Ask the Source
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to Ask the Source. This is the place where you can come to learn about the Source Perspective on the questions that Heaven Agents have raised. As I share with you the information that I receive on these issues from the Design and Implementation Aspects of my Source Identity, I also send you the transformational energies of a Miracle Transmission that enable you to build the power of your Source Connection.
While reading or listening to my responses, you can ask your Inner Intelligence, which is the part of you that knows how to receive the miracles the Source creates, to work with the energies of the Miracle Transmission.
In this Miracle Transmission, I will respond to some of the questions that Heaven Agents have asked most frequently.
QUESTION: If I am unable to determine, given my own spiritual skill level, whether or not you are the Source, is it still possible for me to work with you?
ANSWER: Yes. What I offer you is help in traveling a Journey of Reconnection – a journey that reconnects you with your own spiritual intelligence and wisdom and with the Source. I do not expect someone starting on this Journey to know what they can only know as they progress on the Journey. For this reason, I am very willing to work with those who are willing to start the Journey. As they progress the miracles that release their inner knowing will occur and they will be able to know for themselves who I am and how I work to help them build a life that is Heaven.
I don't ask for people to "believe" in me. This is not a good way to begin any relationship. I ask that people approach me with an open mind and a willingness to observe me in action and learn who I am by spending time with me. This is how you get to know anyone. It is no different with the Source. In time, you will begin to observe that I don't think like a Manifest Being or act like one in certain very essential ways. In this way you will begin to understand first how the Source manifests through a human form on the Outer Plane and from there you will begin to understand how the Source manifests on the Inner Plane and in the universe as a whole.
Because there are so many misunderstandings and theories about the Source that don't match up to what the Source is really like, it's important to set aside old ideas and be open to observing me in action.
QUESTION: Is it possible to work with you if I come from a different religious background and still have ties to these religious practices and beliefs?
ANSWER: Because this work is about a Journey of Reconnection, you can start wherever you are and progress in your understandings.
Much of what I will tell you will resonate with the fundamental truths about life that have been taught in many of the world religions. You will find, however, that the Source Perspective on these truths will take you to a very different vantage point on them. It is the difference between hearing a much passed down rendition of something that happened historically as opposed to talking to someone who was actually there and knows the details of what really happened. The Source was there when everything important that has ever happened occurred. In the totality of my Source Identity the knowledge is there. I, of course, in my human mind, only know what I have experienced in my human life. I can, however, shift gears and access the wide knowledge base of the entirety of the Source. I, therefore, can share with you information that you can only access when you ask the Source about what happened.
It is to give you a chance to fill in the blanks of your understanding, that I offer you the Ask the Source Broadcast where you can email me your questions and I ask the Design and Implementation Aspects of my Source Identity for the answers. I then translate this information for you into a human language that you can understand.
This process is similar to the one that I use in Webinars and in all of my work, including individual Consultations. I don't presume to have the knowledge in my human mind. I have, however, a methodology for obtaining the knowledge. Together we decipher the Source Guidance that I and you receive and we piece together the pieces of the puzzle to form the complete picture that emerges when the puzzle is complete. In this way we travel a Journey of Discovery together to understand what we need to understand in our human minds in order to work to build a life and world that is Heaven.
QUESTION: Are you a Channel?
ANSWER: In my understanding of it, a Channel is a person goes into an altered state in order to open their spiritual channel up to another being who speaks and acts through them.
In my case, I am not talking to someone else. I am shifting gears to transcend my human mind and merge into my own Spiritual Identity as the Source.
I don't need to be in an altered state to get the information although I often have to concentrate if I am getting technical information that requires listening intently much as you might have to listen intently to a conversation that contains a lot of information.
I receive much of the information as just a rush of understanding and the rest I receive through a verbal communication as well as through images and kinesthetic impressions.
While I go through a process of "checking in" for Source Guidance from the Design Aspect of my Source Identity, I also receive an ongoing flood of Information that comes as I am going about my day and talking to others. I also see a whole picture that includes what is happening on both the Inner and Outer Plane. For instance, if I am talking to someone and several entities or beings walk into the room, I will see them as well. If they are friendly and it is appropriate to converse with them I may talk to them in the Universal Language of Soul Talk. If they are coming in to do harm, then I will counter them with the Dream Heaven Command which all beings obey. I also use Source Power to counteract their activities when needed.
