Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
Become Love in Action
Support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism
Urgent Need to Transition into
Source-Centered Mode Prior to
The Vibrational Shift
on September 16, 2014
As we are approaching the countdown to the Vibrational Shift which will occur at 5:00 pm PDT on September 16th. I am tracking the activity of the Negativity so that any plans that they have made to do harm to beings during the Shift can be counteracted.
The Negativity is stepping up its attempts to accelerate the Spiritual Fragmentation of the Contents of the Suits now that it can no longer accelerate the Fragmentation of the Suit Container itself which has been secured by the Source Solution of a Temporary Source-Connected Suit.
Your consciousness – what makes you who you are as a being – is what constitutes the Contents of your Suit. Fragmentation of your consciousness could cause mental derangement, emotional imbalance, and spiritual disconnection from the Source. At extreme levels it can cause the Soul to unlink from the Suit resulting in Spiritual Death.
There are 2 Source Solutions to counter this and enable your Suit to not
only survive the Shift but thrive, riding the Tidal Wave of Source Power
to higher levels of Spiritual Integration.
Permanent Source-Connected Suits
The first Source Solution is to get equipped with a Permanent Source-Connected Suit that can help you to clear out the Negative Contents in your Suit to which the Negativity can attach to accelerate Spiritual Fragmentation. It also prevents your own Negative Patterns from attacking and destroying your Positive Patterns during the Shift. This Source Solution is one that I have presented to you previously but which still remains the most comprehensive response to the risks involved in this Shift. It is, however, best worked with in tandem with Shifting into 100% Source-Centered Mode. Becoming Source-Centered has become an urgent necessity to access the Source Support available to you during the Shift.
To access information on how to equip yourself with a
Permanent Source-Connected Suit you can go to:
The Six Miracles for Becoming 100% Source-Centered
The second Source Solution – which is the main focus of this email – is to work with Six Miracles that the Source has just brought through which will help you to help yourself and others to transition into 100% Source-Centered Mode. When you are in Source-Centered Mode you disconnect from the Negativity so they can't do their worst at the time of the Vibrational Shift. You are also able to receive the Source Support you need to thrive during and after the Vibrational Shift.
Perfected Heaven Agents have gifted you the Material Energy for all but one of the Six Miracles.
Through participation in The Tell-a-Friend Campaign you can generate the Material Energy for the one miracle for which you need to provide Material Energy.
Many of these miracles, particularly The Heaven Wave and The Seed of Heaven, help you to help all beings in the Gobal Community. They empower you to right the wrongs in the world and help all beings to transition out of suffering into the joy of a Life that is Heaven.
To find out how to work with the Six Miracles that enable you to become Source-Centered, you can go to:
The Source Call to Action
Never before has it been so important for beings to prepare adequately for a Vibrational Shift.
Avail yourself of the Source Solutions that will help you to maximize the tremendous gift that the Shift to a 7.5 Vibrational Level is while avoiding the dangers created by the Negativity who is trying to create disaster during the Shift.
Work with Me to Obtain a
Permanent Source-Connected Suit
If you would like to secure a Permanent Source-Connected Suit prior to the Shift and lack the financial means to do so, contact me and we can work out a way for you to receive one and become one of the 700 Heaven Agents helping all beings on the Earth to transition into Source-Connected Suits.
You can contact me through the link provided below.
Connect with the Six Miracles to Shift
into Source-Centered Mode
Help yourself and millions of others to
transition into Source-Centered Mode.
Begin working with the Six Miracles by going to:
You have 9 days left to prepare for the Shift.
Your help is urgently needed.
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School