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Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be. 

How to Prepare for
The Turning Point Transition
on July 12th

This Transition is a Turning Point Transition that will take life in the Creation to the next level.  It carries a Level 10 Danger Rating which means that careful attention to adequate preparation is needed.

The Substratum will rise from Level 10.0 to Level 10.9, a shift to a level of spiritual immateriality that poses a serious challenge to any Suit suffering from The Disease of Spiritual Fragmentation. In the April 28th Transition, those most Fragmented died. As The Substratum moves to a 10.9 those less Fragmented will be at risk.  Understanding the challenge of achieving Spiritual Integration to keep ahead of the stages of The Transition is key to Stewarding the Miracle of your life.

The Source Interaction Standard is at a 10.8.5 which will require that beings be actively jettisoning the Spiritual Software installed by the Negativity in their Suits to attack The Miracle of Life. It will also require that they be actively working with the Source to begin their transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.  The newly launched Universal Seed of Heaven Project will help to provide the Source Direction that is needed to understand how to meet both of these objectives. 

Many forms of Source Support, including Heaven Phase supported Gifted Source Workflow Trainings and a Gifted Simulated Experience Chamber are part of the preparations. 

To find out how to prepare you can read the article in The Source Connection Project at: 



Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School