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Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
The Source News Report on the December Transitions
While the December 9th Transition went well, the December 13th Transition resulted in beings throughout the Creation falling out of The Substratum multiple times and being re-instated when I reminded them to work with the Heaven Phase Miracles created to help them through the Transition. I had provided information to all beings prior to this Transition about how to work with the Heaven Phase Miracles to avoid this kind of mishap, but they didn't believe that I wasn't going to do it for them because I have always done this Stewarding Work in previous Transitions. I was transitioning during the Lift Up of The Substratum and could not assist them.
It took some beings 7 times of falling out of The Substratum, experiencing Spiritual Death as their Soul unlinked from their Suit, and then working with the Heaven Phase Miracles to get back into The Substratum and get their Souls relinked before they realized that they really had to take responsibility for Stewarding the miracle of their own lives.
This was a major Wake Up Call for them about the changing nature of The Transition now that I am moving rapidly into more immaterial levels that do not allow me to Steward their lives in the ways that I have been Stewarding them previously. Now they will have to learn how to Steward their own lives not only during Transitions but often on a daily basis when I make transitions that eliminate other facets of the Stewarding Work that I have traditionally done for them.
Since beings must become adept at not only Stewarding the miracle of their own lives but Stewarding The Miracle of Life itself in the Creation, this daily training in how to step up and shoulder the work of Stewarding Life is an integral part of the learning process that will be necessary from this time onward in The Transition.
Not only is it necessary to work in the Gifted Inner Plane Source Reality Stations to learn how to Steward Life but it is necessary to repair the damage to the Suits that fell out of The Substratum multiple times. This damage is extensive and will need to be repaired to ensure that they can keep up with the Transitions of 2018 which will be beginning with January 16th and 22nd Transitions.
To find out more about what happened in the December Transitions, you can go to:
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School