Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.

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Source News
on the
April 8th & 11th Transitions

The April 8th Transition has prepared beings to begin the serious work of developing a sustainable System of Life before the end of The Transition.  It is this work that will enable Life in the Creation to survive the departure of the Implementation Aspect for the Unmanifest Level.

On April 11th beings who had survived the April 8th Transition without a Suit Rebuild and who had also given up their attack tendencies, were able to enter into The System of Life Sphere where the work of building a System of Life can be done.  The Substratum of Life moved back with them and is now residing only in this Sphere.

An Energy Shelf from The Substratum has been extended from The System of Life Sphere for those with Rebuilt Suits who could not qualify to enter into the Sphere. This has enabled them to live in a some of the Life Energies of The Substratum.  This has prevented them from dropping into the Void and losing their lives. The energies are not as vital as in the Sphere and those with Rebuilt Suits will have to work harder to maintain their health.

The Good News is that no Suits devolved into worse than Non Suits – which would have been the disintegration of the basic Field of Intelligence that enables the organic Suit to survive.  This was due to the Heaven Phase Miracle of a Suit Rebuild. 

The Bad News is that 2.9% of the population on the Earth and throughout the Creation, had to undergo a Heaven Phase Rebuild in order to survive.  5% of those with a Rebuild lost their link to their Soul and experienced Spiritual Death. 

Others, who failed to heed my warnings prior to the April 8th Transition, fragmented to the point of Spiritual Death.  These were beings who left The Helping the Source Flowstream to enter into a Hell Flowstream to continue to live out The Hell Way of Life to which they were accustomed.   

We are now moving into a fast paced era in which beings must come to grips with The Principle of Correct Exchange if they are to retain their places in The Substratum at its current level of immateriality.  Those who engage in Incorrect Exchange will generate the dense and heavy energies that will drop them out of The Substratum into the Void where life is unsustainable. 

To find out what happened in these massive Universal Changes
and what you can start working on now
to retain your place in The Substratum,
you can go to:


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School