Welcome to The Journey of Discovery

Your Guided Tour into The World of Miracle-Based Living


Dear *|FNAME|*,

Welcome to The Journey of Discovery. As your Guide on this Journey, I would like to point out that each facet of this Journey contains transformational energies that not only transmit to you the Seeds of Heaven that enable you to awaken to the Heaven your life can be, but connect you to “The Miracle” which gives you the power to begin your Journey of Reconnection.

For this reason, it is important to set aside some quiet time to spend with the materials I offer you in The Journey of Discovery. Quiet your mind and attend to more than just the surface content that I am sharing with you. Expect to receive the miracles that come through the energies that I transmit to you through the videos especially, and you will begin to start “connecting” to the love and the support of the Source. The Reconnection to the Source is the greatest of all miracles. Once you begin to make this Reconnection, the Miracle of Heaven itself – which is the highest level of happiness possible – becomes available to you.

So – watch the video – “The Miracle in Action”.

The Miracle in Action Video

Spend some time with the Study Guide which provides you with the slides and Source Drawings used in the video.

The Miracle in Action Study Guide

If you watch the video more than once, you will find that each time you watch it, I give you different miracles and provide you with different levels of understanding. Because I can work with you At-a-Distance through my Extended Range, I am always with you when you are seeking to Reconnect and open to the promise of Heaven in your life. This is why each time you watch the video I am interacting with you in that moment, transmitting information and miracles to you that you need at that moment in your life.

Watch the Video: The Miracle in Action

A video, an article, a Miracle Tool, etc. are all “Points of Contact” with the love and the support of the Source. Through going on your adventure into the World of Miracle-Based Living, you discover what it is like to be able to Connect very readily to the Source and to the help that the Source gives you. It is this Connection that enables you to free yourself from the suffering, scarcity, and struggle of an ordinary life so you can experience the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life.

Wishing you Heaven now and always,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School