Welcome to
The Source Reality Station


Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. - Founder of The Miracle School

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School




This is the place you can come to enter into Source Reality where you can step forward as your True Self and work on The Total Abundance Way of Life Projects that manifest Total Abundance in your life and in the world.


A First Step is to read the article below entitled: How to Work in The Source Reality Station


A Second Step is to go to The Total Abundance Way of Life Projects that are listed below.  When you first go to a Project, you will arrive at a page where the Project is described and information is given about how to work on the Project. To work on the Project you can access the link for the Project Research, Action, and Communication Center.  The Miracle Tools that are important to a Project are in this Center.



How to Work in The Source Reality Station


The Purpose of The Source Reality Station

The purpose of The Source Reality Station is to give you an opportunity to learn, in an optimal environment, how to receive Direct Source Guidance through working with Online Miracle Tools such as Total Abundance Screens, Source-Created Graphics, and The Source Plan Button 


As you practice with the Online Miracle Tools that provide the Miracle Tool in a more materialized form, you gain Skill Sets that will help you to work with the Inner Plane Miracle Tool, which is less materialized and which takes greater skill to access. It is important to practice accessing the Miracle Tools on the Inner Plane as well as online to ensure that the Skill Sets developed with the Online Miracle Tools are translating effectively to the Skill Sets that you need for the Inner Plane Miracle Tools.


Since being able to access detailed, accurate Source Guidance is critical to your ability to manifest Total Abundance and since transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life is critical to becoming sustainable so that your Suit can survive the upcoming stages of The Transition, the time you log learning these essential skills is central to your safety and well being in the time ahead.


I have established this mode of training to enable you to learn how to attune to Direct Source Guidance when I am not with you in person in a Session, a Webinar, or Intensive.  I find that Heaven Agents have successfully received Source Guidance when riding the Source Intelligence Wave that emanates from me in person but have failed to sustain their ability to continue receiving Direct Source Guidance when they are not with me in person. They tend to become reliant on the Source Intelligence Wave and don’t push through the barriers within their own consciousness to establish a reliable set of Skill Sets for accessing Direct Source Guidance in the moment when they are on their own and need it to take the Next Step on their Heaven Agent Mission.


While working online in this way may require some serious introspection on your part to understand your own process and why you are clearer on some days and not as clear on others, as long as you know that your life depends on developing the Skill Sets for getting the Direct Source Guidance that enables you to become sustainable, you will not allow your Suit to dodge the inevitable learning curve challenges that will occur and sign off to living the Self-Directed Life that will be its undoing.  You will need to be at the helm of your life guiding your Suit to persevere until real proficiency is attained.


This is not unlike the perseverance needed to learn a foreign language or master a skill that requires some clarity about why things work and what is different when they are not working. 


Since the Story Culture does not value receiving detailed, moment-to-moment Source Guidance as a life skill, you will have to stand your ground with your Suit if it wants to devalue the learning process and return to its customary way of life which includes keying off of what others are doing and what is validated in Story Culture.


The Path to Total Abundance is a Path that you can only travel if you sign off of living a Story Way of Life and sign onto living a Source-Directed Way of Life.  Only with the miracles and guidance of the Source can you escape from The Culture of Scarcity that is the foundation of the Story Way of Life and enter into a Total Abundance Way of Life.



The Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

The Projects listed here are Total Abundance Way of Life Projects that help you to build a Total Abundance Way of Life. 


The focus will be on understanding the Total Abundance that is possible and working with the information provided to:

  • help bring in the Total Abundance Miracles
  • carry out the Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism that is needed to manifest Total Abundance in your life and in the lives of others throughout the Creation. 


The Total Abundance Projects that are in your Source Reality Station reflect The Total Abundance Way of Life Projects that are now in focus in The Total Abundance Movement.  You can read about these Projects in detail at The Total Abundance Workstation when I post them there.  Some Projects that are ready for work in this Station will not yet be posted in The Total Abundance Workstation.  Heaven Agents working with me in Source Reality Stations are at the forefront of the work and receive information about upcoming Projects before this information is available to the public.


Each Project has a Total Abundance Screen that enables you to track your Next Steps on the Project. The Total Abundance Screen Project has all six Total Abundance Screens.  Some Projects have other Miracle Tools such as Source-Created Graphics that are essential to certain parts of the Project.

Many of the Projects are designed to give you an opportunity to train with a certain Miracle Tool that is an important Tool in your Heaven Agent Tool Kit.  Once you master the basics for how to work with the Miracle Tool then you can begin using it in other Projects if it is a Tool that is relevant to that Project.


