Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with the Work of the Source.
Third Universal Power Surge
August 10th – 25th
I am writing to alert you to the arrival of the Third Universal Power Surge which is bringing in energies that enable you to Become the Heaven that you were created to be. The Power Surge began on the 10th and is now building to peak power. It is the best time to catch the Power of Perfection Wave and experience the Heaven of true happiness which occurs when your Suit becomes perfected.
When you Become Heaven, the perfection that you already are as a Soul begins to manifest in your Suit. You become a delight to yourself and others and miracles become possible that can only be given by the Source to those who have Become the Heaven they want to manifest in their lives. Becoming Heaven is, therefore, the key to receiving the miracles for building the Heaven of Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and The Love Connection with the Source. It is the foundation upon which a Life that is Heaven has to be built.
If you yourself are not Heaven, then it does little good to have a life that is Heaven which you can’t enjoy because you are still suffering in the Inner Hell of false expectations, value systems that lead to failure and disappointment, and an incapacity to feel joy and true happiness even if you have all of the external trappings of it in your life. It is like the case of a person winning the lottery and having millions but not knowing how to deal with their inner turmoil enough to enjoy having financial security.
Becoming Heaven is the key to true happiness. Now is the time when this Universal Power Surge is here to help you to receive the miracles that enable your Suit to begin to transform into the Heaven it was meant to be. While this is a process that can’t be completed in just one Intensive, the important steps taken with the help of the energy of this Power Surge will take you very far down your Path to Perfection toward Becoming Heaven.
To help you work most effectively with the miracle of this Power Surge, I am offering a Seven Part Heaven Experience Intensive. This Intensive will help you ride the Wave of the Power of Perfection to maximize your advancement in your work of Becoming Heaven.
To find out more about the Power Surge and The Becoming Heaven Intensive you can go to:
To find out general information about Heaven Experience Intensives you can go to:
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel
Director of The Miracle School