Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
Become Love in Action
Support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism
Preserve Your Link to Life
in the October 15th Turning Point
On October 15th, The Substratum of Life – the Spiritual Medium that sustains all of Life – will move from Level 3.11 to Level 3.12.
You will need to prepare so that your Suit can move with the Substratum if your Suit is to retain its Link to Life – which is your Source Connection.
Your Source Connection is a link between your onboard Source Intelligence and the Implementation Aspect of the Source.
Your onboard Source Intelligence can’t survive
outside of The Substratum of Life.
If you fail to move to Level 3.12 with the Substratum, your onboard Source Intelligence will have to leave for the Unmanifest Level in order to survive. This will cause your Spiritual Death because your Soul will be unable to stay linked to your Suit if there is no onboard Source Intelligence to sustain this link. Your Suit will become an Empty Suit that will fall out of The Cycle of Life. A Suit that has no Life, disintegrates on the Spiritual Level which causes the rapid degeneration of the body on the Physical Level. If there are reserve energies, the Suit can survive for a time with declining health and then it will suffer Ultimate Death from which there is no rebirth into a future incarnation.
The loss of your Source Connection is the end of “you”
in the Manifest World for all eternity.
A short 15 minute Overview Video that gives you a snapshot of what The Transition in the Source Connection is about and what will happen on October 15th, is available at:
I have emailed you previously about the extensive 5 hour Video Book Training that I have prepared to give you and your Suit the understandings and Spiritual Code that you need to begin your preparations for the October 15th Turning Point. I urge you to set aside time to work with this video. It is gifted to you by the Source who wishes for you to survive the stages of The Transition that lie ahead.
You can access this Video Training at:
Written materials on the forms of Source Support that are available
to help you prepare can be accessed at:
These include many Gifted Source Interventions
that will help you in your preparations.
You can also request a
to find out if your preparations will
enable you to make it to
Level 3.12.
The Source Call to Action
There is little time left to prepare.
Educate yourself so you know what is happening and
what you can do to help your Suit prepare.
Commit yourself to doing whatever is yours to do to generate the
Material Energy that is needed for the forms of Source Support
that will enable you move to Level 3.12.
Generate Material Energy the Natural Way and provide it through an
Energy Exchange.
Prototype getting 100% prepared for the sake of those who are floundering
and need to follow in the footsteps of those who are preparing correctly.
The lives you save may be the lives of your loved ones and the lives of
millions in the Global Community amongst whom you will have
to live if they become deranged and dangerous Empty Suits.
Go to The Source Connection Project
to learn the specifics of how to prepare.
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School