The Source Perspective Project 

The Source Perspective Project is a HomeBase Project for your work as a Heaven Agent. It has a Next Step Screen that is devoted to your overall advancement as a Heaven Agent. It is in this Project that you can write to me about issues in your life as well as describe the information that you are receiving on The Source Perspective Next Step Screen with regard to these issues.  I will also post general Online Source Guidance in this Project.  This will replace the Source Guidance Emails that I used to send.  It provides a more secure way to receive this information in a password protected part of the web site.


The Source Solution Project

The Source Solution Project does not get activated in this Station until you request a Source Solution for some aspect of your work on either your Total Abundance or the Total Abundance that is needed for the community.  To request a Source Solution Miracle that will initiate a Source Solution Project for a particular outcome, you can go to The Source Solution Project link below.


Once activated, your Source Solution Project will have a Next Step Screen and any other Miracle Tool Graphics that might be needed.  You will work in your Research, Action, and Communication Center on the Project and I will track your progress and post there my Source Communications regarding what the Source Solution is manifesting and how you can best work with the sequence of manifestations that leads to the Source-Created Outcome.



How to Work on Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

When you arrive at The Source Reality Station, you are immediately transported out of the web site to a Spiritual Station that exists in Source Reality.  Here you need to take a few moments to center in your Source Connection and in your True Self and attune to the energy of Source Reality.  


Next you need to attune to Inner Source Guidance to be guided to one of The Total Abundance Way of Life Projects listed below.  

The Projects

The links given for the Projects are of two kinds.  

  • Some lead directly to the Project in this Station.  This is for Projects that work primarily with Total Abundance Screens that are Miracle Tools grounded when you provide the Material Energy for a Source Reality Station.

  • Others lead to a Source Solution Miracle page where you can learn about and request an additional Miracle Tool that is the focus of the Project. Since the focus of many of the Projects is on getting trained to work with different kinds of Miracle Tools that every Heaven Agent needs to have in their Heaven Agent Tool Kit, it is important to request the Miracle Tool so you can practice working with it. This is the purpose of the Project.  Once you have provided the Material Energy for a Miracle Tool, I will provide the link to the Project page where you can receive my Coaching Support in learning how to work with the Miracle Tool.

NOTE: Many of the Projects listed have yet to be posted online.  The ones that are not yet posted do not have a link.  I will add a link when I have completed the materials for the Project.


When you arrive on the page for the Project that lit up for you, you will be introduced to the scope of the Project and given some general instructions about how to work on the Project. Next you can access the link for The Research, Action, and Communication Center.  You can follow the instructions given there to proceed to do the Research, then take appropriate Action, and Communicate your experiences to me.  In doing this work, you need to follow The Four Stages of Your Project Work that I outline below.


Your Personal Workflow

What all of the Projects do is to help you to understand how to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.  The key element in living in this way, is honoring the rhythm and sequencing of activities that are given to you in your Personal Workflow.  Since your Personal Workflow is in keeping with my Source Workflow, the sequencing of your work will dovetail with the Universal Work that I am doing on these Projects. Your Personal Workflow will also time your contribution to the Project when it is needed to contribute to the At-a-Distance Team Work that enables us to meet the critical Developmental Deadlines of the Project. 


Because your contribution is an important Puzzle Piece for the Puzzle that we are assembling for a Project and the timing of the contribution of your Puzzle Piece is critical, it is important for you to provide your Puzzle Piece in the right time frame even if it means that you have to adjust your Outer Plane schedule to make more time to work on a Project.


What is most critical is your ability to build a sustainable you and a sustainable world in time to survive the upcoming stages of The Transition. If you put your Outer Plane events in perspective, then you will value your time working on these Projects and will know that they are essential to your survival, not something that would be nice to do if you had time to get around to working on it.  Only when you put your survival in first place and all of the things of your life that depend on having a life in second place, will you be in the right mindset for doing Heaven Agent Work of this kind.  Without holding this value in your mind, the pressures of the Story Way of Life will wash away the opportunities to prepare for your survival in The Transition and you will find yourself with a completed To Do List and the loss of your spiritual and physical life that would have benefitted from the things that you accomplished on your To Do List.


Being in your Personal Workflow is a 24/7 mode that puts your Source Connection first and works with Inner Source Guidance to help you get done everything that you need to get done to manage the practical things of your life without sacrificing your life in the process.


Your Personal Workflow will help you to feel drawn to the Projects that need your contribution whenever you come to the Station.  On some days you may spend most of your time in one project and on other days you might move through a number of Projects, doing the work that is needed in each of them. Checking in frequently in The Total Abundance Screen Project to track the health of your Suit, should be a basic part of your work to ensure that you are not missing vital information about what is happening in your Suit on different levels. It is from the Next Step Screen in the Screen Project that you can often get your prompts to go to another Project in your Station.


