Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
Become Love in Action
Support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism
Are You Prepared for the Vibrational Shift on September 16th?
The massive Universal Tidal Wave of Source Power that will move the Spiritual Platform of the Creation to a 7.5 Vibrational Level will come in at 6:00 pm PDT. It has been moved back one hour to avoid some of the tactics of the Negativity.
You have only a little more than 24 hours to complete your preparation.
How to Prepare
Request a Permanent Source-Connected Suit at:
If you would like a Source-Connected Suit and lack the financial means to receive one, then contact me with information on your situation, and I will see if you qualify for one of the Source-Connected Suits that have become available because of The Sevenfold Miracle. I am looking for Heaven Agents who want to participate as one of the 700 who will help to ground The Global Source Connection Grid.
You can contact me at:
Get to the 100% Mark for Source-Centeredness by working with the Six Miracles at:
When you get to 100% Source-Centered Mode you are able to disconnect from the Electrical Grids of the Negativity that will, at the time of the Shift, launch fragmenting Shock Waves into the Suits of anyone who is still connected to them.
Work diligently with the Six Miracles to make sure that you get to this level before the Shift.
If you are uncertain whether you have made it, you can contact me for additional support.
To contact me you can go to:
The Source Call to Action
Hear this Message and receive the Source Support that will ensure your safety.
Help yourself and others to get Source-Connected Suits by supporting The Source-Connected Suit Project.
Help yourself and others to get into Source-Centered Mode by working with the miracles that have been provided. Others will respond to your Inner Plane help and will be able to make it to safety.
You have a very short time to heed this Call to Action and do what is yours to do.
Take Care of Yourself Help Others
Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School