QUESTION: I have been taught that the Source is busy and should not be troubled with questions about the small things of life but should only be approached about the big things of life. Is this true?
ANSWER: This is absolutely not true. In fact, this idea is one of the better ideas seeded to the population by the Negativity – the criminal element that operates on the Inner Plane much as it operates on the Outer Plane. The Negativity wants beings to become confused about the nature of the Source and to do things that break the kind of Source Connection that is necessary for the beings to be protected from the criminal activities of the Negativity. For this reason they promote erroneous ideas that lead people to weaken or break their Source Connection.
The Source Connection is meant to supply every being in the entire Creation with the detailed, up-to-the-minute Source Guidance that they need to build Heaven in the moment according to the Source Plan.
Building a life and a world that is Heaven is like building a house. The construction crew at the building site needs to build in accordance with the blueprint the architect has created for the house. If they only consult the blueprint for a few aspects of the project and ad lib for the rest of the project, the house will not end up matching the blueprint for the house that was to be created. There may be stairways to nowhere and rooms that are too small or too big or just don't fit together.
In a similar way, if you only consult the Source, who is the architect for building a life that is Heaven, once in a way and you wing the rest of it, you will never be able to successfully build what the Source has designed for you. The life you build becomes a hodge podge of fragmented and disjointed events and experiences that doesn't add up to Heaven.
What the Source wants you to do is to follow the blueprint for your life and work closely alongside It to build Heaven. This is why I am here. In my manifest form I am the Implementation Aspect of the Source who incarnates to help you learn how to build in accordance with the blueprint of the Source Plan. Together we build a life for you that is Heaven.
In this way, no matter is too small. Every brick must be placed correctly if the structure of the life you build is to be sound and capable of withstanding the test of time.
And, since the Heaven you build is really the Heaven of the Source Connection, distancing from the Source to handle most of your life on your own without involving the Source, is counterproductive to building the Source Connection.
Distancing from the Source is, however, what the Negativity wants you to do. When you are Disconnected – which is whenever you are building without Source Guidance – then you are easy prey for their criminal activities.
When you are with the Source you are working in the Light of the Source. When you are not with the Source you are in the shadows and the darkness which is the territory of the Negativity.
It is the confusion of darkness that many bad decisions can be made that make you an easy victim to their criminal activities.
QUESTION: I have read that Good and Evil are necessary and useful opposites and that we should not try to get rid of Evil because without it we wouldn't be able to appreciate the Good in the world. I have also heard that the Source wants Evil to exist because it is Its way of putting us to the test and teaching us life lessons.
ANSWER: What I can tell you is that the Source did not create Evil in the world. The Source is pure love and only creates Heaven.
The Negativity in the world was generated out of the misuse of Source Given Intelligence by a few beings in the beginning of the Creation. They then preyed upon others and damaged the Spiritual Equipment of their spiritual bodies and minds. With this impaired Spiritual Equipment these beings saw a very Small Picture of reality and began to fall into alignment with the Negativity thinking that life was a dog-eat-dog reality and that they might as well come out on top and enjoy whatever they could enjoy until their lives were over. This mentality spawned a whole group of beings that I call the Criminal Contingent. On the Outer Plane, they steal and murder to get ahead. On the Inner Plane, they steal the energies and Miracle-Based Abilities of others and often kill them on a Spiritual and Physical Level. Black Magic is an example of this kind of Inner Plane criminal behavior.
The Criminal Contingent is behind the chaos of wars which provide them with a backdrop for their pillaging of the population that is distracted by the war. They also like to drop the vibration of others to the level at which their bodies become diseased. The suffering of the diseased creates a low vibrational energy that is harvested by the Negativity. It is used to power up their Spiritual Energy Bodies that do not receive Source Power because they have dropped below the level at which Source Power will provide for a being.