The Four Stages of  Your Project Work

While not all of these stages of Project Work will occur every time you visit The Research, Action, and Communication Center of a Project, it is important to do all four stages of the work on every Project even if these are accomplished over a number of visits to the Center.


As you work through the four stages, be sure to work with your Personal Workflow Journal as recommended in The Personal Workflow Journal Project. This will add the depth and continuity that you will need to track your progress in the Project. 


Your Initial Work

When you first come to The Research, Action, and Communication Center, you will start in The Project Research Center and work with whatever Miracle Tools are there, following the instructions given on the page.


Next you will go to The Action Center and click on The Source Plan Button to generate Material Energy for the Project. You will then tune in to receive Source Guidance on what Inner and Outer Plane Heaven Agent Work is needed to take action on the information that you receive while working with the Miracle Tools. For this part you can return to the Screen for additional Source Guidance.


When you have completed the Research and Action parts of the work, you can go to The Communication Center and send me a Heaven Agent Report of what you discovered in your Research and what Actions you took and what your understanding is of what it means.  If you have questions or concerns about it, you can also communicate these to me as well.


Our Inner Plane Interactions

Once you have sent me your Initial Heaven Agent Report, I will respond first on the Inner Plane. I will interact with you in ways that may be visible, such as entering the room and talking with you or taking you on Inner Plane Miracle-Based Adventures in which I am also present, or sending you verbal or visual messages that help you to understand the Source Guidance that I am giving.  I might also stage events in your life or draw your attention to Outer Plane clues that enable you to take Next Steps in your work on the Project.  Be attentive because I will respond on the Inner Plane and your work is to train your Spiritual Senses to pick up on this response and interact with me in harmony with my Source Workflow that structures my interactions with you.


It is important to track this level of our work since your ability to be with me on the Inner Plane in such Interactions is the Core Skill Set that you need to cultivate. It is this Skill Set that will enable you to stay Connected to my Source Support when I have returned to the Source Level.


Once you have a sense of an Interaction, you can write to me about your experiences and questions by sending me another Heaven Agent Report.


Outer Plane Source Responses

When it is in keeping with my Source Workflow, I will post an Online Source Response which will generally cover several of your Reports. I will email you a notice that a response is awaiting you online so you will know to look for it.


Your Next Step is to work with this Response to understand it and work with me in any Inner Plane Interactions that occur around it.  Then post a Heaven Agent Report about what you are understanding and ask any questions you may have.  I will respond through Inner Plane Interactions and through additional Online Source Responses when it is in keeping with my Source Workflow to do so.


Reflecting on Your Learning Process

It is important to spend time in your Personal Workflow Journal reflecting on the whole sequence and what you are learning about the skills that you are developing and any thoughts and concerns that arise that might require further research. Through your diligence in bringing your process of working on the Projects that will enable you to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life into focus in your Conscious Range, you will be building the foundation for your ability to transition into this way of life.


There is a certain Left Brain focus that is needed to reflect on the dreamlike experiences that come to you through the more Right Brain Soul Talk experiences that I send to you.  Unless you spend some time bringing your Left Brain into focus so that you can conceptualize what is happening and remember what you have experienced and what you have learned, the Right Brain learnings can slip away into your Subconscious Range and not serve you well in working on transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life in the future.


What we are working toward is Spiritual Whole Brain Functioning which actively involves your Right Brain, Left Brain and your Mid-Brain.  Only when all aspects of your Spiritual Brain are trained to work effectively with the Source and work fluidly with my Source Workflow will you be developing the 10.10 Interaction with the Source that is essential to your ability to retain your Source Connection in the time ahead.


Whatever time you spend on this learning is time you spend in investing in the quality of your life and the viability of your life.


How to Attune to Source Communications

Each Miracle Tool has been Source-Created to deliver to you the Direct Source Communications that you individually need to receive at the time that you are working with it.


To prepare yourself to receive Source Communications delivered through a Total Abundance Screen or Source-Created Graphics, ask to receive only Source Communications and then gaze in a meditative state of receptivity at the Screen or Graphic.  (The Total Abundance Screens are materialized in the highlighted pink box underneath the title for the Screen.)


When working with a Source-Created Graphic, it is important to follow the instructions for working with that particular Miracle Tool. 


When working with a Total Abundance Screen, it is important to remain receptive and open to whatever manifests from the Screen much as you would when waiting in a movie theater for the movie to begin. Unlike a movie theater, however, the Miracle Tool may give you verbal information without visuals or send energies that trigger kinesthetic responses in your body.  The Screen might also send Source Communications that trigger memories of past events or focus your thoughts on things that are happening on the Outer Plane.  Or it might activate a complete understanding that comes directly to you without any visuals, auditory clues, or kinesthetic feelings. It might also trigger an Inner Plane Miracle-Based Adventure where you find yourself flying over oceans or into outer space or walking through a forest and interacting with beings you have never met before. These Inner Plane Adventures enrich your ability to understand the nature of the Source Communication. You might also hear words or phrases or hear me talking directly to you, or hear sounds or music or other auditory clues.


