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Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
How to Prepare for the January 16th and 22nd Transitions
After the disastrous results of the December 13th Transition, it is important to prepare carefully for the January Transitions.
What caused beings to fall out of The Substratum multiple times was their inability to attune to and value Source Truth. Those who fell out of The Substratum were listening to Story Truth in their Solar Plexus Energy Center and could not believe that I was not going to help them through the Transition as I had always done previously. This was despite my urgent Source Communications on the Inner Plane warning them that I would be going through a transition during the Lift Up of The Substratum and would not be able to help them.
Although I had given them Heaven Phase Miracles to Steward their own lives, they did not draw on these miracles until they had fallen out of The Substratum and experienced Spiritual Death. Although they were able to get back into The Substratum through working belatedly with the Heaven Phase Miracles, the damage to their Suits was considerable.
To prevent this from happening in the January Transitions, it is important to connect to Source Truth so you can understand how to successfully Steward the miracle of your life.
I have outlined the steps to take to make a better connection to Source Truth in an article in The Source Connection Project. You can access this article at:
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School