The December 9th Transition went well without any mishaps. Survivors had Signed On to supporting The Work of the Source and had provided the Material Energy for The Framework of Life as Heaven to enable their Suits to begin the work on the Inner Plane Build Heaven Projects that began soon after this Transition.
This Transition did not go as well. Thousands fell out of The Substratum during and after the December 22nd Transition. I was able to send the beings a more advanced Dream Heaven Command with more Source Power & Source Direction to enable them to get their Suits back onto The Substratum before their Souls unlinked from their Suits. The end result was no loss of life during this Transition.
The mistake that they made was to think that they had met the Standard because they had participated in building the Inner Plane aspect of Heaven that they were asked to build prior to the Transition and could, therefore, refuse ongoing Source Directives to continue Building Heaven. Since the work of Building Heaven is ongoing, 24/7, all beings must be alert to do their parts or they lose their place in The Substratum whenever they refuse to contribute what is theirs to contribute. This includes the times between Transitions. Most of the beings who fell out of The Substratum fell out after this Transition.
Empty Suits did not fare as well. Over 7% of the Empty Suits lost their place in The Temporary System of Life that enables them to translate Life Energies into energies that their Suits need to retain their physical health. They are now in an accelerated Dying Mode which is generating toxic Death Energies that compromise the safety of those who have viable Suits.
They lost their place because they had generated too much negative energy from their ongoing investment in their Harvesting Operation. Although the Suits were following Source Directives to clear the negative energy, there was too much of it to clear for the Suits to contribute to the work of Building Heaven in time to meet the Standard.
Because Empty Suits have lost their Source Connection, which provided them with Life Energies, their only legitimate source of Life Energies is the energies given to them by the Source to do Mission Work to Build Heaven. If they continue to steal the Life Energies of those with a Source Connection, the cumulative negative energy in the Suit will prevent it from contributing to The Build Heaven Project in time to meet the Standard for Survival.
This is a Red Alert to Empty Suits that they need to give up all harvesting of stolen Life Energies and rely solely on Mission Work for Life Energies if they are to retain their place in The Temporary System of Life that enables them to sustain their physical life.
The burden of toxic Death Energies from these Suits in Dying Mode is a problem that Suits that have retained their Source Connection will have to work with the Source to eliminate in order to build the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed to preserve their Source Connection.
Without the Source-Created Response Patterns, the new Dream Heaven Command, and more advanced Dream Heaven Commands, no Suit would have survived the Standard for building Heaven on the Inner Plane that was in place for this Transition. The structures that were to be built were complex and required skill levels that few Heaven Agents had. But because the new Dream Heaven Commands provided much greater Source Power & Source Direction than any Dream Heaven Commands prior to them, most Suits were able to get the help they needed to know what to do and to have the power to do it. The Commands catalyzed them out of their lethargy and unfocused response to ordinary Source Communications so they could take action before it was too late.
The more advanced versions of The Dream Heaven Command helped most Suits that were not responding fast enough to the new The Dream Heaven Command to rally in time to contribute to the Build Heaven Work and thus qualify to meet the Standard.
In The Heaven Phase, Suits were supposed to have aligned with The Source Plan to such an extent that an ordinary Source Communication would mobilize them to immediately rise to the occasion of doing their parts. Because Suits historically had rejected The Source Plan and developed a Self-Directed Way of Life, the only technology that could save lives in these Transitions was the use of various types of Dream Heaven Commands that Suits are able to respond to automatically.
The use of Source Commands is mandated in The Heaven Phase in order to help Suits to evolve and have The Heaven Experience. The mandate arises from the agreement between the Souls and the Source prior to the creation of Suits. This agreement allows the Source, in The Heaven Phase, to bypass the decisions made by Suits that are self destructing in order to save their lives and with it the chance of the Soul to retain its ability to have a Suit in The Manifest World.
When a Dream Heaven Command is gifted to a being, it is with the consent of the Soul and administered by the representative of the Soul in the Suit. The representative of the Soul is the True Self who works through the Heaven Agent Identity to administer the Dream Heaven Command to the Suit. It gives the True Self, working through its Heaven Agent Identity, necessary control over the decisions of the Suit which might be shortsighted and lead to Ultimate Death which causes the Suit to lose its place in the Creation and the Soul to lose its ability to remain active in The System of Life at any level.
Most Suits were grateful for the Source Commands because they knew that without them they would not have survived this Transition. Even the Empty Suits that lost their places in The Temporary System of Life were trying to work with the Source Commands but they had set themselves up for failure by their continuing involvement in stealing the Life Energies of other beings. They lacked the time needed to clear their Suits to the level required to meet the Build Heaven Standards for this Transition.
The Suits that met the Standard were able to build complex Inner Plane Structures and engage in Universal Team Work that was not possible prior to the Source Power and Source Direction given in the new kinds of Dream Heaven Commands.