Keep in mind that the information given is in the language of Soul Talk which uses all of the sensory modalities available to your Suit. These include the Inner Plane version of your five senses as well as your 6th and 7th Sense and your ability to intuit meaning even if there are no specific clues given that are recognizable. 


For instance, you might look at the Next Step Screen and suddenly feel like a loved one is in danger and needs your immediate help. You might then go to The Action Center and click on The Source Plan Button to bring in energy to your Auxiliary Material Energy Factory to enable you to send help to ground whatever miracle is needed to help your loved one. Or you might go back to the Screen to receive specific information about how to use your unique Miracle-Based Abilities to help.


On another occasion, you might see on the Screen a cloud of gold light coming in and think that it might be a Source Sent Miracle.  If you are not sure you can go to The Source Plan Button and give energy.  If the gold cloud is indeed a miracle that needs your support to land in The Manifest World, then activating The Source Plan Button will send energy to the miracle.  If it is something sent by the Negativity and meant to deceive people so that they give their support to something that will do them harm, clicking on The Source Plan Button will help to marshall energies to destroy the attack.


Through working multiple times a day with the Screens you will develop not only a greater attunement to picking up the information that is coming through but you will begin to take action, including taking the action of understanding what the incoming information means.


It is important that you work concurrently with The Source Perspective Project to learn about The Source Perspective on the state of the Creation so that you can understand the context of the Source Communications that you will be receiving from your Screens.  This context will help you to interpret the Source Communications and understand how to do the Heaven Agent Work that is needed to enable you to manifest the Total Abundance that is possible for you and for others.  



Your Personal Workflow Journal

It is important to structure your learning process by noting down your experiences in receiving Inner Plane Direct Source Guidance so that you can track your progress and remember clues and insights that you gained along the way.  The best way to do this is to set aside a file on your computer that becomes your Personal Workflow Journal.  This Journal is where you enter in your experiences as you work with the Miracle Tools Online and on the Inner Plane. 


This Journal will help you to remember the experiences so that you can enter them into your Heaven Agent Report and it will help you to reflect back on the clues you have received on the different Projects.  These clues add up cumulatively to a deeper understanding of what has been communicated to you and helps you to reflect on how you are progressing in terms of understanding these communications.


Since your Heaven Agent Reports will be sent to me and not posted in your Source Reality Station, it is important to copy them to your online Journal so that you can reference them when I provide my Source Response to your Report. Be sure to note down the date of the Report and the Project and Screen or Graphic so that you will be able to keep track of what you have sent to me.


In your Journal you should also write down the questions you have about getting Source Guidance or working with the Screens or any thoughts or images that you receive about your learning process.  As you think outloud, as it were, in your Journal, you will begin to articulate issues that might remain subliminal if you just rush through a routine of going to the Screens and getting information and writing down what you received. 


It is important to reflect on your process and what it means about the quality of information that you are allowing yourself to receive.  Asking for Source Guidance to find out if you are receiving all of the information that has been sent to you and how much of it you are interpreting correctly is important to honing your Skill Sets and expanding the range of your Suit's Spiritual Senses. 


It is also important to keep in mind that the ultimate purpose for learning how to receive accurate Source Guidance is to be able to attain the 100% Source Connection that will ensure your survival in The Transition and enable you to manifest the miracle of Total Abundance in your life and world.  If you keep this ultimate goal in mind, then you will approach this learning opportunity in the right frame of mind. 


The chance to work with the Source in the kind of individualized coaching program that this Station makes possible is an opportunity that is time limited.  It is important to make the most of the opportunity to work here. For want of this basic knowledge you have suffered in all of your previous lifetimes.  Now  you can give your Suit the Skill Sets that it needs to value and protect its Source Connection – its Link to Life. This will ensure that your Suit becomes sustainable and you can continue to incarnate in The Manifest World in lifetimes to come.  


How to Set Up and Work with Your Journal

You can work with a Personal Workflow Journal at two levels.  You can set up a file on your computer that is not Miracle-Linked and functions just as a place where you can organize your work in the Station.  Or you can request the Miracle Link that enables your Journal to transport you into Source Reality while you are working on it and also has programming that helps you to organize your learning process.  For more information on the Journal, you can go to The Personal Workflow Journal Project link below.




Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

Link to Request

The Personal Total Abundance Reality Field Project