I am writing to inform you that there has been a breakthrough that looks like it will enable me to work with you again. As you may have noticed, I have not been able to do the Interventions you have requested due to the violation of The Standard of Heaven Agreement and the funds have expired in the online processor.
I have recently brought through The Turning Point Miracle which you can access by Signing On to The Adventure of Living Heaven in your life. Once this miracle gives you an Auxiliary Suit into which you can transition, I can work with The New Start Intervention to clear up the mutated substance in your Original Suit so that you can be free of the level of lethal toxicity that has been a part of the problem. While you have been willing to uphold The Standard of Heaven Agreement, the mutated substance in your Suit has been a landing zone for the Negativity that has been firing at me, making it impossible for me to be in direct contact with you.
My hope is that if you Sign On to The Adventure and receive the benefit of The Turning Point Miracle, you will be in a better place to request The New Start Intervention, which I feel is very needed to help you to be free from the Negativity that is voting against your desire to have a Life that is Heaven.
To find out more about The Turning Point Miracle and The New Start Intervention, you can go to:
The Live Heaven Agreement in Step Two is the one you will need to sign online.
If you would like to do The New Start Intervention, you can access the link provided in the article. If you are unable to do the Intervention in one financial exchange, you can pay what you can and mention in the Comments Box in the online credit card form what kind of monthly Payment Plan you can do. I will then check with The World that Works Fund to see if there are funds to cover your initial work so you can reimburse the Fund as you make your payments. Since we are dealing with very dangerous energies, I would recommend that you provide the most Material Energy through a financial exchange that you can at this time as this will give me the most power for the Work.
Once I have the Material Energy from you that I need, I will work to break the hold the Negativity has on your Suit and see if you can be freed of their influence.
I will await your response online.
Sherry Daniel
The Miracle School