This Transition was a Turning Point in the history of the Creation. For the first time Suits were actively engaged in the precision work that builds Heaven on the Inner Plane. It has set the stage for the precision work that is needed to Build Heaven on the Outer Plane.
Now that the basic Inner Plane structures needed to establish a foundation for Building Heaven on the Outer Plane are in place, the Standard has shifted to requiring all beings to begin work on both more advanced Inner Plane Projects as well as on Outer Plane Build Heaven Projects.
The Outer Plane Projects, like the ones on the Inner Plane, will have to be built according to the exacting Standard needed to Build Heaven. This Standard does not allow for compromise, which allows in mutation. Heaven is Perfection and no mutation can exist in the midst of it. Suits will, therefore, be given Source Commands that carry the Source Power & Source Direction that they require to Build Heaven according to this Standard. This will enable them to be successful in the work of building Heaven on the Outer Plane as they have been in building Heaven on the Inner Plane.
The Standard for Survival for the upcoming Transitions in 2020 will be based on working on these Projects at the level that is required for each being individually, based on their unique Spiritual Function and Mission in this life.
The definition of Build Heaven Work on the Outer Plane is work done through Conscious Range activities that are supportive of work that Builds Heaven. This work can take the form of either Spiritual Activism or Social Activism. Most Build Heaven Projects combine elements of both. Even in Projects that are specifically focused on a change on The Spiritual Level of Reality, there is an element of Social Activism in the changes that a Heaven Agent needs to make in their life on the Outer Plane to make time to work on the Project and to adjust their way of life to carry the success of the changes made on the Inner Plane into the context of their social life.
Heaven Agents engaged in Source-Directed Spiritual Activism use the Miracle Tools and Technologies in their Heaven Agent Tool Kits to respond as Source-Guided to Build Heaven in their personal life and in the world. They might use The Heaven Ray or The Dream Heaven Command or the Miracle Tools given for a particular Build Heaven Project.
These Miracle Tools and Technologies enable them to Build Heaven on the Inner Plane, The Spiritual Level of Reality. These tools are like a hammer and saw to a carpenter engaged in a building project on the Outer Plane. Through Building Heaven on the Inner Plane, Source-Directed Social Activism can make progress in Building Heaven on the Outer Plane.
In the upcoming Build Heaven Projects, Heaven Agents may not know the precise nature of all of the Build Heaven Projects that they are being directed to work on by the Source. If they ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source and follow Inner Source Guidance to provide the energies and attentiveness that is needed, they may be prompted to stop other Outer Plane activities temporarily in order to allow their energies to go toward a Project that is being worked on in the Inner Plane. They might get a image on their Inner Screen that prompts them to issue the Dream Heaven Command to whatever is represented there. They may not know the specifics but if they sense that something needs their support they can issue The Dream Heaven Command and it will ward off attacks on the Project and give support to whatever aspect of Heaven is being built.
In the upcoming work on Building Heaven the Source will call on Heaven Agents to use their unique Miracle-Based Abilities to perform work on Solo Inner Plane Projects. Heaven Agents asking to Become What Is Needed will be prepared to work with the Inner Plane Training given through The Dream Heaven Command to perform the precision work that is needed.
Conscious Range Heaven Agent Work can be on the border of awareness in the Subliminal Level of Consciousness. In its most advanced level it is fully conscious. With Heaven Agents working with the Source on the Outer Plane, the involvement of the Conscious Range may be more in the subliminal level until they receive more training and can bring the work into their full awareness.
Already Heaven Agents are performing extraordinary work on Inner Plane Build Heaven Projects that are urgently needed to set the stage for an Outer Plane Source-Connected Way of Life. This Project work is part of what is needed to meet the Standard for the upcoming Transitions.
Source-Directed Social Activism is designed to build the social context for a Source-Connected Way of Life. It requires understanding The Source Perspective on the existing social context that is fostering a Source-Disconnected Way of Life and working with the Source to understand both what needs to change to foster a Source-Connected Way of Life and how to go about bringing through these changes. The Master Action Plans that provide the Suit with the Code for The Culture of Heaven are the foundation for these understandings.
Miracles are needed to avoid ideological battles and social conflict when social change is needed. Understanding what these miracles are and how to work with them is an integral part of being a Source-Directed Social Activist.
Work on online Build Heaven Projects will provide basic training in how to work as a Social Activist.
All of the Build Heaven Projects for establishing a Source-Connected Way of Life that yields Total Abundance for all beings have been created and activated. All beings have been gifted with the Dream Heaven Commands for these Projects so they can mobilize their Suits to perform to the Standard needed for the Projects. These Dream Heaven Commands contain the Source Power and Source Direction that the Suit needs to have the power to do the work and the knowledge of what work needs to be done and how to do it. The training is built into the Dream Heaven Command and goes directly to both the Extended Range and the Conscious Range of the Suit.
