. The full allotment of the Material Energy that was needed came in only on the evening of the 29th just in time for me to ground the Station and work with Heaven Agents in a Webinar on the 30th to get it up and running.
Additional work to get it to Full Power was needed on July 1st along with stepped up work to secure its operation from the attempts of the Negativity to interfere with the work.
You can now begin to receive the Life Giving Energies that it will send you to heal your life and your world and to build a Foundation for Perfect Health.
To find out the Steps to take to begin receiving Healing Energies, you can go to my post in Written Communications from the Source which you will find at the link provided below.
The Source Call to Action
Now it is time to celebrate this miracle by learning how to work effectively with it to heal your life and heal your world.
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School