This is the place where you can come to discover Source-Given Facts about the way things are in the world.
Statistics for preparation on the Earth Plane and Outside of the Earth Plane reveal that humans are not moving forward in their preparations while beings outside of the Earth Plane are making great strides forward.
Thus far 27% of the population in the Creation has lost their lives in the Vibrational Shifts of 2012 and 2013. This is up 6% due to a Shift in the Vibrational Level of the newly created Source Resource Grid. This Grid is designed to gradually lift beings to higher levels of vibration to enable more beings to survive. Many beings can’t survive a sudden 3 level Shift in the Support Field that will occur on August 8th. To lessen the loss of lives more gradual Shifts in Vibrational Level of the Grid and not the Support Field will prepare Suits for the Shift in the Support Field on the 8th.
The first Shift from 3.0 to 3.7 caused a loss of 6% of the population.
Did you know that almost 100% of the human population has accepted the three Gifted Source Interventions that I describe in the article: The Source Plan for Preparing for the Upcoming Vibrational Shifts? In most cases this acceptance has been from semi-conscious levels of their consciousness.
Did you know that most animals are far more aware of what is happening in the Spiritual Level of Reality than most humans? Not only do they know what is happening, but many are very competent Heaven Agents working efficiently in their Extended and Conscious Ranges with the Source to bring through the changes that are needed in the world.
Four out of every five children being born today have a very strong Intuitive Link to the Source that enables them to be conscious of the presence of the Source in their lives from day one. These Intuitive Links can’t be broken by any negative life experiences or socialization practices.
Ten years ago only one in every five children was born with this kind of Intuitive Link. It was so fragile that most of the Links were destroyed by the Negativity working through the socialization process by age 10.