The Timeline for Building Heaven has been activated. It is now setting the standard for the work of Building Heaven. It is based on what has to be built and when it has to be built for Life in the Creation to become sustainable before the end of The Transition.
I am creating online Build Heaven Projects to provide Training in how to work on these Structure Building Projects. Although the online Projects will not cover the range of the countless number of Build Heaven Projects that are now being worked on by beings throughout the Creation, they will provide basic understandings of how to translate the principles of The Culture of Heaven given in The Master Action Plan Training Series into how to Build Heaven and Live Heaven in everyday life. This will provide Suits with the additional Puzzle Pieces that they need to complete their understanding of how to work with the Source to Build Heaven in their lives and in the world.
I have posted the Action Plan for a Source-Connected Way of Life as the Master Structure Building Project of The Build Heaven Project. It provides for three levels of Projects which include the Master Level Project, five Primary Projects and all of the Building Block Projects which the Primary Projects support. It is important to begin learning about the Action Plans for all three levels and implementing them in your life. You can read about it at:
I have also activated the first Building Block Project. It comes under The Perfect Health Project, which is one of the five Primary Build Heaven Projects for building a Source-Connected Way of Life.This Project is The Rhythm of Life Project, a Project that is basic to a being's ability to travel their Journey of Reconnection back to their Heaven Habitat where they can achieve Sustainability. I recommend that you start work on this project in preparation for the upcoming January 23rd Transition. You can access this Project at:
The dates for the Transitions of 2020 are listed below. As in Transitions of the past, I will inform you about the specific Standards for an upcoming Transition prior to it so you will have a chance to prepare.
January 23rd
February 22nd
April 7th & 14th
May 12th
June 12th
August 1st through the 12th
September 20th
October through December – Daily Transitions
The focus of all of these Transitions is supporting The Work of the Source on Building Heaven on the Inner and Outer Planes.
We are fast approaching a major stage of the Transition that will occur on January 23rd. I have prepared the Source Support available for this Transition which you can access by going to:
The December Transitions marked a Turning Point in the history of the Working Relationship of the Source with Suits throughout the Creation. Prior to these Transitions the Source has provided Code and Coaching to Suits through Source Communications on the Inner and Outer Planes to help them choose wisely to survive stages of The Transition.
In the December 22nd Transition, survival was not based on making a decision of some sort or preparing in some way that affected only the Suit of the being. It was based on Suits working together flawlessly to build Inner Plane Structures upon which Heaven on the Outer Plane can be built. This meant that the Suits had to follow Source Directives to the letter with great attention to the training that was given to perform tasks for which they had no prior training or experience.
Without the miracle of the new Dream Heaven Commands the Suits would have lacked the Source Power & Source Direction to perform at this level of precision where no deviation from the correct process is allowed or Hell manifests and not Heaven. Building Heaven is precision work the like of which no being has ever experienced. Even the members of the 14 Prototype Communities and the beings in The Second Creation required a Dream Heaven Command to build what they were asked to build.
While this work was done through the Extended Range of the Suits which has always been more Source-Attuned, it was a miracle that could not have happened prior to the preparation of the Suit in the December 9th Transition when it Signed On to Supporting The Work of the Source and provided the Material Energy for The Framework of Life as Heaven that enabled it to escape from The Framework of Death that it was trapped in previously. It also had to accept the Source Response Patterns in order to prepare itself to do this kind of Build Heaven Work.
Now that Dream Heaven Commands have been gifted to beings to enable them to Build Heaven on the Outer Plane, the focus will be on very individualized Build Heaven Projects that are carefully monitored for each individual Suit. This will give the Suit a Build Heaven Project that is appropriate for it to do which will require some Outer Plane work. Out of the training that the Suits will receive through the Dream Heaven Command to perform well in these individualized Build Heaven Projects, will come the ability of the Suits to work on Teams of Heaven Agents in more complex Outer Plane Build Heaven Projects.
The online Build Heaven Projects will be the Projects that will train the Suit in more precision Outer Plane Build Heaven Projects so they can respond to the ones given to them individually that will not be written up online.
Gaining mastery of how to work up to the Standard on Outer Plane Build Heaven Projects will be the determining factor in the ability of a Suit to retain its place on The Substratum in the time ahead. It is the critical Training in Stewarding The Miracle of Life that will prepare the Suit to survive the end of The Transition when only those who are highly skilled at Building Heaven will be able to build the Heaven that needs to be built to establish the new Substratum and to also build the structures needed in The Source Perfected World which beings will enter within a few days after The Transition. The Training has to be very rigorous to enable a Suit to Build Heaven in the perfected Spiritual Space of The Source Perfected World. I will be providing Dream Heaven Commands and Outer Plane Trainings to meet this training Standard.