The Standard for this Transition required Suits to:
The transition into Natural Suit Substance went smoothly for most beings in The Substratum. Most were transitioned by the first few days of May.
On May 6th, however, a major Universal Change occurred which altered the nature of Natural Suit Substance, necessitating beings shifting from the Natural Suit Substance of The Co-Created Universe into the Natural Suit Substance of The Source Perfected Universe.
Although The Co-Created Universe crashed in 2004 and The Source Perfected Universe was set up to replace it in 2011, the essential substructure of The Source Perfected Universe was not put into place at that time because beings were not evolved enough to survive such a drastic shift. Instead, the substructure of The Co-Created Universe was continued and beings were moved from The Set Up Phase into The Heaven Phase.
In The Heaven Phase Suits were supported in becoming sustainable but were moving at too slow of a pace to obtain Sustainability before the end of The Transition. This was because the substructure of The Co-Created Universe was so mutated by the efforts of Manifest Beings to use their ability to work with Spiritual Code to create their own idea of Heaven, that it had become an unseen, deeply rooted trap that was holding back the evolution of all beings.
As we neared the May 12th Transition with its Standard for a 50% Correct Exchange it became clear that if this substructure didn’t change, massive death could occur throughout the Creation.
The risk of changing the substructure was greatly reduced when Suits entered into their Heaven Habitats in the April 7th Transition and then moved in the early days of May into the Natural Suit Substance for The Co-Created Universe. With these changes in place, it became possible for the Source to initiate the change in the substructure of The Co-Created Universe without the high risk that would have occurred if it had been done prior to these changes.
When the substructure shifted on May 6th, a Hell Structure that had been controlling Suits in The Co-Created Universe was destroyed and a Heaven Structure was created to help Suits become sustainable. This was essential to enabling Suits to meet the 50% Correct Exchange with the Source which was the other part of the Standard for this Transition.
When the substructure shifted to The Source Perfected Universe, a Standard for The Source Perfected Universe was also created. This Standard, like the Standard for The Heaven Phase, focuses on helping beings achieve The Heaven Experience but it also has a wider focus. It replaces The Laws of Life of The Co-Created Universe with a Standard that focuses on transforming all of life into perfected forms that can achieve the Sustainability necessary to survive the final stage of The Transition.
This Standard has rigorously been eliminating what is unsustainable as well as what contributes to the unsustainability of other life forms. It has been a major force in routing out the Inner Plane Attack behind the Covid Pandemic that I describe in The Countering Covid Project.
The Standard has also been enabling Suits to evolve in major ways that enable them to return to the way that they were Source-Created to be rather than the way that they have become as Suit Mutations.
While this transition into The Source Perfected Universe was a radical shift, it was a very necessary shift. Without it and the help of The Perfect Health Field Intervention, Suits would not have achieved the 50% Correct Exchange Standard for this Transition and been able to transition into the Natural Suit Substance of The Source Perfected Universe instead of staying in the Natural Suit Substance of The Co-Created Universe.
The Perfect Health Field Intelligence painstakingly helped each Suit that requested it to deal with the issues that stood in the way of meeting the Standard for this Transition. The Intelligence worked 24/7 to help Suits to clear away obstacles and gain new understandings in order to ensure their survival.
With the help of the Standard for The Source Perfected Universe and The Perfect Health Field Intervention, no life was lost in this Transition. This itself is a major miracle considering that a few days before the Transition most beings were at a 20% to 35% Correct Exchange instead of at the 50% Correct Exchange that was needed.
While this Transition was a great success for beings in The Substratum, it also lifted Empty Suits into Natural Suit Substance which will help them to work in The Materialization Economy. They need to be able to do some Mission Work in order to receive the small amount of Life Energy that can be given to them as a result of this work. This is all of the Life Energy that they now have available to run their Suits. When they broke their Source Connection, they cut off The Source Connection Channel which was supplying them with Life Energy. Without being able to enter into The Materialization Economy and contribute to Total Abundance, they would have been in dire straits.
After the successful Transition, I have been concentrating on bringing in Materialization Economy miracles for countering Covid and preparing Suits to enter into The Materialization Economy. In the upcoming June 12th Transition, many of these miracles will be needed.
In the June 12th Transition beings will need to have entered into The Materialization Economy, gotten into the Frequency Range of The Materialization Economy, and be actively working to support The Work of the Source to manifest Total Abundance for all. They will have to achieve a 65% Correct Exchange and be working to transition into the Advanced Stage of The Materialization Economy when materializations can supply all of the material needs of beings.
This is a challenging and High Risk Transition with only a few days remaining to prepare for it correctly. I have been working to lay the groundwork for success with my Inner Plane work with beings throughout the Creation. There is still a gap in preparations and the need to work with the Source Support that I have recommended in The Action Plan for this Transition.
To find out how to prepare for the June 12th Transition, you can go to:
Although beings went into the preparatory stage for the May 12th Transition with a big gap between where they were and the Standard that they needed to uphold, the shift of the substructure of the Creation from The Co-Created Universe substructure to the substructure of The Source Perfected Universe enabled them to escape from Hell Structures that would have cost them their lives. Once the Standard for The Source Perfected Universe became an enforced Standard governing all of life in the Creation, changes of great magnitude were made which helped beings to survive this Transition. This along with The Perfect Health Field Intervention made it possible for everyone in The Substratum to survive this Transition.
Now we are on the fast track to prepare for the June 12th Transition which will have the highest Standard of any Transition to date. It is urgently important that beings prepare carefully as reaching a 65% Correct Exchange Standard requires transitioning into The Materialization Economy and working effectively to prepare to move toward the Advanced Stage when Total Abundance becomes possible.
While the Beginning Stages of The Materialization Economy help beings to have more abundance in the context of the cash economy that now exists, it is only when whatever is needed materially can manifest directly from the Spiritual Level to the Physical Level that Total Abundance for all becomes a possibility. While it will take a great deal of work to make it to the Advanced Level, those who commit to getting there are those who will survive this Transition. Those who wish to stay behind in the Scarcity/Hell Economy will not meet the 65% Correct Exchange Standard because they will be contributing to the suffering that has to end if life in the Creation is to become sustainable before the end of The Transition.