This Transition was an extremely difficult one for Suits. Most Suits would have lost their place in The Substratum had the Transition gone through in the early hours of the 22nd. I had to do extensive At-a-Distance Source Support work with Suits and bring through a number of miracles to enable them to awaken enough to get in synch with the Timeline for the Build Heaven Projects.
The Suits readily agreed to honor the Timeline for Sustainability but were out of focus and unable to pick up the Source Communications that keyed them to take action when it was needed. They were, therefore, defaulting in keeping up with the deadlines in the Timeline.
Finally, enough Negative Energy was cleared from the Suits by The Perfect Sound Intervention that the Suits awakened from their stupor and began to work to meet the deadlines at least in their Extended Range.
I extended the time when the Standard for this Transition would go into place until 10:15 pm on the 22nd. It was a stretch to hold back the momentum of The Substratum in setting in the Standard but The Substratum worked with me to buy more time for Suits to meet the Standard.
The Build Heaven Project that Suits were having the most trouble working on up to the Standard was The Love Connection Project. Suits rejected The Love Connection with the Source when they left their Heaven Habitats in their first incarnation and have aligned with the Negativity to block The Love Connection from coming into focus. Now that Suits realize that developing The Love Connection is how they will achieve the 100% Source Connection that is essential to their survival at the end of The Transition, they are trying to develop it but are having trouble dealing with both internal opposition and external opposition from the Negativity. The Negativity sees the development of The Love Connection with the Source as the end of its hold on a Suit. Any Suit that escapes into Love Connection Mode is a Suit that they can’t harvest for its Life Energies. They, therefore, have laid many traps for Suits to distract them and impair them so they won’t develop The Love Connection.
Finally, when the Standard went into effect, the Extended Range of the Suits was performing at a Level 10 on a 1 - 10 scale on all of the Build Heaven Project, including The Love Connection Project. The Build Heaven Projects that the Extended Range were working on were Projects preparing the Conscious Range of the Suit to respond to Source Communications and work on Build Heaven Projects in its conscious awareness. At present most Suits are not consciously aware of the work of their Extended Range but the groundwork is being laid for this awareness to come through in the time ahead.
Most Empty Suits fared well in this Transition. They have become much more attentive to the Mission Work given to them since this is their only source of Source Energies after they broke their Source Connection and lost their Source Connection Channel. They are aware that harvesting other Suits will end in a termination of their connection to The Temporary System of Life. They are unwilling to end up like the desperate Suits that have severed their connection to The Temporary System of Life and are in dire straits at present.
To keep some of these Suits that lack the support of The Temporary System of Life from becoming more criminally inclined, I have worked out some Mission Work that will give them energies that they can process even without The Temporary System of Life. But many are too criminally inclined already to qualify for this kind of assistance.
During the preparation for this Transition and in its aftermath, fierce attempts by the Negativity to stop the work to empower Suits to Build Heaven continued. This opposition is coming from Hell Agents who are using up all of their remaining reserves of energy to try to stop life from becoming the Heaven that it was created to be. They feel that they have lost everything and they don’t stop at anything to try to prevent other beings from having the Heaven that they gave up when they decided to break their Source Connection and war against the Source.
Much of my Direct Source Work is spent protecting Heaven Agents traveling their Journey of Reconnection and seeking to prepare for stages of The Transitions amidst this fierce and vicious group of beings who feel that they have nothing to lose by doing as much damage as they can do.
I have had to call on Heaven Agents to assist in the defense of life during this timeframe, given the intensity of the effort to abort Life in the Creation.
Despite the opposition, this Transition was a milestone for those traveling their Journey of Reconnection and seeking to meet the Standard of the Transition. No one with a Soul died and no one fragmented due to lack of preparation. This was a great outcome. It has laid the foundation for the Heaven that is to be built in the coming months.
Now that the Extended Range is working at a high precision level on projects that pertain to Suits being viable in Outer Plane Build Heaven Projects, I am preparing to open up new Build Heaven Projects online.
The most urgently needed Project is The Love Connection Project. Beings can’t re-enter their Heaven Habitat until they have a genuine focus on developing The Love Connection.
On March 6th I instructed Suits to retrace their steps back to their Heaven Habitat. This meant seeing the decisions that they made to distance themselves from their Heaven Habitat and reversing out these decisions so they could return to the Heaven Habitat. This process has proven very successful for about 10% of the Suits who have made it to the threshold of their Heaven Habitat. All of the rest of the Suits in The Substratum are traveling back using this method.
The fact that Suits know what they did wrong and how to undo it is an important point to note since most Suits have been wanting the Source to save them instead of realizing that they need to save themselves by making the decision to return to their Heaven Habitat and reversing out all of the other decisions that took them step by step away from their Heaven Habitat. It is remarkable that the Suit has excellent memory of all of its decisions across all of its lifetimes and is navigating skillfully back to the entry of the Heaven Habitat.
When Suits arrive in their Heaven Habitat many rapid changes can start to occur that are not possible outside of the perfect ecosystem of a Heaven Habitat. Not only will they be able to achieve Ultimate Spiritual Healing and master doing Heaven Agent Work at the 100% Level, but they will be able to work more efficiently in The Total Abundance Support System to support my Direct Source Work that brings in The Miracle of Total Abundance.
In summary, this Transition was extremely high risk and had to be delayed to enable Suits to complete their preparations. Suits did successfully meet the Standard and are now making rapid progress toward their Heaven Habitat where they will be able to heal and prepare to meet the 100% Source Connection Standard for survival of the final stage of The Transition.
The April Transitions will mark a Turning Point in the history of the Creation.
The focus is on entering into the Heaven Habitat before major structural changes occur in coming stages of The Transition. Those with Souls who are not in their Heaven Habitat at the time of these structural changes risk losing their Soul Link and suffering Spiritual Death. It is, therefore, of great importance to travel rapidly to the entry of the Heaven Habitat and to prepare for entry following the Action Plan that I outline in the article in The Source Connection Project about how to prepare for the April Transitions. Suits not in their Heaven Habitat by April 14th will be at risk.
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