
Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.

Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose

A Heaven Agent Communication
from Gail – USA

In the community of spiritual seekers certain things come up over and over again. These are common concerns that we’re all familiar with.

Who am I really, and how can I express my real self? I’m tired of the games society plays, tired of the shallow rules I’m supposed to conform to. I’m tired of not being me. I want to be my true self, and live in the joy and fulfillment I know is possible.

What is my Mission, my purpose in life? How can I discover that and how do I live it? How can I have a real connection with the Creator?

How do I help change the world? What can I do that will help take it from a place of suffering for so many and transform it into a Heaven on Earth?

Within The Miracle School is a 6 Step Process that cuts a path through all of that and takes one right to the heart of the matter. It’s like a shortcut to your Self, a way out of the conundrum of cultural roles and rules and paradigms, a path to your mission, to the Source, and to the Source-created Heaven that life was meant to be.

There’s so much information on The Miracle School website, and going through the 6 Step Process gives you information that will help put everything in perspective. The written material brings into focus how to discover the real you, and how to bring forth the purity of your Soul’s perspective, which is so different from all the stories our culture tells us about ourselves.

The Process gives you a way to discover your mission, a path to follow to be in harmony with the Creator, the Source, and to have a real love connection with the Source.

And it contains some beautiful energy work that takes you into the Rhythm of the Love Connection with the Source. The first 4 steps pave the way and prepare you for this work, and from this, the beauty of yourself will come forward, and with that, joy and fulfillment begin to blossom.

“Once you are in The Rhythm of the Love Connection you can merge into the Flowstream of Source Love and contribute your love to this Flowstream. Living in the Heaven of The Love Connection is what opens your heart to the miracle of Ultimate Spiritual Healing.”

The Flowstream is essential for the world to become Heaven. Your merging into that Flowstream of Source Love is a huge contribution in itself to making the world a happier place for all beings. And from there, all possibilities flow.

Following this energy intervention, and acceptance into the Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program, you will receive individualized guidance via email that will help you chart your progress and discover and fulfill your mission.

It’s a precious way to get on the Path to Perfection, a path to find the answers to so many deep, heart felt questions, to discover and live your Soul’s purpose, and to help take the world from suffering to Heaven for all beings.


The Six Step Process