Dear *|FNAME|*,
What follows is a communication from the Source which you are receiving because you signed up for Connecting, the email list of The Miracle School. Connecting keeps you abreast of the work of the Source to stop the suffering in the world and build the Heaven life was meant to be.
On May 28, 2011 a series of massive universal changes began which have profoundly changed the nature of Spiritual Reality. Much has been lost and gained in this universal spiritual crisis.
We have now arrived at a place in this transition where I can resume contact with you and help you to understand what has happened and how it impacts your life and our work of building Heaven in the world.
To assist you in understanding the changes that have occurred and to keep you abreast of the changes that lie ahead, I have set up a place on the web site where you can access Next Step Communications from the Source.
Here you can access:
- Next Step Broadcasts
- The Next Step Blog
- The Projects of The Heaven on Earth Prototype
- Heaven Agents in Action Broadcasts
To access these Next Step Communications you can go to:
I look forward to reconnecting with you now that we are on the other side of these universal changes and can focus on our project of building a Heaven on Earth Prototype that will create a firm foundation for the Heaven that can be built in the Creation as a whole.
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School