Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
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How to Prepare for the
July 10th Transition
On July 10th, a massive amount of Creation Power will come into The Manifestation Field, in which most beings now reside, to fire up The Manifestation Process that will catalyze the work on building The System of Life on the Outer Plane.
Never before in the history of the Creation has the Source initiated a Manifestation Process such as the one that will be activated on July 10th. This Manifestation Process will be more powerful than the one used to create the Material World.
This additional power is needed to counter the Negativity, clear up the mutations created by them, and build a durable structure that will survive the departure of the Implementation Aspect at the end of The Transition.
When The Manifestation Process reaches Full Power, beings will have to be skilled and equipped to work harmoniously with it or they will be spun out of The Manifestation Field and out of The Substratum.
Short Cuts for getting the Suit trained and equipped have been created. It is important that all beings provide the Material Energy to ground the miracle of these forms of Source Support so that their Suits will be able to withstand the Creation Power and move smoothly with The Manifestation Process, which is like a Cosmic Creation Machine turning on with Full Power.
It is of urgent importance that you begin your work now as there is little time to reach the Skill Levels needed by July 10th.
To find out how to prepare for the July 10th Transitions, you can go to:
The Source Call to Action
Due to the high standard of Heaven Agent Work that will be needed on July 10th when The Manifestation Process turns on with Full Power, it is important that you work closely with me to assess your current level of preparedness and to make sure that you know what you will need to meet the July 10th Standard.
I recommend requesting a Gifted July Transition Assessment to help you determine what your Suit needs and what is in your Mission Code for how to provide the Material Energy that will ground the miracles that your Suit requires.
You can request a July Transition Assessment at:
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School