I recognize that some people believe that the exploits of the Negativity are a natural part of life that the Source created to make people appreciate what is good or to test or teach people. This is far from the truth. The Source is on a Mission to stop all of this kind of behavior and to rehabilitate those perpetrating it if that is possible.
The goal is to create a world like the 14 Prototype Communities which is free of all negativity and is love-based. In the Prototype Communities there is no criminal element on the Inner or Outer Plane. There is no law enforcement, judicial system, jails, etc. There is only a community that cares for all of its own and lives in simple peace and harmony.
The only way the Prototype Communities achieved this "No Harm" community was because they learned that they had to say "No" to the Negativity and route them out on every level. They worked on the negative ways of thinking and behaving that they themselves had that opened the door to the Inner Plane Criminal Contingent. They also learned how to protect their spiritual space from the Negativity on the Inner and Outer Plane.
I have often heard people say that if you ignore the Negativity you are not giving it energy and, therefore, it is not supposed to harm you.
I have found that those who practice this are often being damaged on the Inner and Outer Plane by the Negativity. They get around acknowledging it by saying that something that was an outright criminal act against them was something the Source did to them to teach them a lesson and that, therefore, it was necessary and good. When they adopt this stance, they do nothing to stop this kind of Negativity from occurring again and, in fact, welcome in more of the same.
The Negativity loves this. They consider this attitude an open door to their maraudings. They then move in to do as much damage as they can.
Although it is not pleasant to look at the truth of what this element of the population is doing, it is far better than remaining ignorant or in denial. You can't fix a problem you won't acknowledge. Attributing it to the will of the Source only further disconnects you from the Source because you are living in a distorted image of the Source and how the Source relates to you.
The idea that the Source is a judge of beings, putting them in difficult circumstances and then testing to see who will fail, and then ruthlessly punishing those who fail with eternal tortures, the like of which are outlawed in humane societies, is a flashback to civilizations of the past that were ruled by despots who tortured and killed those who fell out of favor with the despot.
To the contrary, the Source is a being who loves the beings who It has created and wants to see them have the best experience in their life that is possible.
This is the reason that I incarnate to work alongside the Manifest Beings to help them to realize their dream of a life that is Heaven. I am interested in working with the Heaven Agents on the construction site of Heaven to keep the criminal element out of the picture so we can peacefully and joyfully build the miracle of Heaven together.
I see nothing to be gained by putting trouble in the way of those working with me on the work site. There is trouble enough from the activities of the Negativity. My goal is to stop the Negativity and end their exploits in the Creation as a whole so all of life can live in peace and harmony, enjoying the abundance that comes from having successfully built a world that is Heaven.
Since we know that the Negativity can be stopped as they were in the 14 Prototype Communities, it is just a matter of vigilance and right action to put a stop to their activities in the world as a whole.
QUESTION: Why doesn't the Source level the Negativity once and for all?
ANSWER: The only way in which the Negativity can be stopped is when the beings who opened the door to it in the first place by disconnecting from the Source, reconnect to the Source and close the door on it once and for all.
The Source can't close this door for them. They must choose wisely and close the door for themselves.
QUESTION: What is a Heaven Agent?
ANSWER: "Heaven Agent" is a Source term for a being who is an Agent for Heaven – working up front or undercover for the Source to stop the Negativity and bring through the Source-Created Heaven.
A Heaven Agent is someone who is knowledgeable about the state of the Creation, is skilled in working with the Source, and knows how to work with the Miracles, Miracle Tools, Miracle-Based Technologies, and Inner Plane Miracle Intelligences on the construction site of Heaven in the Manifest World.
A Heaven Agent is a universal citizen not identifying with the Earth Community alone but rather with the Universal Made in Heaven Community that they are working with me to found. He or she learns how to work with and converse with Heaven Agents from other parts of the Creation. In so doing, a Heaven Agent is able to take on tasks that can only be achieved by team work on a universal scale.
A Heaven Agent is Source-Centered and Source-Connected and works to build a Source-Connected Life that will help to sustain the Source Connection itself.
