Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
Become Love in Action
Support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism
New Next Step Video
How to Awaken and
Establish a Direct Source Connection
Now that we have arrived at this stage of The Transition, the key Heaven Agent Skill Sets that are needed to prepare for the July Transition are the Skill Sets to recognize the Presence of the Source – which is what is meant by Awakening – so that you can establish a Direct Source Connection.
The Direct Source Connection is what will enable you to align with the Source to keep up with the rapid fire changes that will occur when The Manifestation Field turns on with Level 6 Power on June 28th. You must have a Direct Source Connection in order to move with The Manifestation Process as it generates the Inner and Outer Plane changes that will establish The System of Life universally.
A Direct Source Connection is also what will enable you to achieve the 100% Source Connection that is essential to your survival in The Transition.
How to Awaken and establish a Direct Source Connection is what is addressed in this Source Communication Video. I encourage you to work with the video and follow through with the suggestions made in the video for the Next Steps you can take. If you have already taken some of these steps, then intensify your efforts with them so that you give your Suit enough time in the Presence of the Source, that comes through all of the Miracle-Based Training Materials that I create, to form a stronger Direct Source Connection.
Direct Source Connection Levels You Need to Achieve
Until you reach a 100% Direct Source Connection, you are not aligning to the degree that is needed for the work on building The System of Life that lies ahead. A 20% Direct Source Connection will help you to survive the July Transition but you will need a 45% Direct Source Connection to survive the big Turning Point on August 15th and a 70% Direct Source Connection to survive the Turning Point on September 15th.
Immersion Technology
Invest in immersing yourself in the Presence of the Source by working with all of the Miracle-Based Training Materials online. Many of them are available through Connecting. Through Immersion Technology, your Suit comes to understand the Source and Awaken in successive stages until it is able to Awaken enough to form a Direct Source Connection. It then strengthens this Direct Source Connection by immersing itself in the Presence of the Source through working with the materials at greater levels of understanding.
Unlike the training materials in the Story World, which can be understood once and set aside, Source-Created Miracle-Based Training Materials are a Point of Connection with the Presence of the Source. Each time you Connect through these materials, you are initiating a Direct Communication with my Manifestation through my Extended Range. Through these Direct Communications you build the strength of a Direct Source Connection.
For maximum Source Support through these materials, I recommend that you request Additional Source Support for the Next Step Materials that are available through Connecting.
There are only 12 days left before June 28th
when the Creation Power in The Manifestation Field
will turn on with Level 6 Power.
You must be prepared for this power increase or
your Suit will spin out of The Manifestation Field
and out of The Substratum.
Work with this video and with the forms of Source Support that I have recommended in the article, How to Prepare for the July Transition.
You can access the video at:
You can access information on how to prepare for the July Transition at:
The Source Call to Action
As we near the power increase in The Manifestation Field on June 28th, many beings are not prepared to hold an alignment with the Source that will enable them to move with the flow of the Creation Process as it reaches a higher level of volatility.
Beings must take action now to work with the forms of Source Support that have been provided in order to avoid being spun out of The Manifestation Field and The Substratum on June 28th.
The Next Step Video is an important piece of the puzzle for your preparation. Work with it and follow the steps to forming the Direct Source Connection that will help you to stay in alignment with the Source as this massive Creation Process turns on with greater power.
To access the Next Step Video you can go to:
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School