
Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that life was meant to be.

New Video

Next Step Communications from the Source


The Promise & Peril of 2012 and 2013

As I am sure that you are aware, there have been many prophecies about the spiritual changes that were to occur in 2012. This Source Communication provides the Source Perspective on the changes that have occurred and will occur in the years ahead, the impact that they will have on you, and the Source Recommendation for Next Steps that you can take to work with these changes to ensure your safety and well-being and to build the Heaven that these changes are making possible.

To view the video you can go to:


This video will be the first in a series of Next Step Videos that will be posted online at:


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It is now possible to subscribe to the series to ensure that you are notified as soon as new videos are posted. Many of them will contain time sensitive information that you will want to be aware of in order to keep pace with the rapid Developmental Stages in the manifestation of the Source Perfected Universe.

Information on how to subscribe to the Broadcast/Podcast Feed is available at either location given above.


Wishing you Heaven,


Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School