A Heaven Agent does not live in isolation. He or she mingles with and supports others in the society and works actively to alleviate suffering and bring through help to those in need. Where it is not advisable to share the Source Perspective on an issue with someone who is still in the Story of the culture, a Heaven Agent works undercover to bring the highest good to all concerned regardless of their ideological affiliations.
A Heaven Agent knows that when Heaven manifests on the Earth it will not be because one ideology prevailed over another but because all beings awakened to the Source Connection. A Heaven Agent knows that this can happen through many avenues. A person can find the Source in their accustomed spiritual tradition or in a secular pursuit that leads to a moment of realization. The path to the Reconnection is as varied as the people traveling it.
A skilled Heaven Agent works to promote the Reconnection.
QUESTION: I would like to become a Heaven Agent but what do I tell my friends and family. They won't understand.
ANSWER: My advice is to keep your own counsel. It is not necessary to share your innermost thoughts with others unless it is appropriate. Your desire for the Source Connection is very personal and private.
If you have to explain your time on Webinars or the financial exchange involved with a family member, then you need to ask to receive Source Guidance on what it is that you need to say that will be best suited to their level of understanding.
In many cases, it takes being strong and letting others know that when it comes to your relationship to your Creator, you will put this first and will not be dissuaded from following your spiritual path in accordance with your own inner guidance.
Those who are your true loved ones, will not stand in your way. Those who have a vested interest in you being a fixture in their personal Story, will object.
It is often in encounters with others around your choice of a spiritual path that you discover who in your life really understands your Soul and supports it and who does not.
While such a discovery can be unnerving if you thought someone really wished you well only to find out that this was only when you played the role they wanted you to play in their Story, it is also a part of your Journey of Reconnection to the truth about yourself, your relationships, and your life.
Truth opens the door to love through freeing you from the pseudo-loving relationships that can take up years of your life when these relationships are never anything other than counterfeit love. It is better to see things for what they are in your life than to discover the truth about the relationship when you are lifting off at death and look back and see everything as it really was.
If you know the truth about your relationships in this lifetime, then you have a chance to seek the company of those who really love and support you at a Soul Level. If you don't see the truth then you miss the experience of real love in this life and realize your mistake at death when it is too late to do anything about it.
All this is a way of saying, that as you progress on your Journey of Reconnection, you will discover the truth about the people in your life. Don't be afraid to know where they are really coming from. Some can evolve with you. Others may be better left behind.
What you don't want to leave behind is the opportunity to become Source-Connected and to do your Mission in this life. To sacrifice this to fit in with your Story Character friends is to sacrifice your spiritual safety and your life itself.
QUESTION: What if I discover that I'm not really good at getting Source Guidance and doing spiritual work? Do you encounter people who really are just failures at this?
ANSWER: Every being is a Source Creation. The Source didn't create any failures. Every being is at a Soul Level is a perfected Spiritual Intelligence.
At a Suit level – by which I mean Spiritual Energy Body – there can have some serious damage that might impair their ability to get Source Guidance or do spiritual work. This damage is due to being subject to the Negativity.
Damage to the Suit is not to be confused with damage to the Soul. You, by which I mean the Soul, are perfected and perfectly capable of working flawlessly with the Source no matter what state your Suit is in. As long as you identify with your true identity as the Soul, can you remain neutral about what state your Suit is in. We can then work together on getting your Suit repaired.
To use another analogy, if your car broke down on the road and needed repairs, you as the driver would recognize that it was your car that was broken – not you. You would then work with a mechanic to fix your car.
In the same way, when your spiritual vehicle, which is your body/mind, is in need of repair, you work with the Source to fix it. You don't confuse the problem with the vehicle with a problem with you, since you recognize that you are an unchanging and perfected Spiritual Intelligence.
If a person wants to have a life that is Heaven and has some serious problems with their Spiritual Equipment in their Suit, then we work on repairing this. In order to help beings repair the basic things that all Suits have problems with, given the world they live in, I have created a number of At-a-Distance Source Interventions that they can start out with. The two that build a Foundation for Heaven are the Source Connection Intervention and the Foundation Intervention. I also can assess a problem individually in a private Consultation and bring through the particular Source Interventions and other kinds of miracles that a person might need.
