
Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with the Work of the Source.

The Second Universal Power Surge

June 23rd - July 5th

I am writing to alert you to the arrival on June 23rd at 10:00 pm PDT of the second massive Universal Power Surge.

This Power Surge provides the Source Energies that give you an unparalleled opportunity to Become an Embodiment of The Standard of Perfection – setting the stage for the Heaven that your life was meant to be.

Suffering occurs in your life because your Suit (spiritual body/mind) has accepted disease on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels as a normal and to-be-expected part of life. As long as this expectation exists at an unconscious level in your body/mind, you will continue to suffer.

The only remedy is to reformat the Suit to accept nothing less than the Source-Created Perfection that lays the spiritual foundation for Perfect Health, Total Abundance, Love-Based Relationships, and Life Purpose Fulfillment.

To help Suits progress toward Perfection, the Source has brought through the second Universal Power Surge which will generate a Power of Perfection Wave that you can ride into the World of Perfection. There you will have an opportunity to merge into and become an embodiment of The Standard of Perfection. Once you become an embodiment of this Standard, your Suit will cooperate with a systematic process of Dialing In Perfection in every aspect of the Suit and in every aspect of your life.

There are two ways to work with the Source Energies provided to help you during this Universal Power Surge:

  • You can ask to “become what is needed to support the Work of the Source” and this will help you to ride the Wave and become an Embodiment of the Standard to whatever degree your Suit is receptive. It will not, however, enable your Suit to maximize the support given by the Wave or effect the miracle of Dialing In Perfection in every aspect of your Suit and your Life. This requires an At-a-Distance Heaven Experience Intervention, specific training, and Miracle Tools.
  • You can participate in the At-a-Distance Heaven Experience Intensive that I am starting during the time of this Power Surge. Through a combination of an At-a-Distance Heaven Experience Intervention, two Webinars, and two Miracle Tools you will be able to work with me to Dial In Perfection in every aspect of your Suit and your Life. Through learning how to work with The Perfection Dial, which is one of the two Miracle Tools, you will be able to Dial In Perfect Outcomes in your life.

If you work with me in the At-a-Distance Heaven Experience Intensive you will:

  • Ride the Wave of The Heaven Experience that I create for you during the Power Surge. This is different from the Power of Perfection Wave that is generated by the Power Surge. This is another kind of Wave that is created using the Source Energies of the Power Surge. Through riding this Wave, you will be taken to higher levels of The Heaven Experience and will become more skilled in integrating The Heaven Experience into your daily life.
  • Receive a Miracle Link for your life that sets your life on track with the Perfection that leads to Ultimate Spiritual Healing and to a Life that is Heaven
  • Receive a Miracle Link for your Suit that keeps it on track with the Path to Perfection
  • Merge into the Perfected You and into your Perfected Life in The Picture of Perfection to Become an Embodiment of The Standard of Perfection
  • Gain Skill Sets for working with The Perfection Dial to Dial In Perfect Outcomes and gain information on how to do your part in materializing them. One of these Perfect Outcomes is achieving The Heaven Experience at the highest level.
  • Enter into The Place of Ultimate Spiritual Healing, a protected Spiritual Space open only to those who have Become Embodiments of The Standard of Perfection. Miracles that heal, transform, and build the Heaven of a Life that Works materialize very readily in The Place of Ultimate Spiritual Healing.

For more information on Power Surges and Heaven Experience Intensives you can go to:


For more specific information on this Intensive you can go to:


Information on the Correct Exchange for participating in the Heaven Experience Intensive is determined individually based on the state of your Suit and your life. If you would like to participate you can email me to request information. Information on how to contact me is available through the links provided above.

As long as you alert me to your interest in participating in a Heaven Experience Intensive, I will be able to set aside some of the Source Power from the Power Surge for the work even if you contact me after the Power Surge has begun. It is best, however, to get started as soon as possible so we have more time during the Power Surge to do the work.

If you are unable to attend the Webinars in person, you can listen to them by Replay and still benefit from the training. 

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School