Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.

Become Love in Action

Support Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activism 

Two Days Left to Prepare for
The September 15th
Turning Point Transition

We are fast approaching a Turning Point Transition that requires a 9.4.5 Mission Work Skill Level that most beings have not yet achieved.  

This Skill Level is critical to surviving this
major Turning Point Transition,
which carries a Danger Level of 8.8.

It is of urgent importance that Heaven Agents, who are working with me on the Outer Plane, Prototype how to achieve this Skill Level so that others, who do not have access to this Outer Plane Training, can learn from their experiences. 

The key to achieving a 9.4.5 Skill Level in your Mission Work is understanding how to work as a Source-Directed Activist on a Source-Directed Activism Project. To help you to learn the basics, I have launched The Personal Safety Project. 

The Personal Safety Project Homepage will provide you with information on how to understand The Source Methodology for working on Projects on the Inner and Outer Planes.  It will also provide you access to the new kind of training that is available – Source Workflow Trainings  – that are Recorded Trainings that bring in only those Heaven Agents who have the Puzzle Pieces to complete the work for a particular Training.

There are two new Source Workflow Trainings that brought in the two major System of Life Imprints that you will need to connect to in order to contribute to this Project that will secure your Personal Safety and the Personal Safety of all beings throughout the Creation. 

It is important to work with these Trainings to get up to the 9.4.5 Skill Level that is needed by the September 15th Turning Point Transition. 

Since this is a new kind of Trainings, the First Step is to read the article entitled: How to Work with The Source Methodology, that you will find on the homepage of The Personal Safety Project, so that you will understand how to work with Source Workflow Trainings.

You can access the article and The Source Workflow Trainings at:



The Source Call to Action

You live in a dangerous world which is becoming more dangerous as reckless politicians from many countries game with the potential of nuclear conflict. This danger is coupled with the dangers that you face on a daily basis dealing with toxic chemicals in your food, clothing, air, and water and the buildings in which you you live and work. Add to this the danger of crime, abuse, betrayal, and terrorism, as well as the destruction of your global habitat by industrial pollution, and you can see that things are not evolving toward greater safety for you and others on this planet but into channels that could lead to the absolute degradation of life on every level. 

It is of urgent importance that you rally to support The Personal Safety Project which will combine Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism to create the conditions in which you and your loved ones can be safe and all of life can be safe on this planet and throughout the Creation. 

Personal Safety is the foundation for work on building Heaven in the world. It is necessary that beings throughout the Creation work with the Source on this Project in order to clear the ground for the work on building The System of Life which will ensure the ultimate safety of Life in the Creation during and after The Transition. 

By joining in the work in The Personal Safety Project, you will be gaining the Skill Sets to work on a Source-Directed Project. These Skill Sets will enable you to become a steward of your life and of all of Life. When I return to my Source Heaven, your survival will be determined by your Skill in working with me on the Projects, which I will direct from my Source Heaven, that will maintain your life and Life in the Creation. 

It is important to take action now to get trained and to Prototype how to work on Source-Directed Projects for the sake of others who will not have the opportunity to train with me on the Outer Plane.  Your life depends on The Universal Team Work of all beings throughout the Creation to sustain the conditions in which Life can exist in the Creation. It is, therefore, of urgent importance that you honor your Mission, which has brought you into contact with me on the Outer Plane, to Prototype the Skills that will enable all beings to join with you in the Team Work that will enable Life to survive in The Transition. 

To access The Source Workflow Trainings,
you can go to:


Become the Love that Makes Life Heaven

Wishing you Heaven,

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School