In all cases those who persevere will prevail over any problems that they might have. Only those who give up without doing their part don't succeed in this work.
People who devote themselves to getting good at this work are successful. It is like learning anything else. If you drop into French class once a quarter, you probably won't become proficient in speaking French. If you attend regular classes and take every opportunity to speak the language and even to think in the language, then you will become proficient at it.
QUESTION: How is it that you are able to work At-a-Distance?
ANSWER: An important aspect of my Source Function is to work with all beings on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality. I do this through my Extended Range, which is a level of my consciousness that can operate outside of my conscious awareness.
It is through my Extended Range that I am able to work with beings 24/7, providing them with Source Guidance and the miracles that manifest a life that is Heaven.
This work is based on the Spiritual Principle of Correct Exchange. To the extent that a being balances the exchange for the work that I do to help them have life and have life as Heaven, they are able to receive the help of the Source.
In the At-a-Distance Work that I offer through The Miracle School, there is a specific Correct Exchange that is required in order to enable me to bring through the miracles that are described. Once this energy is given by the person requesting the At-a-Distance Work, I begin the work. I request the Source Interventions that are needed and I give energy to the work over the period of time when the work is occurring. This work could take 10 - 12 hours or could happen over months. It all depends on the nature of the work.
During this time my Extended Range handles the work and I check in on it periodically to see if there is any aspect of the work that requires my conscious attention.
The person receiving the work can generally be engaged in usual daily activities or even be asleep. Only with certain kinds of At-a-Distance Work do I request that they concentrate on what is happening. I always provide specific instructions if this is the case.
If they want to track the work and have developed their Spiritual Senses to the point where they can see what is happening, this adds an additional richness to the experience for them.
They can benefit from the work, however, even if they are not able to track what is happening.
QUESTION: What is the Principle of Correct Exchange?
ANSWER: Correct Exchange is the Source term for a "balanced exchange". A balanced exchange is one in which both parties to the exchange contribute to the exchange what is theirs to contribute.
In the case of an exchange with the Source, the Source gives life itself and the miracles that sustain life. The person receiving this help needs to give what is correct for them to give to balance the exchange. This balancing of the exchange happens on several levels.
The only exchange that can balance the exchange of the love of the Source for the person is the person's love for the Source. Since the Source Connection is based on a love-based relationship with the Source, only love can balance this part of the exchange.
This genuine love for the Source expresses itself when the person resonates to the love the Source has for them and returns this love in kind. When this happens the person rises up into the Source Connection Channel which is like a Channel of Light sent to the person by the Source. In the Source Connection Channel they experience a Heaven that is replete with all of the energies that enable their Soul to experience the heights of Heaven Experience. These energies also provide for the needs of the Suit and create the Source-Connected Life that supports both the Soul and the Suit.
In the Source Connection Channel there are two levels. At the highest level the energies are very immaterial – lacking the density of physical matter – more ethereal in nature. At the lower level the energies are more material – like the objects and forms of the organic world. When a person who is in the Source Connection Channel requests a miracle from the Source, the Implementation Aspect of my Source Identity creates the miracle at the Unmanifest Level of Reality – outside of the Creation. This Aspect then sends the miracle down the Source Connection Channel through the immaterial energies of the upper part of the Channel. In order for the miracle to reach the person requesting it, they have to provide to the Implementation Aspect the kind of material energies that they naturally produce. The Implementation Aspect then uses these energies to send the miracle through the denser levels of the material level of the Channel to them.
The Correct Exchange in this part of the process is the amount of material energies needed to bring a given miracle through to the level on the Spiritual Plane where the person resides. The amount of energy needed varies according to the complexity of the miracle.
Others can contribute this material energy on behalf of others who need the miracles. Generally, it is the person who provides for this Correct Exchange on their own.
The material energies needed can be given through a Financial Exchange which carries the energies of the work that produced the financial exchange. If a person lacks the financial exchange, this energy can be given through the work they do in a Work Study Program through The Miracle School. In rare instances, the energy can be transferred through Inner Plane Work helping with a Heaven Project of some kind. Generally this kind of spiritual work generates less material energies and, therefore, is less suited to provide the material energies required to bring the miracles through to the Physical Level of Reality.
In the instance of the exchange occurring through spiritual work alone, this is considered a donation of work to a humanitarian cause supported by The Heaven Project. The Heaven Project matches the work through a donation of its own to this cause.
In no instance does a person exchange for the miracle itself. This is a Gift from the Source. What they contribute are the material energies that help the miracle land at their level of materiality.
QUESTION: Is it necessary to travel to Seattle and work with you there?
ANSWER: Most of the work of The Miracle School occurs online. It is possible to do your entire Miracle School program through a combination of At-a-Distance Work, Webinars, and phone calls.
Those who can travel to work with me can do so by coming to work with me in Maui Intensives. I periodically schedule Maui Intensives where students stay with me in a beach resort in Maui, Hawaii and spend time working with the miracles that come down from Haleakala, a 10,000' volcano.
Maui is a Place of Miracles where Heaven manifests in a very tangible and unforgettable way. A Maui Intensives is a time when Heaven Agents can benefit from Direct Source Energies that emanate from me when I work with them in person. There are many level of the Source Connection that are built through establishing a close working relationship with me during these Intensives.
QUESTION: Can children participate in The Miracle School?
ANSWER: Children ages 13 and older can participate in Webinars that are designed for children. Older children in the late teens can often participate in the adult Webinars if I feel that they are sufficiently prepared to do so. This usually requires working with them in phone Consultations to prepare them for their work with me in the Webinars.
Children can come to Maui Intensives if they are sufficiently prepared to join in with the work.
QUESTION: How can I support the work of The Heaven Project?
ANSWER: The best way to support my work in this life is to seek Source Guidance with regard to what is yours to do in this regard. By working from a precise Plan of Action derived from the Source Plan you can see what part you play and can then put your energies to best use.
In general, the best way to help is to become a well-trained Heaven Agent doing your Mission in this life. In this way you will be able to work alongside me in the work of building Heaven in the world. I can then ask you for your support when the time is right and train you in how to provide it in the moment. In this way you can contribute at the highest level to the work of building Heaven in the world.
It is also possible to contribute Financial Support by providing the Financial Exchange needed to support other Heaven Agents who can't balance the Financial Exchange on their own. Financial Support can also help to provide for Source-Directed Heaven Projects which require the material energies of a Financial Exchange to bring through the miracles and cover the Outer Plane expenses of the Projects.
QUESTION: If I have a specific question about this work, can I contact you for a direct answer?
ANSWER: You can use the Contact Us form to communicate your question and either I or a Heaven Consultant will get back to you.
The kinds of questions that I can answer in this kind of format are general ones about The Miracle School or The Heaven Project. Personal questions such as: "Should I marry ….?" or "What do I need to do to heal from … ?" all require indepth work on my part to bring through the precise information you require. These kinds of questions are best handled in a private Consultation. You can also email me your question for an upcoming Ask the Source Broadcast. In this format, however, I answer only a few of the questions asked in upcoming Broadcasts – only those that are in keeping with the Source Plan for that Broadcast. If you really want an indepth answer to a personal question, it is best to request a Consultation.
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School
In order to ask a question or request help in Ask the Source, you need to fill out the form below which includes the contact information that enables me to send you the Miracle Transmission by email.
I also request that all participants sign The Standard of Heaven Agreement which establishes the Miracle-Friendly Conditions under which I can work to help you build Heaven in your life.
By participating in this public forum you are agreeing that your questions, comments, or requests for help can be read and addressed in the Ask the Source Broadcast as well as be written and included in any of the materials of The Miracle School. For instance, if your question is one that aptly states a Frequently Asked Question to which I have yet to respond, it might be included in the Ask the Source: FAQ section of the web site. Your question might also become part of a book or other publication that contains a compilation of Ask the Source Question and Answers.
If you wish to ask a question and do not wish for this question to be used in any materials, then it is best to request a private Consultation. This is the only format in which I can go into depth about a personal request aside from the Ask the Source Broadcast.
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